Why do children hiccup in the womb? Versions and Assumptions

Each person knows firsthand such an unpleasant phenomenon as hiccups. But meanwhile, it affects not only adults, but also babies that have not yet been born. It’s very simple to notice: the mummy’s tummy begins to tremble as if from something. For some women, this happens infrequently - only a couple of times a week, while others encounter alarming symptoms several times a day from 3-5 minutes to half an hour. Why do children hiccup in the womb?

In fact, this question is still poorly studied by experts, and therefore all possible causes are only theoretical assumptions.

Version number 1

why do children hiccup in the womb

It is believed that one of the reasons why children hiccup in the womb is fetal hypoxia, in other words, lack of oxygen. However, it cannot be assumed that hiccups are one of the key symptoms of hypoxia.

Intrauterine hypoxia can cause a number of disorders and abnormalities in the development of the baby. It is diagnosed only after special examinations: ultrasound (makes it possible to see the condition of the placenta and analyze blood flow between the mother and fetus), as well as cardiotocography (measuring uterine activity and heart rate).

Nevertheless, in practice it very often turns out that newborns who hiccuped before birth are born completely healthy and without the slightest sign of hypoxia.

do children hiccup in the womb

Version number 2

Another possible answer to the question of why children hiccup in the womb is excessive drinking of amniotic fluid. It has long been known that, while in the mother’s tummy, babies regularly make swallowing movements. Due to this, a large amount of fluid can accumulate in the fetal stomach. Hiccup is a kind of protective reflex to get rid of all that is superfluous. It is believed that children are especially active in starting to swallow water if mommy eats a lot of sweets.

Version number 3

Why do children hiccup in the womb? Some scientists believe that this is due to pinching of the vagus nerve. The nerve sends alarm signals to the brain, the same, in turn, gives the diaphragm a command to contract to release the nerve. And hiccups themselves are obtained due to the fact that air jerks out of the lungs through a closed glottis.

According to some experts studying why children hiccup in the womb, this is a good sign that the formation of the central nervous system has completed in the baby’s body. That is, the crumb from this time is able to control processes of this type itself, and therefore hiccups that appear from time to time are a reason for joy!

Version number 4

why do children hiccup in the womb

Some researchers hold a different theory. According to them, hiccups are a kind of “test run” of the respiratory apparatus, as well as a kind of preparation for sucking. That is, babies, while still in the amniotic fluid, learn to breathe and use the diaphragm in these exercises. There is even an opinion that those babies that often hiccuped while in their mother’s tummy breathe well and suckle their breasts.

Do children hiccup in the womb? Of course yes! The best way to get rid of unpleasant symptoms is to change the position of the body, perform a couple of simple physical exercises or go for a walk in the fresh air. And in order to finally dispel all suspicions, it is best to go for a visit to a doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy.

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