Herpes during pregnancy: consequences and diagnosis

For a future mother, any disease is undesirable. However, there is a group of the most dangerous diseases, which with a high degree of probability can lead to pathology of pregnancy and the fetus, and even to its termination. These are the so-called TORCH infections. Today, every woman in a position passes tests on them without fail.

Herpes is considered the most dangerous disease during pregnancy because of its widespread prevalence among the population, as well as the ability to asymptomatic course. The first type of this virus infected more than 90% of the population. Basically, it is in an inactive state and manifests itself only with a weakening of immunity, which occurs during hypothermia, overheating, physical and emotional overstrain, and serious illness. Pregnancy is also accompanied by a weakening of the body's defenses, so an exacerbation of this disease may occur.

With herpes, small vesicles appear on the lips, under the nose and its wings, auricles. Then they are covered with a crust, which disappears after 1-2 weeks. In addition, a person may have increased fatigue, a feeling of fatigue, sleep disturbances, and a slight increase in temperature.

There is also genital herpes, the cause of which is mainly the second type of virus. It also manifests itself, however, rashes occur on the genitals and cervix. Infection occurs through sexual contact.

Herpes is especially dangerous during pregnancy during primary infection, when there are still no antibodies to the virus in the woman’s blood. If it occurred in the first trimester, then with a high probability a miscarriage or serious malformations in the fetus may occur. When infected in the last trimester, the birth of a dead child or with brain damage is possible.

If herpes during pregnancy worsened less than a month before the expected birth, then it is possible that the child is infected when passing through the birth canal. In this case, a caesarean section is recommended.

If the woman was a carrier or had the virus before conception, then herpes during pregnancy is less frightening for the fetus. However, it is better to exclude exacerbations, and in case of their occurrence, immediately consult a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

Ideally, even before pregnancy, do an analysis and determine the level of immunoglobulins G and M, with both types of virus. A positive IGG result indicates that the woman is already infected, then in each trimester it is worth checking the level of IGM, its increased value will indicate an exacerbation. In this situation, not all medicines can be used, but herpes during pregnancy, the consequences of which are catastrophic, must be treated without fail.

If only IGM is elevated during pregnancy planning, this indicates a primary infection. Then you should be treated, and only then try to conceive a child. And then also in each trimester determine the level of IGM.

If both IGM and IGG are elevated, then this indicates an exacerbation of the chronic process. It is necessary to be cured, and then only try to get pregnant. Check IGM level in each trimester.

If neither IGM nor IGG are elevated, then the woman is not infected and she should be wary of this during pregnancy. Of all the above, this is the most undesirable option. Then every three months during pregnancy she needs to determine both IGM and IGG.

If tests were not taken before pregnancy, then it is advisable to do them as soon as possible. If we are talking about genital herpes, then a monthly smear from the genital tract should be done for the presence of the virus by PCR. In any case, you must take care of yourself: do not contact with sick people, do not overcool, increase immunity.

Thus, herpes during pregnancy, especially genital, can have very serious consequences. Primary infection is extremely dangerous, therefore it is better to check the level of antibodies in the blood before pregnancy, and then monitor it in every trimester. Pregnant women should protect themselves from infection, and if it happened immediately consult a doctor and be treated.

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