How to cure a runny nose in an infant? Some practical advice

Breasts, unfortunately, are just as susceptible to any viruses and diseases as other babies. But you should not panic about this, everything can be cured and corrected.

Causes of the common cold

Understanding how to cure a runny nose in an infant , you must first find the cause of its occurrence, because it is from her that the subsequent actions will depend. If a child of two or three months of age begins to "grunt", you do not need to run around pharmacies and buy medicines. Most likely, this is still the formation of the nasal passages in the baby, and since they are still too narrow, the mucus that collects from copious salivation (the obligatory accompanying formation of the salivary glands, which occurs at this age), simply accumulates in the nose and interferes baby breathe normally. But in addition to this, the causes of the common cold in a baby can be a virus, a reaction to some allergen, possible hypothermia, so if in doubt, you need to contact your pediatrician for help.

Treatment methods

Having determined the cause, you can find ways to cure a runny nose in an infant. If this is just the formation of nasal passages, it is better not to use medicines, you need to help the baby with a simple rinse. The procedure, frankly, is not very easy and pleasant both for the baby and for his parents, but it is completely harmless. Of course, if you conduct it correctly and on time. You just need to purchase a special saline solution, which is instilled into the nose, and then goes out through the nostrils with mucus. If the cause is an allergen, then there are other ways to cure a runny nose in an infant. The most important thing here is the exclusion of the irritating component from the baby's life. The allergen may be pet hair, dust, smells of flowers, etc. It is necessary to determine the cause and by all means prevent the baby from touching this substance. Drugs for the treatment of allergic rhinitis should be prescribed exclusively by an allergist, as conventional medicines may not have the desired effect on the baby’s mucosa. Only a pediatrician can tell about how to cure a runny nose in an infant with a viral disease, self-medication in this situation is not the best way out, because you can independently make the wrong diagnosis and start the disease to its severe forms.


As already mentioned, it is better not to prescribe certain medicines for the treatment of the common cold, this should be done only by the doctor. But many wise mothers of experience can advise saline solutions such as No-Sol, AquaMaris, Salin, etc. to rinse the nose. It is customary to use the drug Nazivin to treat nasal congestion and swelling of the baby’s mucosa (it exists specifically for babies). You can also drip the drug "Nazoferon", which is slightly softer than "Nazivin", performs the same functions, but in a longer time. But if, nevertheless, the mother decided to independently treat the baby, she should carefully study all the warnings, contraindications that are prescribed in the instructions for each drug. Only in this way can she protect the baby from undesirable consequences.

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