SwaddleMe diapers: how to swaddle, sizes, reviews

With the birth of a child, newly-minted parents have many questions regarding the care of the baby. After all, one wants to provide the baby with all the best and surround him with care. The modern industry for the production of children's goods offers a wide range of various devices for the comfort of the child and facilitate the lives of parents. SwaddleMe diapers are one such thing. They normalize the baby’s sleep and help him adapt to a new unknown world.

Do I need to swaddle children?

The recommendations of pediatricians about swaddling are ambiguous: some experts insist on a wide method of fixation, while others suggest completely abandoning this. The only thing that the opinions of modern doctors agree on is that you cannot tightly fix the arms and legs of a newborn. Otherwise, the decision always remains with the parents and in most cases depends on the individual characteristics of the child.

swaddleme diaper

Many children after birth feel uncomfortable, lying alone in a spacious crib. In the first months of life, babies go the hard way of adapting to new living conditions, so many things that are familiar to us may seem scary and incomprehensible to them. Being recently in the mother’s stomach, they are used to being in a confined space, so newborns fall asleep so well in an embrace in the arms of their parents. In such a situation, SwaddleMe diapers can come to the rescue, which will give the baby a sense of coziness and comfort.

Benefits of a Cocoon Diaper

Swaddling a baby is sometimes difficult because he cries and moves uneasily, trying to throw off his clothes and any material that covers him. In the womb, all children are naked, so at first it is difficult for them to get used to such manipulations. Fixing a baby with a regular diaper securely and at the same time freely is not an easy task. But even if this can be done, usually after some time the baby takes out his hands and tries to fully open.

diaper cocoon swaddleme

Using a diaper-cocoon with zipper or Velcro allows you to solve this problem quickly and as comfortably as possible. This product has the following advantages:

  • thanks to a special design, the swaddling process takes a few minutes, and even inexperienced parents can cope with it;
  • during the movement of the child, the fabric is stretched and does not hinder its movement, but does not allow to release the arms or legs;
  • the diaper does not crumple during sleep, does not crush and does not rub the delicate skin of the baby.

How to choose a cocoon diaper?

Among the goods for children you can find various modifications of diapers, envelopes or cocoons. They differ in materials, technology and safety of use. SwaddleMe diapers are high quality products made from breathable natural fabrics. They are distinguished by bright colors, a variety of sizes, simplicity and ease of use. These products have a pocket for easy diaper changes, so you can do this without disturbing the baby’s sleep.

It is very convenient to use a swaddle envelope, in which there are special cutouts for the car seat belts. All SwaddleMe models provide this, so you can use them even when traveling by car. If the design of the diaper assumes the presence of zipper, it is important that it be double-sided - this will allow to unfasten separately only the upper or lower part (for example, when checking the diaper).

changing envelope

Sizes and types

SwaddleMe diapers are available in different sizes, depending on the age and weight of the baby. They can be fixed on the body with a lock or Velcro. There are 4 types of diapers from this manufacturer:

  1. Envelope with a double zipper for newborns. Ideal for children under 3 months of age and weighing from 2.5 to 4.5 kg.
  2. Diaper with Velcro in the abdomen and side. It can be used for babies up to 9 months and weighing from 3 to 10 kg (there are models S / M and L). In this envelope, the baby's arms and legs will be securely fixed throughout the sleep.
  3. SwaddleMe Velcro Diaper with Hand Holes. Designed for babies of the same weight and age categories as the diaper type No. 2, but thanks to the slots, it allows you to swaddle only the legs if necessary.
  4. Sleeping bag. It is intended for children older than a year who do not like blankets and try to throw them off. The product provides sleeves for baby's handles and double zipper for the convenience of hygiene procedures.

SwaddleMe diaper: instructions for use

If an envelope with a zipper is used for swaddling, it is enough to place the child inside him and gently fasten the lock to the end. The edges of the zipper are covered with a soft cloth, which prevents rubbing the skin of the baby's face when touching during sleep.

In the case of a diaper with Velcro, the child needs to be placed in it so that his shoulders are at the same level with the wide open part of the product. Feet should be loose in the lower bag, with Velcro at the top. The right side of the diaper needs to be tightly fixed on it, fixing one side of the baby’s body. The remaining left part must be wrapped around the child and securely fixed with Velcro.

how to swaddle

Despite the completely natural composition, the fabric of the product stretches perfectly and does not hamper the movements of the arms and legs. She only gently hugs the baby’s body, causing him to have pleasant associations with his intrauterine life. As a result, the baby feels comfortable, and hand movements do not prevent him from sleeping sweetly.

Is it possible to swaddle only the legs?

In the life of any baby, a moment comes when he begins to be actively interested in the world around him. At this time, he learns to control parts of his body, especially the hands. With their help, the child learns the environment and acquires new skills.

In some cases, during this period, even a normal diaper can cause a slowdown in the development of the child. The Velcro SwaddleMe Cocoon, which has openings for the hands, avoids this. With it, the child can continue to swaddle, leaving the handles open.

The technique of fixing the legs in this product is the same as in the other models, but at the same time the hands can be released due to the presence of slots on the side. Thus, the child will feel comfort and coziness without restraining his movements. Soft and comfortable cocoon material provides a quiet sleep and a sense of comfort.

Features of a sleeping bag

Like a swaddle envelope, the SwaddleMe sleeping bag is designed to provide a calm and deep sleep for your baby. It is specially designed for children older than 1 year, since it becomes difficult to swaddle them with simple products with Velcro or zippers due to their large growth. In the sleeping bag, the baby's hands remain completely free, and the body and legs are securely covered with a pleasant cloth that protects the baby's sleep until the morning.

Some children do not like blankets and rugs and in a dream they pull them off themselves, as a result of which they lie open for a long time. In the cold season, a sleeping bag can perform the function of preserving heat for such a child, since it is impossible to dump it in a dream thanks to a zipper.

swaddleme zipper diaper

Due to the fact that the lower part of the product is unfastened freely, the nightly replacement of diapers allows you not to open and not wake the baby. If necessary, this procedure can be carried out directly in the crib, without disturbing the sleep of the baby.

Does swaddling interfere with the normal development of the hip joints?

The likelihood of developing hip dysplasia largely depends on how to swaddle the baby. If you do this tightly while straightening your legs, then the chances of earning such a pathology are high in the future. This is due to the fact that for normal joints to mature, they must be well supplied with blood and often be in a diluted position. With free swaddling, there is no significant restriction on the mobility of the baby's legs, so it does not increase the risk of dysplasia.

swaddleme diaper reviews

Moreover, the use of diapers-cocoons slightly contributes to the widespread breeding of the baby's hips during sleep, so sometimes it is even considered a small prevention of joint development problems. Such products do not allow for a long time to fully straighten the legs, so the newborn gradually gets used to sleep in the correct physiological position.

Parent reviews

Many mothers note that, being ardent opponents of swaddling during pregnancy, they radically changed their mind after discharge from the hospital. Most often this was due to situations in which the child cried all the time and could not sleep for a long time. The frequent awakenings of the baby, associated with the fact that he scares himself with pens, prompted young parents to think about the need for free swaddling.

After using cocoons and envelopes, children usually behave more calmly, fall asleep faster and need less motion sickness and lullabies. These products help make your baby’s sleep longer and stronger. For many mothers and children, SwaddleMe diapers become such a salvation. Reviews about this wonderful invention are mostly only positive, which proves its effectiveness and relevance.

Pediatricians reviews

Most doctors are convinced that the issue of the need for swaddling needs to be decided individually in each case. Some children sleep independently and calmly from birth, but most often babies need an additional sensation of warmth and a small amount of space. SwaddleMe zipper diaper and its other modifications received only positive reviews from doctors, as they do not crush the body of the newborn and do not interfere with his free movement.

diaper cocoon swaddleme

It has been observed that with intestinal colic, such cocoons and envelopes can be used to reduce abdominal pain. For this, the product must be ironed before use so that it transfers dry heat to the child. This helps reduce the discomfort associated with the formation of digestion that the newborn is experiencing. Unlike regular diapers, SwaddleMe products do not slip from the skin of the abdomen and therefore the effect of soft warming lasts longer.

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