Expectant mothers are always wary of what is included in their usual diet. This is especially true in the early stages of pregnancy. Sometimes even the most familiar products they can cause a number of doubts. Probably not one girl wondered whether kiwi is possible for pregnant women. Now we find out.
Qiwi - what kind of fruit is it?
Kiwi got its name from the usual little bird. It is not known what Alexander Allison wanted to say by this - the person who discovered this delicacy for humanity. Perhaps he hinted at the similarity or taste preferences of the feathered.
Today, there are more than 30 different varieties of this fruit. Among them there are kiwi with a peel, usual for us, only of other coloring, and exotic grades without a peel which can be eaten as a whole. Although the “shaggy” fruit is worth eating with the skin. It also contains many vitamins. The most popular in domestic supermarkets is the Hayward variety. Eat only ripe fruits. As a rule, on the shelves of the kiwi are still immature. The ripe fruit is soft to the touch, but without wrinkles on the skin. To fruit ripened at home, it can be temporarily put in one vase with bananas and oranges.
Nutritional and biological value of fruit
In order to answer the question of whether kiwi can be pregnant, you need to analyze its composition. Based on the nutritional and biological value of the product, it will be possible to draw further conclusions.
So, first of all, consider the energy value of the product. During pregnancy, it is very important to control your weight, it should be within normal limits. The energy value of kiwi is 61 kcal per 100 g of product. As we can see, from this side it does not carry a danger in itself. The protein in this fruit is 1.14 g, fat - 0.52 g, carbohydrates - 14.66 g. Here, the indicators also look normal.
Kiwi is a source of vitamin C, it contains as much as 92.7 mg. Further in descending order: B9 - 1.8 mg, B3 - 0.36 mg, B6 - 0.2 mg, vitamins A, B1, B2 are contained in a small amount. In addition, in kiwi there are many minerals and trace elements: potassium, calcium, fluorine and more. Therefore, in terms of nutritional and biological value, the benefits of kiwi during pregnancy are undeniable.
Kiwi benefits for a child
But first of all, the expectant mother does not care about herself, but about the health of her baby. A simple listing of the vitamins that are contained in the product cannot answer the question of whether kiwi can be pregnant. To fully understand the likely benefits of this fruit, you need to find out how it affects the child.
Vitamin C is the record holder in terms of specific gravity, that's why we will start with it. This component is actively involved in the formation of the fetal membrane, which is the protection of your baby. It also provides regular oxygen to the baby. Next is vitamin B9, in simple words - folic acid. Can kiwi be pregnant in the early stages? Sure! Folic acid is known to be prescribed during pregnancy planning and in its early stages. Vitamin B9 significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage in the first trimester and has an effect on the formation of the placenta.
If you are still thinking about whether you can eat kiwi or not for pregnant women, remember the minerals it contains. Potassium is needed for the formation of bones, the nervous system, muscles and the main human organ - the heart. And fluorine takes part in the formation of the baby’s milk teeth. Therefore, in relation to the vitamin value, kiwi is a rare fruit.
Benefits for the expectant mother
At that time, when a woman carries a child, a lot depends on her health and well-being. Kiwi, in turn, is able to help her in maintaining a good mood, while she does not need to resort to all kinds of vitamin complexes.
The benefits of kiwi during pregnancy:
- boosts immunity;
- prevents swelling;
- improves the functioning of the nervous system;
- increases blood coagulability;
- helps to cope with toxicosis;
- accelerates metabolism, promotes blood formation, etc.
And this is only a small part of the benefits this fruit can bring. Its vitamin composition is truly unique. Vitamins C, B9, B3, B6, A are part of all expensive vitamin complexes. So why get them artificially if you can just eat a few kiwi fruits ?!
Kiwi Against Toxicosis
Toxicosis is not the most rosy symptom of pregnancy. Sometimes he can harass a woman not only in the early stages, but even right up to the birth. If in the first trimester it is possible to “cross over” it somehow, then in the future a woman will need a clear and thought-out mechanism to combat toxicosis. Kiwi for pregnant women, the benefits and harms of which are, of course, very important, really helps to cope with toxicosis.
Many women in their own experience have noted that fruits that have a sour taste do well with poor health. Kiwi fruits have always been sour due to their high vitamin C content. Eating them to cope with toxicosis is worth small slices, but very often. For example, one small piece once an hour. Judging by the reviews on thematic forums, such a tool is very effective. If kiwi as a fighter with toxicosis did not suit you, listen to your body. No one, except the expectant mother, will be able to determine exactly which remedy is best for her.
Harm Kiwi
To the question of whether it is possible to pregnant kiwi, I would like to hear a more detailed answer. After all, this fruit carries a possible threat that could adversely affect the condition of the future mother and her baby. Well, firstly, the first side effect of its use can be an allergy. This applies to those women who have not tried it before their pregnancy. Kiwis, as a rule, are not classified as allergens, but it is still better to play it safe and start introducing it gradually into your diet.
There is one category of women who should give up this fruit during pregnancy. These are girls with stomach ailments. These include gastritis, ulcers, kidney pathologies. The fact is that kiwi is 84% water, therefore, due to its use, the load on the kidneys and bladder increases, and excess acid can cause pain in the stomach.
One way or another, for a healthy pregnant woman, the use of kiwi will only benefit. But you should not get too carried away, because in everything you need to know the measure. Therefore, 1-2 fresh fruits in the daily diet will make the mother happy and the baby healthy.