Chartreuse cats: description, standards, nature, content features

Chartreuse cats are aristocratic animals that are distinguished by their elegance and restraint, excellent manners and extraordinary delicacy, but at the same time they are unsurpassed mouse hunters. They are quiet, kind, flexible and incredibly loyal to their masters. Ideal as companions for single and old people.

Occurrence versions

The origin of Chartreuse cats has not yet been thoroughly studied. There are many legends about this, one of which says that they came to France thanks to the Syrian Cartesian monks who named these animals in honor of the holy monastery of Grand Chartres. However, this version, however, like the others, is not documented.

Some scholars are inclined to believe that the Cartesian gray cat originally lived exclusively in the homes of the poor. It is assumed that commoners were merciless towards these animals, eating their meat, and also handing over their beautiful fluffy fur to furriers. Other researchers claim that chartreuse lived only in the homes of noble families, which is why they are famous for their aristocratic manners and extreme restraint.

Modern history

After the First World War, felinologists seriously engaged in the restoration and breeding of this breed. Her gene pool began to replenish only those representatives who ideally corresponded to existing standards. For the first time this breed was presented to the public in 1928 at one of the cat's shows.

World War II threatened the very existence of the Chartreuse breed. There were extremely few cats left, and they could only be purchased from a few breeders. Unfortunately, this situation persists to this day, since it is quite difficult to find a really purebred kitten. In the 70s of the last century, several chartreuses were exported to the United States. A few years later, this breed was officially recognized by the famous American CFA Association. However, the British organization GCCF still refuses to register it.

Chartreuse cat

British Shorthair or chartreuse?

It must be said right away that these are two different breeds. This was until 1970, when the well-known organization FIFe did not combine them into one. From this moment, representatives of two breeds began to cross with each other, recognizing their offspring, which were, in fact, hybrids, real chartreuse.

Seven years later, they decided to correct this mistake and again divided them, but some clubs still consider three species of cats to be chartreuses : European blue shorthair, British and Cartesian. Unscrupulous breeders still use this. And given the fact that there is very little information about chartreuse, they instead of representatives of a small breed offer to purchase the most common British cats around the world. Therefore, you must be careful not to mix them up.

Before proceeding to a detailed description of a chartreux cat, it is necessary to say a few words about how it differs from the British. First of all, this is the structure of the head and body. Differences are also observed in the genotype itself and in the character of these animals.

Appearance and Standards

The description of the cat of the Chartreuse breed begins with the head. Its shape resembles an inverted trapezoid. If the muzzle is extended, it is considered a disqualification defect. The nose is straight and wide. It is very important that his lobe is gray, since pink or black means the presence of other undesirable impurities in the family. The ears are medium sized, set high and slightly tilted forward, the tips are rounded. The neck is short, strong, flowing smoothly into massive shoulders.

Now regarding eye color. They should be round and large, as well as planted close to each other. In kittens in the first month of their life, the irises of the eyes can be painted in a gray-blue shade. However, you should not worry about this, as as the pet grows older, his eyes will begin to acquire exactly the color that is provided for by the standards of the Chartreuse breed. In a cat, they will turn yellow, dark orange or copper.

These animals are distinguished by a strong physique and well-developed muscles. Their parameters are considered average, since the height at the withers does not exceed 30 cm. Their paws are straight and rounded, the hind legs are always more massive than the front. Pads located on the fingers of cats should be painted exclusively to match the coat. The tail is of medium length, rounded at the tip.

Interestingly, the chartreuse cat continues to grow for 5 years, and the cat is finally formed already by the age of three. The weight of the male varies from 6 to 7 kg, and the female does not exceed 5 kg.

Chartreuse gray cat

Wool and color

The chartreuse coat is extremely soft and thick. It consists of two layers. The upper one is delicate and silky; it can be either short or half-long. The bottom layer is an elastic, powerful and water-repellent undercoat. In males who are already over two years old, on the neck you can observe characteristic folds of wool, similar to sheep.

Its shade can vary, ranging from light gray to dark gray. The first of them, of course, is preferable. The color of the coat should be solid, without any transition to dark or light shades. Such animals are usually rejected, as they have clear signs of uncleanness of the breed. Interestingly, the tips of the hairs of these cats can be cast in silver. This suggests that you have a purebred chartreuse.

Do not despair if your little pet has tabby marks on the fur, since within a few months they will begin to gradually disappear and by the year there will be no trace of them.

Gray cat


The chartreuse cat is not as active as representatives of other breeds, but, despite this, she is strong and always confident. Spends a lot of time half asleep, comfortably sitting in an armchair or sofa. She is lively, calm and will not constantly bother her owners, demanding increased attention to herself. Some of the chartreuse are tied to only one member of the family, while others love all households. But in their favorite case, they will not pass anyone by their attention. Despite the great affection for the owners, animals, remaining at home alone, do not experience feelings of loneliness or longing.

Most often, chartreuses find a common language with children, but their behavior is not always unambiguous. For example, some cats will endure all childish antics, while others may scratch and even bite. Therefore, it is necessary to explain to children that animals should be handled carefully, loving and respecting them.

Chartreuse cats are silent and reserved even when offended or angry. In extreme cases, you can hear from them a barely audible meow. They are non-conflict and in difficult situations will try not to participate, stepping aside. But this is not because they are afraid, just chartreuses are very friendly and not at all aggressive. However, at the same time they are excellent hunters, able to sit in ambush for a long time, not moving and tracking their prey. Seeing her, they immediately attack the victim. Therefore, chartreuses are considered almost the best mousetraps.

Chartreuse cat

Bathing and combing

Water procedures for these animals need to be arranged only as wool is contaminated, moreover, this process is not so simple. As mentioned above, the hairline of chartreuse is very thick, and even with a water-repellent undercoat. Therefore, even completely wetting the animal’s fur coat becomes a problem. This is done with a special shampoo, but these actions will require a lot of time, as well as a lot of effort.

Since chartreuse mostly has short hair, the cat can successfully cope with it herself. However, it is recommended to periodically help her with this, carefully combing her. Representatives of this breed molt twice a year. During this period, it is necessary to scratch it regularly to remove all dead hair, otherwise it can be seen everywhere - on clothes, bedspreads and upholstered furniture.

Chartreuse cat


We can say that the gray cat chartreuse is unpretentious. However, she, like a real aristocrat, loves cleanliness. Therefore, its bowl and tray should always be thoroughly washed. We should not forget about the periodic visit to the veterinarian for both routine examinations and vaccinations.

Many chartreuses have problems with their teeth. They have to remove small incisors in order for the dairy to give way to permanent ones. Sometimes they may have a disease such as gingivitis. It can provoke plaque formed on the teeth. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the oral cavity of your pet and, if necessary, eliminate tartar. To do this, it is enough to visit the dentist every year.

Keeping a cat chartreux requires mandatory walks in the fresh air. This will only benefit her, as she will be able to hunt and lose excess fat, if any.

Chartreuse kitten

What to feed

A Chartreuse cat is not picky about food. She is allowed to eat anything that will be at least a little useful to her. There are no problems with ready-made feeds, since they can be purchased in almost any supermarket, the main thing is to choose the right ones for this breed. As for natural products, the daily diet of chartreuse should include various dairy products, poultry, frozen beef and boiled egg. In addition, they need to be given fish, but not more often than twice a week.

For chartreuse there is a partial or complete ban on some products. These include salted fish, pork (too fatty meat is poorly digested), as well as feed and other foods that contain large amounts of carbohydrates. All of the above products in some individuals can cause obesity.

The special coat of these French cats is directly related to their nutrition. They are very clean, therefore they almost always lick. As a result, whole lumps of wool accumulate in the stomach. Bringing them out will help either special foods designed to cleanse the body, or sprouted grass.


Due to the good immunity, chartreuses have truly excellent health. However, they have one very serious hereditary disease - a dislocation of the patella. It is characterized by weakness of the hind legs and lameness. Such animals are discarded by breeders and are never used in breeding.

Chartreuse kittens

Where could I buy

These chartreuse kittens are very rare both in the vastness of Russia and in all countries of the former USSR. Therefore, it is quite difficult to acquire them. The main suppliers of chartreuse are nurseries located either in France or in the United States.

It is worth noting that pedigree representatives of this breed cannot be exported outside these two countries. This can only mean one thing - that neither in Russia nor on the territory of other states the sale of such chartreuse is generally impossible. But sterilized animals can be taken abroad, however, they can get into our country only from the USA. Given such a long carriage and official documents, the price of such an animal will be very high - in the range of 900-1200 euros.

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