The temperature in a child of 2 years without symptoms: causes, treatment methods

The temperature in a child of 2 years without symptoms causes anxiety in parents. If the baby feels weak, looks lethargic and inactive, this inevitably disturbs the mother and leads to the most worried thoughts. Do not panic right away! Sometimes an elevated temperature does not carry any serious inflammation.

Signs of fever

Just yesterday, a two-year-old kid ran and played, laughed merrily and made all kinds of tricks, but today he is unusually quiet and calm. He doesn’t play toys, he doesn’t look at cartoons. He looks lethargic and moody. A worried mother feels her baby forehead and feels an increased head fever. The thermometer inexorably raises mercury to a mark of 37 and above. The condition of the baby in this case may be as follows:

  • lethargy;
  • redness of the eyes, face and cheeks;
  • sleeping condition;
  • swollen lips;
  • moodiness;
  • general weakness.
The heat in the baby

Fever and Cold Symptoms

If the temperature occurs in a 2-year-old child without symptoms, this causes anxiety in adults and leads to worried thoughts about what happens to the baby.

Usually, fever and chills appear in children, coupled with signs of a cold:

  • dry or wet cough;
  • sore and reddened throat;
  • runny nose and profuse flow from the nose;
  • wheezing in the chest area.

Colds cause great anxiety in parents, however, are a familiar ailment. If the fever is caused by a sore throat, flu or SARS, mothers know how to overcome the disease and what to do in such situations.

But if there are no accompanying signs, the panic overcomes the parents, brings with it a lot of anxiety and a wide variety of exciting assumptions.

Kid got sick

Temperature without symptoms: causes

There are several factors in connection with which the temperature in a child of 2 years without symptoms is possible. They do not carry serious diseases and are most often quite harmless:

  1. Teeth are cut. In children of this age, teething is quite problematic and worried: there is a fever, the gums swell, salivation, weakness and lethargy increase, cheekbones are painfully reacting.
  2. In a child, a temperature of 37 without symptoms can be caused by overheating. This is a frequent occurrence in the warm season. When a baby spends a long time on the street, under the rays of the scorching sun and without a headdress, he may suffer from heat stroke, which causes weakness and fever.
  3. An increase in temperature in a 2-year-old child without symptoms can be caused by an allergic reaction. All kinds of allergens surrounding the baby cause him fever and redness of his cheeks. It is important to inspect the area for allergenic sources. They can be both plants and domestic animals. Children may be allergic to dust particles or a certain type of product.
  4. A child develops a temperature of 38.5 without symptoms if vaccination was given the day before. This is considered a normal fact, you should not worry about this. The vaccine contains a small proportion of pathogens that can cause the body to respond in the form of fever.
  5. Stress and various experiences are capable of causing a temperature without symptoms in a child. Children's unrest lead the body to appropriate actions and cause an increase in temperature. Experiences can be of a different nature: the upcoming holiday or trip, strangers, punishment or infringement of the child, whims and the desire to get the desired toy or item.
Crying baby

Serious causes of heat in a child

There are more serious reasons, not counting colds, in which the temperature in a child of 2 years without symptoms increases:

  1. If a child is diagnosed with heart disease, then the reaction of the child's body to a change in climatic conditions can cause fever and chills. Earlier hardening procedures will help the baby cope with such a reaction.
  2. One of the important signs of a temperature of 38 in a child of 2 years without symptoms may be the penetration of external pathogens of the infection and virus into the body. The child's immunity enters the fight against viral elements, as a result of which there is a fever. After some time, other manifestations of the infection may appear: nausea, vomiting, coughing or sore throat, various rashes.
chickenpox in a baby

Attention to the child

The appearance in a child without symptoms of a temperature of 39 or lower causes anxiety and nervousness of the parents. They indulge in disturbing thoughts: whether it is worth resorting to medical care or to overcome the ailment on their own and with the medicines available at home. In some cases, unpleasant sensations and childhood fever are allowed to be dispensed with folk remedies, but in certain cases it is better to consult a pediatrician.

State under control

When a temperature without symptoms in a 2-year-old child occurs due to uncertain circumstances, it is necessary to carefully monitor its behavior.

Take a closer look at the baby for two days, noting its condition on the following items:

  1. Does inertia appear? How long has the baby been weak?
  2. How does he eat? Has his appetite improved? How does he feel after eating?
  3. How long does the temperature last after knocking it down? How much does it rise, stay stable or change?
  4. Are there other symptoms that will help determine my baby’s diagnosis?

Usually, after a couple of days, an increase in temperature is accompanied by other concomitant symptoms of the disease. If this does not happen, seek medical attention on the fourth day.

high temperature

Reception at the pediatrician

The doctor will examine the small patient and establish the correct diagnosis, in connection with which the temperature rises in a 39 child without symptoms. Lower temperatures have almost the same causes.

To determine the disease, the doctor will prescribe some tests:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • blood analysis.

According to the results, the pediatrician will be able to establish, as a result of which the temperature in a child of 2 years without symptoms increases.

One of the most common diseases can be these pathological processes:

  • urinary tract infection;
  • kidney disease
  • manifestations of lesions in other organs of the internal system.

Important rules for parents

When the temperature rises to 38 without symptoms in a child of 2 years, parents can provide first aid and bring down the increased degree. In such situations, do not panic. It is important to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not bring down the temperature in a child of 37 without symptoms. This is a rather small temperature, with which the children's body can cope on its own. Excessive intervention can lower a fragile immune system.
  2. When the degree rises to around 38, the temperature is brought down by physical exposure: wiped with a wet towel, give a plentiful drink, give the child a linden decoction and tea with lemon, use compresses with vinegar diluted in water.
  3. If the temperature exceeds the figure 38.5 on the thermometer, the child needs to take medications that lower the fever.

It is necessary to observe the condition and well-being of the baby, not to fall into despair. Perhaps it is age-related changes that affect the children's body.

Only calm

Young parents are lost and do not know what to do with the temperature without symptoms in the child. How to cope with a fever, is it worth lowering the fever without medical intervention? Moms and dads are anxiously asking such questions, as a result, they fuss too much. First of all, you need to calm down and pull yourself together. Elevated temperature in a small child is a common occurrence, which disappears without a trace in most cases.

How to lower the temperature

Children are easier than an adult to tolerate fever, especially if they are not accompanied by any other symptoms. However, high fever must be lowered. During high temperature, the child is disturbed by chills, weakness, excessive sweating and headache. The baby should be closely watched and monitor its condition.

To bring down the temperature, to improve the well-being of the child, you need to resort to the right actions and not fuss:

  1. Ventilate the room. In the absence of a child, open a window or window to let in fresh air.
  2. Carry out a quick wet cleaning. Wipe the floors in those places where there is no carpet, walk with a damp cloth on the shelves, tables and window sills.
  3. Install water containers in the children's bedroom to humidify indoor air. Hang wet towels, pillowcases or other cloth on batteries, chairs or the headboard. A sense of moisture in the room is necessary. Dry, warm air can increase temperature.
  4. Put your child in a nightgown or pajamas and put him to bed. Cover the baby with a light blanket. This is an important point: a warm, heavy blanket will aggravate a fever, and a too thin feather bed will not warm a baby who is chilled.
  5. Give the patient a plentiful drink. Put a bottle of purified water next to the crib. You can add a few drops of lemon to the liquid. Linden broth, tea with raspberries or a weak infusion with lemon fight against fever. Give the crumbs drinks not hot, but warm, as often as possible.
  6. Probably, the baby will refuse to eat. Do not insist, but offer something from light warm dishes. Do not forget about fruits and products with vitamin C. This useful substance normalizes the functions of the immune system and helps reduce body temperature. Vitamin C is contained in such products: rosehip broth, kiwi, wild strawberries, blackcurrant, parsley, pepper, cabbage (cauliflower, white and Brussels sprouts), orange, grapefruit, mandarin, sorrel, onions, garlic, radishes, tomatoes, beets, carrots, mandarin. Mostly vitamin C is present in ascorbic acid. At elevated temperatures, you can give your child a couple of vitamins.
heavy drink

Will become easier

The measures taken will reduce the heat by a couple of marks and eliminate the threat of exposure to the brain, which becomes a danger at temperatures above 41 degrees. When the temperature drops, the crumbs will become easier, breathing, heat transfer functions are normalized.

Antipyretic drugs

When a child of 2 years old has a temperature of 39 without symptoms, she is steadily at a high level, you can not help with simple means. Baby needs medicines and antipyretic drugs. They should be prescribed by the attending physician. If there is no way to consult a doctor at the moment, consult your pharmacist at the nearest pharmacy. He will advise what medicines are best to bring down the temperature of a two-year-old baby. Experienced mothers can cope with this task on their own.

At elevated temperatures, small children are most often prescribed the following medications:

  • Nurofen suspension;
  • syrup and candles "Panadol",
  • "Paracetamol" in suspension and tabletted;
  • "Tsefekon D".

If the health status of the crumbs requires proper treatment, the following drugs are required in the pharmacy:

  • antivirus products;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • immunostimulants;
  • antibiotics
  • electrolytes;
  • vitamins.

Do not neglect the help and recommendations of a pediatrician. Try to avoid self-medication.

recovered baby

Possible diseases

If the child’s temperature rose without other symptoms and was triggered by external causes, such as overheating, overexcitation, stressful experiences, then with such actions it may no longer appear. If a child of 2 years old, the temperature of 38.5 without symptoms was eliminated, it is still necessary to show it to a pediatrician. Indeed, in this case, serious ailments that only a doctor can identify can be hidden in the child’s body.

The cause of a child’s fever may be the following:

  • malfunction of the immune system;
  • disturbed process of thermoregulation of the body;
  • the development of bacterial and viral diseases in the children's body.

In this case, the elimination of temperature will not be sufficient treatment. The baby must be shown to the pediatrician, who will make the correct diagnosis, prescribe the appropriate therapy. In some more severe cases, with serious ailments, hospitalization is possible. Parents should not despair. Timely action, medical care and a positive attitude will soon help put the child on its feet. And the baby will again be healthy and cheerful.

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