Card index of role-playing games in the middle group. Outdoor games

A child's awareness of himself as a person and the discovery of the world around him begins in 3-4 years.

At a young age, the surrounding world is represented by the family, then with age it increases to the limits of the house, street, city. Children begin to learn about human relationships and accept playing roles, conduct role dialogue and develop the simplest pairing interaction with peers.

The plot role-playing games in the DOW

The older the child becomes, the richer his idea of ​​the world around him, the more diverse his play.

Disclosing a child through games

Psychologists say that in the process of games children do not just transform into other personalities, but enrich, deepen, expand and develop their own. Role-playing games in the preschool educational institution are one of the highest forms of development of children's games. They strongly affect the development of the child, focus attention, improve memory. The rules of the games, which are accumulated by the card index of role-playing games in the middle group, teach children to control themselves, to control impulsiveness, which contributes to the formation of character. When participating in games with peers, children learn to communicate, respect the opinions, actions and desires of others, build joint plans, defend their opinions.

Games at any age have their own characteristics. The card index of role-playing games in the middle group reflects the main ones.

For example, new ideas arise related to obtaining new knowledge from books, adult stories, television shows, etc. The most characteristic feature is the reflection of the relationship between people during work. Children at this age are aware that in joint affairs there is a need to help each other, be attentive and kind. Watching playing children, you can see the negative aspects of our lives, as the game reflects the child's understanding of the reality surrounding him.

Card file of plot role-playing games in the middle group

For example, observing the game of girls as mother’s daughters, one can see that one screams at her children, the other deals with the doll, tries on her outfits, reads to her, the third does more hairstyles and tries on outfits. So, through the game, you can see that it is from an adult relationship that the child considers himself the main one, considers it to be a model of behavior and imitation, you can draw conclusions about the characteristics of the child’s mental state, temperament, mood and feelings, you can notice his resentment, fears, pain, which he does not show to adults.

In a game, a child empowers himself with a power that is not available to him in the real world. Often, not knowing how to relate to a certain situation, he loses it again and again, trying to try on himself.

Educator role

The teacher, directing the course of the game in the right direction, can affect the child's attitude, help him overcome fears, overcome uncertainty. Children of any age adore joint role-playing games in a preschool educational institution. But often a little life experience, instability in the manifestation of feelings, inability to compromise one’s desires or interests can lead to the wrong course of the game, the destruction of friendships. Teachers, controlling the purpose of outdoor games, can help children choose the most interesting subjects in games, be more attentive to their friends, respect proposals and ideas of each other.

The task of the educator is to gradually complicate role-playing behavior in games, forming the ability of children to change their actions in accordance with the roles of partners, to assign their own and others' roles in the development of the game. This is very important in the future for creative and coordinated deployment of games with peers, for the flexibility of role-playing behavior of children.

Purpose of outdoor games

Games are used for the upbringing and comprehensive development of the child. The purpose of outdoor games is to use in them all kinds of human movements: run, walk, jump, catch. The child becomes sturdier, stronger, stronger. The lungs, the heart begin to work better, the metabolism in the body improves.

Purpose of outdoor games

In games, the satisfaction of the child’s body in active actions is used: catching up with someone, running away, dodging, portraying various animals, etc., while certain muscle groups are strengthened or trained. The kindergarten card file contains many games, which include all the variety of actions for the development of the child.

In the DOW, outdoor games are often used, in which, in addition to the basic movements, rhythmic clapping and tapping are used. Such games bring a lot of positive emotions to the child, motivate him to certain achievements. By conducting games, the teacher, depending on the physical development of children, can set various goals.

Game Card

A card file is a collection of cards compiled in a certain way, on which descriptions of games are given, their goals and main tasks are given. Teachers, creating card indexes, systematize games for further use in educational and gaming activities. At an older age, children themselves can use cards and independently organize pair and group games. Also, card files are created for the convenience of planning classes in each age category. The card index of role-playing games in the middle group is, for example, a catalog of outdoor games taking into account the main movements of this age: jumping, crawling, running, climbing, relay games.

card file games in kindergarten

For the convenience of using a file cabinet, game plates are marked with certain colors depending on the main type of movement. For example: running games - red, jumping - blue, throwing and catching - yellow, climbing and crawling - green, etc.

A card index of role-playing games in the middle group is a good helper in writing calendar plans, especially if the games are numbered. Then it’s enough to enter only its number, and the goals, objectives and content will already be written in the file cabinet. This significantly reduces the time and amount of writing calendar plans. During classes, cards with the right games can be easily found and used.

Example of a mobile game card

Card No. 1 Middle group. Run
The traps. Outdoor game

Objectives: to develop the child's speed and agility
Description: A trap is selected from children by means of a reading room. They put him in the middle. Children are on one side of the host. As soon as the teacher gave a strong message: “One, two, three - catch it!”, Everyone tries to run across to the other side, trying to dodge the trap. He tries to catch up with them and put his hand down. If he succeeds, the one he touches becomes the leader. As a result, the most agile trap is chosen.

Rules: The driver is selected by the reader. Children run away, he catches up and dumps children. The action takes place strictly at the signal of the educator.

Options: For a better orientation of the children, a trap is marked with some sign, for example, a hat, a bandage or a bow. If the trap is not very dexterous and cannot catch up with anyone for a long time, then the teacher can appoint another trap.

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