Chicken Wyandotte: description (photo)

The breed of chickens Wyandotte is considered one of the most versatile decorative breeds. They are grown not only because of eggs and meat. These beautiful birds are very friendly and attached to their owners. Due to the variety of color of feathers, they look great on any compound and serve as a decoration for the whole house. Chicken Wyandotte tolerates severe climatic conditions: even in the northern latitudes, it normally takes root. This article talks about how the Wyandots look, and how to keep these beauties.

Chickens Wyandotte: description

The body of Wyandotch chickens is round, compact, not too high, the back rises to the tail. The abdomen is round, the chest is wide. A small rounded head sits on a short neck. The earlobes, earrings and crest are red, the eyes are red-orange. Legs are medium length. The Wyandotte chickens, photos of which are now in front of you, have a distinctive feature - a beautiful magnificent short tail, decorated with pigtails.

Chicken Wyandotte

The average chicken Wyandotte in adulthood weighs 2.5-3 kg., The weight of the rooster reaches 3.5-4 kg.

History of the Wyandotte breed

The Wyandotte breed appeared in North America in the nineteenth century. The name of chickens has its own interesting story. They took it from an Indian tribe, whose colors were traditionally the same as in the plumage of birds of this breed.

As a result of the fruitful work of breeders in 1883, by crossing the famous breeds (Brahma, Kokhinhin, Leghorn, etc.), hens were bred - silver Wyandotte. The new species immediately gained great popularity and fame among poultry farmers.

The first representatives of this wonderful breed were introduced to Russia in 1911.

Breed of chickens Wyandotte: varieties

The work of breeders in breeding silver breed is not over. Over decades of work, more than fifteen varieties of Wyandotte chickens have been bred. The plumage of these species is simply amazing variety: black, white, silver, red, blue, golden-white, golden black-edged ...

chickens wyandotte silver

The most common form is silver Wyandotte. Silver hens got their name due to the gray-white color, which is the main color of feathers. This subspecies deserves the highest praise, as it is characterized by high quality meat products, excellent egg production and precocity. Their names very often changed: Colombian chickens, Sebrites, Excelsior ...


Chicken Wyandotte is considered egg-meat. Birds are early ripening, so it is profitable to grow them. Chickens quickly grow and gain weight. Young hens at six months old begin to rush. In the first year, one individual can produce about 200 eggs, but with each subsequent year, productivity decreases to 150 pieces. The eggs are tan, large, weighing 50-60 g.

chickens wyandotte

The breeders of Great Britain and Germany have bred a reduced subspecies of birds - dwarf Wyandotte. Cute babies are similar to their big brothers, only their weight in adulthood is only about one kilogram. They also carry small eggs - 35 g., In the amount of 110-120 pieces per year.

Care and maintenance

Chicken Wyandotte is appreciated by poultry farmers in different regions because it can quickly adapt to the terrain and can easily tolerate cold. And although the birds seem hardy, unpretentious, but this is not so, they need proper care.

In order for the egg production of the Wyandotte hens to be at a high level, you need to create the necessary light regime for them. To do this, when planning a chicken coop, choose a place not hidden in the shade. The chicken house should be bright and airy. When autumn comes and daylight becomes shorter, additional illumination will be required, otherwise the eggs will become much smaller.

In the chicken coop, based on how many birds will be kept in it, nests are built. It is recommended to arrange them low, since the Wyandotte chickens are rather large and heavy, they don’t really succeed in jumping high. For the same reason, perches are set horizontally. They must be durable, at a height of about 60 cm from the floor.

Walking for chickens of this breed, if possible, should be closed on all sides and even from above. This is, of course, not done so that the Wyandots do not fly into the sky, nature did not give them such an opportunity. A net on top of the aviary is required to isolate thoroughbred chickens from birds, as uninvited wild guests can infect pets with diseases. The Wyandotte breed, unfortunately, is susceptible to various infections and diseases. So it is necessary to protect their feathered wards from unwanted contacts with the outside world, and it is undesirable to keep them together with other breeds. When planning the number of “inhabitants” of a chicken coop, do not forget that there should be no more than ten “girls” per cock.


Earlier it was said that chickens of the Wyandot breed grow very quickly, but this happens subject to proper feeding. In this regard, chicks can be compared with broilers: the more you feed, the faster they grow.

breed of chickens

The diet of small Viandotas should consist of a large number of proteins and proteins, and easily digestible carbohydrates are also introduced into the composition of the feed. In the first days of life, newly hatched chicks are recommended to feed a boiled egg, chopped and sprinkled with semolina. Then carefully and gradually add to the feed dairy products, herbs, fish and meat waste ... So, caution with food for chickens is necessary during the first month. The grown Wyandotes can be transferred gradually to regular feed intended for adult chickens.

Mature birds, as well as small ones, need to be fed with proteins in order to guarantee high egg production. Care must be taken in dieting, as Wyandots are prone to obesity. To prevent this, it is recommended to feed with grain and add non-nutritive vitamin supplements.


Pure breed Wyandotte chickens are very rare in our country. In private estates, if they keep these beauties, then in small quantities. The price for both chickens and adult chickens is very high, because of this, everyone can not buy them. In order to preserve the pure genetic material of thoroughbred birds are bred in factories.

chickens Wyandotte description

You can purchase hatching eggs and thus replenish your poultry yard with such beauty. Thoroughbred birds are known for excellent hatchability and a high percentage of chick survival. The adult chicken Wyandotte has an excellent instinct for a brood hen, from which a caring mother is obtained.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear: the hens of the breed presented in the article will never make them feel sorry for their owner that he placed them in his chicken coop. These birds are the true pride of the lover of feathered animals.

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