When deciding on the issues of upbringing, one should remember that there are a considerable number of upbringing models that depend on the means, goals, and forms of the intended impact on the individual. For example, there is religious and secular, democratic and authoritarian, international and national, and so on.
The main issue remains the goal of education. Without realizing his holistic task, it is impossible to properly raise a child. L. N. Tolstoy believed that any intervention in the life of a child can only make sense if it contributes to the development of individuality, the disclosure of talents and the elimination of any factors that impede harmonious internal development. Work on oneself, help in the process of becoming a person’s personality - these are the tasks of upbringing in the family. If, as a result, a person finds himself in the world around him, and is not continuously limited by harsh influences, there will be a sense of upbringing.
The tasks of family education
The most important task of family education is to bring the child in independent work on himself throughout life, to the ability to use the gift of inner freedom. Often, parents, limiting the freedom of the child, are right, but they must remember that there is no need to artificially increase pressure: such an effect makes sense only if it teaches the child to own his own freedom and appreciate it, and also fully control their strength.
The tasks of education are not so simple - take, for example, the issue of discipline. If a child has been accustomed from childhood to the fact that he has many rights, but there are no obligations, this not only indicates the parents' inability to bring up, but also can lead to difficulties in the independent life of the child in the future.
Place of discipline in education
Learning to discipline begins from the first days of life - this is the main task of moral education. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between what is permitted and what is not - for which they will always be punished, and not under the bad mood of the educator. The task of the family is to accustom the child to his duties from childhood. Ever wondered why now most of the youth are prone to easy, often even criminal earnings? These are all the consequences of improper upbringing: in childhood, these people were not burdened with labor and worries, fully providing them. If the child is allowed everything, and at the same time he is not responsible for anything, he eventually begins to “command” his parents.
The tasks of upbringing are to distinguish between the adoption of discipline and mandatory rules and attempts to impose on the child his own view of the world, his tastes, moods, feelings and experiences. It is important that there is a good example before our eyes: the family must follow uniform rules. It is also important that parents seek to understand their child’s point of view, their interests and tastes. Everyone in the family should have their own responsibilities, which can reinforce a person’s sense of self-worth, a sense of responsibility.
Also, the task of education is to create conditions for the harmonious development of the personality of the child. It is very important to determine the child’s talents and his weaknesses in time, because often a child’s talent lying on the surface overshadows the main thing. For example, composing poems with quick results can distract the child from the research talent lurking in him. To identify and develop the latter, a long and painstaking work is necessary, but it is common for children to give preference to easier ways.
However, the tasks of mental education are not in the foreground. It is much more important to educate an individual from a child, rather than a scientist. The important thing is not to what heights the child’s career will take off in the future, but how he will become a person.