Milbemax: analogue, instructions for use, reviews

"Milbemax" is a drug whose action is aimed at the treatment and prevention of helminthic infestations in pets. It must be used strictly according to the instructions in order to avoid negative consequences.

There are less dangerous analogues of Milbemax, which are also well established among animal lovers. The article will describe in detail the effect of the drug, instructions for its use and analogues.

What is the drug


Milbemax is a combined deworming medicine that effectively fights intestinal parasites in animals:

  • cestodes;
  • nematodes and their larvae;
  • round tapeworms;

Milbemax tablets are intended for worms in puppies, kittens and adult cats and dogs.

Release form and composition

The medicine is available in several versions:

  • For small dogs and puppies, elongated white tablets are sold.
  • Beige-brown elongated tablets with beveled edges are available for young cats and kittens.
  • Round white tablets are intended for adult dogs.
  • For adult cats, a red medicine and a slightly elongated shape is purchased.

The main active ingredients of the drug are praziquantel and milbemycin oxime. These substances effectively destroy most types of worms that affect the body of pets.

The Milbemax also includes:

  • povidone;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • croscarmellose sodium;
  • lactose monohydrate.

How does Milbemax work

Milbemycin penetrates into blood plasma and acts on helminth larvae for several hours, causing paralysis and death in them, after which the substance is completely excreted from the body.

Praziquantel has a damaging effect on nematodes and cestodes by acting on parasite cells. The peak concentration of the substance is reached 1-4 hours after application of the drug. The substance completely leaves the body after two days.

When the use of the drug is indicated

There are a number of symptoms upon detection of which anthelmintic drugs are indicated, in particular Milbemax:

  • stool problems
  • the animal fidgets on the pope;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • dermatitis appears;
  • the animal is sick, vomits;
  • the coat becomes dull and falls out;
  • there is profuse salivation;
  • the animal becomes lethargic;
  • in the feces there are traces of worms or their larvae.

If the owner has found these signs, you must take the animal to the veterinarian or give Milbemax yourself according to the instructions.

Instructions for use

give a pill to a dog

Milbemax tablets are used once, in conjunction with a meal. It is necessary to check that the animal ate a pill. Otherwise, the medicine is placed on the root of the tongue, after which the jaws of the animal are compressed until it swallows the pill.

Before using Milbemax, you must carefully read the dosage. If it is exceeded, poisoning of the animal is possible.

Before vaccinating the animal, it is necessary to swallow a couple of weeks before the proposed vaccination. As a preventive measure, Milbemax tablets should be given to the pet every 90 days.

In order to cure an animal from worms, Milbemax should be given once every 7 days for a month. As soon as the summer season begins, deworming must be carried out. Also, from worms, you need to treat your pet every month until the end of the season.

Dosage for feline

milbemax for kittens

  • Kittens from 500 g to 1 kg give half a beige tablet.
  • Cats weighing 1 to 2 kg should be given one beige pill.
  • An animal that weighs 2-4 kg is given ½ of a red tablet.
  • A cat weighing about 4-8 kg should drink 1 red pill.
  • A large cat that has reached 8-12 kg or more should be given 1.5 red tablets.

Dosage for puppies and older dogs

  • For those puppies that have already reached 1 kg, half the children's dosage will be needed.
  • For puppies weighing from 1 to 5 kg, 1 tablet is required.
  • Puppies and medium-sized dogs that have reached 5-10 kg need to be given a medicine in the amount of 2 pieces intended for puppies.
  • Adult dogs weighing 5 to 25 kg will need 1 tablet for an adult animal.
  • Dogs with a heavier weight (25-50 kg) should eat 2 tablets.
  • Large pets with a body weight of 50-75 kg should be given 3 adult tablets.


The medicine is in some cases contraindicated in animals. In this case, the doctor will pick up an analogue of Milbemax. Here is a list of contraindications:

milbemax for puppies

  • The presence of infectious diseases in animals.
  • If the pet is diagnosed with renal or hepatic impairment.
  • With severe depletion in the pet.
  • If a cat or dog is hypersensitive to the ingredients of the drug.
  • If the kitten or puppy is less than 2 weeks old or they weigh up to 500 grams.
  • If the female is pregnant, Milbemax can be prescribed only after the recommendation of the veterinarian.

In any dosage, Milbemax is contraindicated in puppies of the following dog breeds: sheltie, bobtail, collie. In these animals, there is always an excessive sensitivity to some components of the drug.

Side effects

With the correct use of the drug and observing the dosage, side effects are not observed.

If you give the animal a little more preparation than expected, it may experience increased salivation, depression, impaired coordination, body tremors, muscle paresis. These symptoms will disappear on their own within a day.

If your pet has an individual intolerance, an allergy can develop. In this case, antihistamines are prescribed to the dog.

Analogs of Milbemax

milbemax for animals

In veterinary pharmacies, there are foreign and domestic Milbemax substitutes on sale:

  • Kanikvantel. This is a gel preparation that is convenient to give to an animal. Comes with a 6 ml syringe. Medication for pregnant cats and dogs is prohibited.
  • Febtal Combo. This is an anthelmintic agent in the form of a suspension, which can be given to puppies and small dogs.
  • Drontal Plus is one of the most famous analogues of Milbemax. This medicine has a small list of contraindications and side effects due to low toxicity.
  • "Pratel" is an economical version of an anthelmintic. It can be sold individually.
  • "Dosalid" - perfectly copes with cestodes and nematodes in pets.
  • "Helmimax" is a combined action drug that is safe for puppies and older animals. He effectively fights 13 types of worms and is not addictive.

Such substitutes are usually prescribed by veterinarians if, after taking Milbemax, the pet has side effects or there are contraindications.

special instructions

When working with Milbemax, you must follow safety precautions. Before and after treating the animal, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

If the drug accidentally gets inside, you need to drink as much water as possible and contact a medical institution. Milbemax is toxic to humans, fish, aquatic animals and underwater plants.


Milbemax reviews

Reviews about Milbemax, the instructions for use of which you read above, are mostly positive. Pet owners note the high effectiveness of the drug and the small size of the tablets, so the animal eats them with food.

However, some dogs and cats, especially small ones, have to force-feed the drug. Some grind a tablet and give it with water or liquid food.

Of the minuses, the high cost of the drug is also noted, but this is due to its effectiveness. Such a medicine is recommended by both breeders and veterinarians.

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