Measurement of BT during pregnancy will help to preserve it.

Hormones have a significant effect on our body, including its temperature. It is the ability to influence progesterone and estrogen on it that has long been used by gynecologists to diagnose various pathologies, including during the period of gestation.

However, temperature is influenced not only by these hormones, but also by other factors. These include physical activity, eating, and so on. Therefore, the so-called basal temperature (BT) is measured , obtained in a state of complete rest.

It is observed in a person after a night's sleep, which lasts at least 6 hours. In this case, the effect of other factors is minimized. Measurement is usually performed in the rectum.

Tracking BT during pregnancy can help preserve the fetus. It should be above 37, but below 37.5. If BT is low, then a progesterone deficiency can be assumed. The function of this hormone is to maintain pregnancy. It does not allow the uterus to contract, depresses the immune system, does not allow rejection of the fetal egg.

If progesterone is not enough, then pregnancy is at risk. In this case, the doctor prescribes artificial gestagens, such as Dufaston and Utrozhestan. A woman takes them until 20 weeks, then they are gradually canceled. After this period, measuring BT during pregnancy does not make sense, since the placenta begins to secrete hormones.

But the alarm is high temperature. In this case, inflammation in the genitals can be suspected. However, it must be borne in mind that what kind of BT during pregnancy in a particular woman is normal, is individual in nature. A value above or below the figures may be a variant of the norm.

Better to know her and her body for a woman will help the construction of BT schedules even before conception. For this, it is necessary to measure it for 3 months. In order to make the data easier to analyze, cost graphs. Measurements must also be taken during menstruation.

The cycle consists of follicular and luteal phases, which are separated by ovulation. Before it, BT is kept low due to the predominance of estrogens, and after it it should increase by 0.5 degrees. This is due to the fact that the corpus luteum begins to secrete progesterone. So, BT during pregnancy should stay at the level of the luteal phase or be slightly higher.

The corpus luteum has been functioning for 2 weeks. Then, if there was no implantation of the embryo, its regression occurs. In this case, the level of progesterone drops, and with it the BT, which leads to the onset of menstruation.

If the introduction of an egg into the endometrium has occurred, then the chorion of the embryo begins to secrete hCG. In this case, regression of the corpus luteum does not occur, and it begins to function in an enhanced mode. Therefore, the schedule of BT during pregnancy looks different, there is no temperature drop in it in the luteal phase.

However, it should be remembered that in order to obtain a reliable result, measurements should be carried out according to all the rules:

  • strictly at the selected time in the morning (tolerance - half an hour);
  • the same thermometer;
  • before the measurement you can not get up, talk and even open your eyes;
  • a rise in body temperature affects BT (during this period, its measurement is not informative);
  • factors affecting BT should be taken into account (medication, sex, moving, stress, heavy loads, alcohol).

Measuring BT during pregnancy is recommended for women who have had miscarriages or have a hormonal imbalance. As well as those who had problems conceiving a baby or it occurred while taking progestogens due to a lack of their own progesterone. In the presence of pulling pains in the abdomen and spotting, it will also be useful to recognize her.

So, measuring BT during pregnancy can help to detect pathology in time and save the baby. If it is low, you should consult a doctor, as this is a symptom of a threat of interruption.

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