Today there are a huge number of breeds, and each of them differs from the others in a number of characteristics. This and external data and character traits, susceptibility to training, and much more. Today we want to tell you about representatives of a unique breed called Shih Tzu. The reviews of the owners of these crumbs do not have time to repeat that these are the best pets that breeders could only bring. Is it so - it is up to each of you to decide, but first we recommend that you read our article.
general description
If you are looking for the most devoted, beautiful, smart and sociable pet for whom aggression is completely alien, then you can assume that your task has already been completed. We present you a charming Shih Tzu. Reviews about them are extremely positive, since these animals are easy to care for and quite unpretentious. All owners note their mobility and cheerful disposition, curiosity and high intelligence.
It is also a great option for a small apartment. Miniature creatures will not take up much space; a soft pillow at the feet of the owner is enough for them. Despite its miniature size, Shih Tzu has the courage and heart of a lion. Featuring a delicate, sensitive hearing, she is always the first to feel the danger and warn about it.
Breed standard
In fact, this only matters if you are planning a show career for your puppy. If the puppy is acquired for the soul, then minor deviations are not of great importance. However, you still need to know the general characteristics of the breed, if only so that you will not be sold another dog.
What should be a real Shih Tzu? Description of the breed, reviews of leading dog handlers, all this draws a very attractive image of a small, but very proud creation. A high head and a ceremonial gait give it a noble origin. Luxurious coat, long and thick, with well-developed undercoat, is a real decoration for your pet.
The head is wide and round, the muzzle is square, without wrinkles. Colors can be very different, but experts appreciate the snow-white tail, which is richly dressed in wool and is thrown high on its back.
The eyes are large and expressive, which creates an additional charm. The ears are large, hanging, with a thick fur that smoothly turns into a mane at the back of the head.
The case of representatives of this breed is stretched, rectangular format, strong. The chest is deep, lowered down. The back is straight, the lower back is slightly convex.
At first glance, it is a charming toy. But despite their decorative appearance, these are not Shih Tzu dogs at all. Reviews of dog handlers and leading breeders emphasize that this is a companion with an unusual disposition and character.
Most often, they do not have one owner, like bodyguard dogs. They share love between all households, without depriving anyone of their attention. It is very important not to leave the crumbs at home alone. Shih Tzu is extremely difficult to tolerate loneliness and will howl and bark even if you are away for an hour. Therefore, the best option is if family members work and study at different times and may be at home in turn. Your pet will follow you relentlessly, guard at the door of the bathtub, watch the cooking in the kitchen.
Even in a dream, a faithful Shih Tzu does not stop his service. Owner reviews suggest that even if the puppy is sleeping soundly, this does not mean that he does not control the situation. As soon as the owner gets up, his constant companion will immediately follow him. Thanks to such affection, they become ideal companions for the elderly and single people, brightening up their everyday lives. This breed is very much attached to people, but with representatives of the canine world it keeps at a distance.
Family roles
This elegant, sophisticated dog actually has a fairly strong physique. Of course, commensurate with their actual size. They can move a lot of weight and are in good health. But, despite their strength, they are not guard dogs because of their small size and affectionate, loving nature.
But if you have small children, then with the acquisition of a puppy of this breed it is better to wait. The fact is that kids perceive them as their own kind and actively involve them in the game. It is clear that they, through negligence, can harm a fragile puppy. But for a student, starting from the first grades, a handsome Shih Tzu can become an ideal companion. Responses of owners say that children growing up with a four-legged friend become more responsible and punctual.
Elderly and disabled people can enjoy the company of this dog also because it does not need a walk on the street. Shih Tzu can be grown completely at home. He will cope with the need in the tray, and the owner only has to comb his long hair for hours, which the pet will be extremely happy about.
If there is a person in the family who, due to physical abilities, is confined to the house, then dog handlers recommend starting a Shih Tzu. Owner reviews repeatedly emphasize that this breed is very sensitive to loneliness. Even an adult dog will whine and cry when its beloved owner leaves the house. However, this breed is considered surprisingly silent, its suffering will remain almost invisible to its neighbors.
Puppy cost
This is an important issue that needs to be discussed within the family, because Shih Tzu puppies are quite expensive on the market today. It is better to start collecting feedback on breeders in advance so as not to make a mistake and not to buy a deliberately sick animal.
Of course, the cost will depend on the pedigree. If you want to see a luxurious representative of a show class at home, then consider the price range from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. However, in this case, you need to know that the breeder sees his puppies every day, and if there is a real star among them, she will not be sold for any money.
If you do not plan a stellar career for your dog, then you can choose a pet in the lower price segment, namely within 10-15 thousand rubles. For this money, a normal healthy Shih Tzu dog can appear in your home. Photos of parents and immediate family are very desirable material that you can navigate when choosing a future pet.
In the markets, you can sometimes find puppies at lower prices. However, it is here that you are at great risk. It is mainly traders here who take the puppies from the breeder and then keep them in poor conditions, which undermines the health of the kids. There is no denying cases of obvious fraud, when thoroughbred puppies are dyed and curled up, forged documents and sold as thoroughbred. Therefore, you need to be as careful as possible.
Hair care
Now let's talk a little about the main advantage of Shih Tzu. Reviews about the breed agree that this is a luxurious coat. Each time, seeing in the show ring a dog with flowing wool to the floor, the newcomer asks the same question: “What remedy do you use for grooming?”
In fact, cosmetics does not play the main role here. To a large extent, copious hair is inherited, although this does not preclude the need for grooming. Here you can say even more, there is not a single magic tool that would suit any dog of this breed. Like people, they can have a different type of coat, so you have to go through a dozen funds before settling on one. The hardness of the water can also affect the result.
Despite the best cosmetics, no one has canceled the obligation to care for wool. It is very important to comb the dog daily so that no tangles are formed.
Many shih tzu molt at the age of 10-12 months. At this time, caring for a fur coat becomes even more difficult. Koltuny stray at a record speed, and it seems that there is no way to put the dog in order. This is actually normal for a Shih Tzu dog. Testimonials from leading grooming experts suggest that juvenile molting lasts only three weeks, after which the dog is covered with an adult, stiffer coat, which is much easier to care for. Most importantly, keep combing your pet every day.
Dirty hair becomes more difficult to care for, more tangle forms are formed in it. Therefore, it is worth washing the pet regularly. If you walk with him on the street, then it is quite possible that water procedures will have to be performed more often. For a domestic dog, the normal interval is 3-4 weeks. It is very important to comb out the pet before bathing. The wetting of the tassels leads to the fact that combing them becomes impossible, it remains only to cut and wait until a new coat grows.
To care for pet hair, you must have a set of combs. To get started, go through it with a wide toothed comb and make sure that all the tangles are taken apart. Having stumbled upon one of them, it is necessary to disassemble it with your hands, if necessary, cutting it with scissors.
To make the process easier, spray the wool. To prevent the wool from getting dirty during meals, pick it up before each meal and chip it with special rubber bands.
Care Features
Each breed has its own nuances that you need to know and consider. Shih Tzu was no exception. The dog, whose owner reviews are particularly warm, needs your daily care and affection. Like all big-eyed dogs, their organs of vision are very vulnerable. Inspect them daily, especially paying attention to any redness or clouding.
Care should be taken to monitor the appearance of external parasites, such as fleas or ticks. Only a few fleas can cause the animal to itch so that all the precious wool that you have been growing for years begins to come out in shreds.
Pay attention to the toilet of your pet. Very often, feces get stuck in thick wool and clog the anal area. The problem is solved very simply: under a stream of warm water, feces soften and are easily removed. It remains only to dry the hair with a hairdryer.
Your pet's health
Many novice dog breeders, who first decided to have a pet, are most worried that he will not get sick with anything. In this regard, shih tzu dogs can be just the perfect option. Reviews of veterinarians emphasize that miniature creatures are often distinguished by excellent health and often fall into the list of centenarians. Be sure to think about this before you get a gentle toy terrier or any other representative of the breed bred. A serious illness and, especially, the death of a pet is a real tragedy for any owner.
However, for your Shih Tzu to live happily ever after, you need to constantly monitor his eyes, the condition of his teeth and gums. You can wipe your eyes yourself daily with cotton pads. But only a professional can remove tartar.
Another problem spot is the ears. Shih Tzu's wool is very thick and long, it also covers the ears, which causes air circulation to be disturbed. Long hair tangles with each other, forming a tangle that will cover the ear canal. This can lead to inflammation. To avoid such consequences, overgrown hairs need to be cut or plucked. Do not forget to wipe the ear canal after each bath so that the moisture in it does not linger.
This is an important piece of knowledge for every caring owner. Many health problems stem from malnutrition. That is why you need to pay special attention to this moment. When taking a puppy home for the first time, be sure to ask the breeder how to feed Shih Tzu. Responses of owners say that this dog is not too picky. Representatives of this breed will perfectly eat natural and ready-made feed.
If the ration is based on natural products, daily in the bowl should appear: raw or boiled beef, quality offal, boiled vegetables, cereals and dairy products, as well as fish. In addition, additives are added to the menu: seaweed, fish oil and complex vitamins.
If you are only taking the puppy home, it is extremely important to find out how to feed the Shih Tzu. Owner reviews emphasize that for the most rapid adaptation and avoid digestion problems, the baby needs only the usual food for the first month. Only then can you change the diet. Any changes should be gradual.
Excess weight problem
It is very relevant for Shih Tzu, especially if he leads an exclusively domestic lifestyle. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the quantity and quality of the contents of your pet's bowl.
These dogs are prone to overweight, so from early childhood try to accustom them to high-quality and not too fatty foods. It is best to opt for specialized foods for full-grown adult dogs.
Pocket Shih Tzu
In fact, this is a myth, but it brings good money to breeders every year. It is believed that the most prestigious pets are precisely mini shih tzu. Reviews of dog handlers do not support this propaganda, saying that there is no separate branch of miniature dogs of this breed.
However, there is always the possibility that among the puppies one will be much smaller than the rest. Most often, he will be the weakest of all litter. Therefore, if you want the baby to live a long and happy life with you, then do not chase the miniature size. With good care, these dogs can live up to 20 years. The average life expectancy is 13-15 years.