Frozen pregnancy: causes, first signs, diagnosis and treatment

One of the worst tragedies in the life of every woman is considered a frozen pregnancy. This phenomenon is far from uncommon, despite following all the recommendations from the gynecologist. Awareness of the interrupted life of the baby in the womb can cause depression in failed parents.

Medical certificate

A frozen pregnancy is an abnormality leading to the death of a fetus or embryo. It can be described as a failed miscarriage, because the death of tissues is not accompanied by symptoms characteristic of spontaneous abortion. If we turn to statistics, the numbers do not look intimidating. For 180 cases of healthy gestation in the womb, there is only one, ending in fading. The frequency of abortion for this reason is 15-20%.

A frozen pregnancy does not differ in selectivity. This unpleasant diagnosis can be heard by both a large couple and parents awaiting a first-born. However, having a child with an existing subconscious fear cannot be lost again. You can save the baby and your own psychological attitude if you competently plan and follow the recommendations of the gynecologist. In addition, the expectant mother should know the first signs of fetal freezing, so that in case of danger, immediately respond to the problem. We will dwell on these issues in more detail in today's article.

Features of pathogenesis

Initially, nothing portends trouble. After successful fertilization, the embryo enters the uterus, where it is fixed on its loose surface. However, for several reasons, the program for the further development of new life fails, and the fetus stops growing.

Immediate miscarriage does not occur, therefore, the picture of the usually ongoing pregnancy still persists for some time. In the blood, the values ​​of hCG increase exponentially, the uterus grows, and the woman herself intuitively feels her interesting position. These false signs persist until the placental abruption. After it, all manifestations begin to gradually fade away.

Sometimes the embryo after successful conception does not form at all. In this case, only the membranes appear in the uterus. A similar phenomenon is considered to be a special case of a missed pregnancy.

Why does the fruit stop growing?

Gynecologists cannot unambiguously indicate the exact causes of fetal freezing. In the first weeks, pathology, as a rule, arises due to severe malformations in the embryo that are incompatible with life. Genetic causes of a missed pregnancy are diagnosed in 70% of cases.

At a later date, the death of the baby is provoked by the woman's viral and infectious diseases. By them, first of all, rubella and STDs are meant. Much less often, abdominal injuries resulting from a fall or impact contribute to this.

Also, there are cases when a fully developing pregnancy freezes for no apparent reason. Some women have several similar cases in a row. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive examination with specialized specialists before the next pregnancy planning.

Gynecologists distinguish a whole group of factors, the impact on the body of which can provoke fading:

  • father’s smoking during child planning;
  • drinking a woman in her first trimester of pregnancy;
  • uncontrolled medication;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • STD infection (gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, etc.);
  • endocrine system diseases (e.g., diabetes mellitus);
  • the presence of a Rhesus conflict;
  • regular stress;
  • weight lifting.

The risk group includes women with multiple abortions and / or miscarriages in history, congenital malformations of the uterus. Old-born women, whose age has exceeded the mark of 35 years, for the same reason, are under the constant supervision of a doctor.

the cause of a frozen pregnancy

Symptoms of early fetal fading

The most reliable method for detecting fetal fading in the initial stages is ultrasound. Through ultrasound, you can estimate the heart rate in a growing fetus. A normally developing pregnancy is also confirmed by the results of a blood test to determine the levels of the hCG hormone. Every day its level should increase exponentially.

The expectant mother can independently identify a threat to health at the first sign of a missed pregnancy in the early stages. First, she develops copious spotting from the external genitalia. This symptom may be accompanied by cramping pains in the lower abdomen. If a woman previously suffered from toxicosis, then with a fade, all manifestations of malaise disappear sharply. Healthy appetite is replacing nausea, taste whims disappear.

If these disorders appear, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. Otherwise, intoxication may occur. This condition is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, increasing weakness and pallor of the skin. The temperature during a frozen pregnancy usually rises sharply to 39-40 degrees. Blood pressure drops, and the pulse becomes threadlike. A woman quickly develops sepsis. If she is not provided with emergency medical care, a fatal outcome is possible.

early pregnancy

Manifestations of pathology in the II trimester

Signs in the second trimester of a dead pregnancy are more pronounced. The general condition suddenly worsens, the temperature is set at around 37-38 degrees. The woman is very shivering, tormented by cramping pains in the lower abdomen and lower back. Reddish stains may appear on underwear. The mammary glands lose their shape and become less elastic. The abdomen is reduced in volume and "stony". The child stops moving. Unfortunately, these symptoms appear only 5 days after the actual fetal death.

In some cases, the symptomatic picture of the pathology does not appear at all. The woman is not worried about the deterioration of health. The abdomen continues to grow rapidly, and blood tests confirm pregnancy. Doctors explain this phenomenon by the fact that it is not the baby that grows, but the empty intratrucule membrane.

missed pregnancy second trimester

Identification of the fact of fetal freezing

Only a doctor can confirm an early pregnancy. Therefore, when alarming symptoms appear, immediately call a team of medical workers. Diagnosis of pathology is based on the following examination methods:

  1. Examination on a gynecological chair to assess the size of the uterus.
  2. Blood test for hormones. However, hCG levels may remain normal for several days after fetal death.
  3. Ultrasonography. Ultrasound pregnancy is very easy to recognize by the absence of a baby’s heartbeat.

After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor should choose a set of therapeutic procedures for the woman.

Ultrasound during pregnancy

Further actions of doctors

Treatment for a woman is prescribed immediately. For medical reasons, an abortion is prescribed. If you do not seek medical help on time, the fetus will begin to decompose. This phenomenon is dangerous inflammation and severe intoxication of the woman's body.

Interruption is possible in two ways: medication and surgical. The first is resorted to in the early stages of a dead pregnancy. In order for the fetal egg to leave the body of the uterus, the woman is given the potent hormonal drug Mifepristone and left under observation. After some time, profuse spotting should begin, indicating the removal of an inanimate embryo. After this procedure, prostaglandins are additionally prescribed, and then a control ultrasound. The examination is carried out in order to make sure that the uterine cavity is empty.

The surgical treatment option involves vacuum aspiration or curettage. With a frozen pregnancy, this method of treatment is used in complicated cases. The procedure is performed on an empty stomach using general anesthesia or local anesthesia. First, the doctor cleanses the genitals with antiseptic solutions. Then it expands the uterus with medical instruments to facilitate surgical procedures. After that, they begin to cleanse the uterine cavity.

There is also a third option. The woman herself in the early stages does not have time to realize that she will soon become a mother. Spontaneous abortion occurs. If the fetus has stopped developing almost from the first days of life, the body rejects it, mistaking it for a foreign body. The woman at the same time notices only a delay in menstruation. In some cases, doctors prefer to monitor the patient's condition. In fact, they are waiting for a spontaneous abortion so as not to interfere with the body.

curettage for a frozen pregnancy

Frozen pregnancy: treatment

The rehabilitation period after medical abortion is short. You can start re-planning a child only after 6 months. Recovery after curettage during a frozen pregnancy has a longer period and involves douching, taking medications prescribed by your doctor. Menstruation usually begins in 25-30 days, but the course of treatment should be continued. Otherwise, the pathology will appear again.

A woman must undergo a comprehensive examination of the body in order to avoid fatal complications during the rehabilitation period. As a rule, blood and urine tests are prescribed, according to which the hormonal background is evaluated. If necessary, it is stabilized with drugs.

Histology after pathology is carried out along with tests for genital infections. In the role of biological material is part of the uterine flesh. Statistics show that this laboratory test allows you to determine why pregnancy freezes.

Possible consequences

If such a problem still comes to life, it needs to be addressed in a timely manner. Only the woman’s vigilance and the right decisions by doctors can reduce the likelihood of developing postoperative complications. Any procrastination may be worth the life. Other unpleasant consequences of a missed pregnancy are presented below:

  • infertility;
  • difficulties in re-conception;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • psychological health problems;
  • deep depression.
depression after a frozen pregnancy

Prevention Methods

Fetal freezing negatively affects not only the woman’s health, but also the desire to subsequently have children again. However, you should not be afraid to get pregnant again. The prognosis after freezing of the fetus is in most cases favorable.

In order to prevent the repetition of the already passed “scenario”, parents must undergo a diagnostic examination. First of all, it is recommended that the couple take blood tests for hormones of the genital area and thyroid gland. In the process of such an examination, latent infections are often found that require treatment before planning. The following is a list of basic procedures that are standardly assigned to prospective parents:

  1. Cytogenetic analysis.
  2. Histological examination of uterine tissue.
  3. Ultrasound
  4. The study of bacterial flora.
  5. Blood test for hormones.
  6. Studying the features of the karyotype.
  7. Blood test for latent infections.
  8. Spermogram.
  9. The immunogram.

A set of studies is selected individually. It can be supplemented with other procedures, depending on why the woman's pregnancy freezes.

If the doctor prescribes treatment for the couple, in most cases it is aimed at strengthening the immunity of the partners. Particular attention is paid to the normalization of metabolism and the monthly cycle in women. In some cases, the help of a psychologist is required, which will help to catch a positive attitude and give confidence to the couple.

To prevent the development of the negative consequences of a frozen pregnancy, competent contraception is important. A woman needs to enrich her diet with healthy foods and take vitamins. The body will recover for a long time after all that has happened. The logical conclusion to such an unpleasant period will be the birth of a baby.

Planning a new pregnancy

What period you need to wait for a couple after a frozen pregnancy, what to do and how to behave - a gynecologist can answer these questions. As a rule, at least 6 months should pass. In this matter, the root cause of the death of the fetus plays an important role. Prior to the start of planning, the couple should be protected in an appropriate way for them. Do not worry about the recurrence of the problem. Such fears are often groundless.

happy parents

A healthy lifestyle of partners significantly increases the chances of a successful completion of a new pregnancy. It is important that not only a woman, but also a man prepare for this event. Therefore, the couple should abandon addictions, adhere to the correct lifestyle, exercise and often walk in the fresh air. It is advisable for a woman to take vitamin complexes for pregnant women during planning. Properly selected funds reduce the risk of congenital defects of the central nervous system in the fetus.

Separately, moral support for the husband should be considered. A woman after a frozen pregnancy can become overly suspicious or very anxious. She begins to listen to any changes in the body after pregnancy, to look for the first symptoms of fetal death. The main task of the spouse is to surround his other half with attention, a positive attitude and support her in all matters. The successful outcome of gestation is largely determined by the moral attitude of both partners.

Frozen pregnancy is not a final sentence. Many people have to deal with this pathology, including absolutely healthy married couples. After a properly selected course of treatment and a comprehensive examination of the whole body, a woman has every chance of giving birth to a healthy baby. The main thing is not to neglect the recommendations of the doctor and positively tune in to motherhood.

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