We are exploring how to set a password on WiFi

Now almost every family has several Internet users, and in their apartment or house they connect devices to the network via a Wi-Fi router. Initially, how to set a password on WiFi, nobody really

how to set a password on wifi

I thought, since there were few such devices and this was not important. Now, many phones, not to mention smartphones, tablets and laptops / netbooks, have a WiFi unit, and everyone wants to use the free Internet. We will counteract this!

The point is not even that you are sorry to distribute your traffic, for example, to neighbors. The problem is that, if desired, these neighbors can excommunicate you from their own Internet by putting the code into the input, and with good knowledge of technology, they can seriously harm your computer.

WiFi? , . . , . , . , admin. . : , .

how to set up a wifi router

The overall design of the settings section may vary slightly between different models, but the system itself, essentially, remains the same. We are looking for the wireless item, one of the options for the path to it: Inetrface setup> wireless. We are considering the English version of the menu and the lack of a book with instructions, since with a Russian menu any β€œkettle” can configure WiFi.

We find there Authentication Type, select, for example, wpa-psk, or another type of encryption, look for the very place where, finally, you need to enter the password. We introduce it - and that’s it, the job is done. We save the settings, and now no one, except people who know the code, will connect to your Internet. When deciding how to set a password on WiFi, try to make it impossible for anyone to guess or crack. Come up with a combination of numbers and letters no shorter than eight characters.

configure wifi

Pay attention to the name of your network. If it is similar to others located nearby, then change it in the SSID line. If you still find it difficult to do all of the above, then invite a specialist or contact the technical support of your provider.

It also happens that the task of setting a password on WiFi is much more complicated if you were unable to get into the router interface for any reason. In this case, you will have to reset all its settings. To do this, you need to press the Reset button for something recessed on the back panel for a few seconds.

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