Is it possible for pregnant women to have sparkling water: types of sparkling water, maintaining the water balance in the body, the benefits of mineral waters, reviews of pregnant women and gynecological advice

Pregnancy is the most important initial stage of motherhood. The development of her baby will depend on the responsibility with which a woman approaches her health at this time. How not to harm yourself and your child, is it worth changing your eating behavior and what is the harm or benefit of sparkling water, you will learn from this article. Is it possible for pregnant women to drink sparkling mineral water, which interests all women in the situation.

healthy water

Types of sparkling water

Carbonated is water that is naturally or industrially saturated with carbon dioxide. And it is precisely from the degree of saturation with gas that it is divided into highly carbonated, medium carbonated, and slightly carbonated. Naturally saturated water is rare in nature. In addition to carbon dioxide, this liquid contains sodium, potassium and magnesium. It is because of the mineral content that this water is very healthy.

But carbonated water, into which bubbles were added at the factory by mechanical or chemical means, will bring very little benefit to the body. The same goes for sweet soda with a rich taste. Almost all of them are very harmful. Exceptions are only those to which medicinal natural extracts have been added - Tarkhun, Baikal, Sayan. Such sparkling water will help tone the body and improve digestion, while it contains a small amount of calories.

However, this can not be said about the other sweet soda. Almost all of them have two very harmful components in their composition: aspartame (a chemical sweetener) and phosphoric acid, which will not benefit either children or adults. The first with excessive consumption can lead to obesity and diabetes, and the second - to the development of urolithiasis. It is better not to drink such water at all. Can pregnant women have sparkling water? Sweet - definitely not, it can harm both the health of the future mother and her baby.

hand with a bottle of water

Water is the basis of man

Even from school, everyone knows that the human body is 60-70% water. It is evenly dispersed throughout our body and is present in all the most important organs and tissues: blood, gastric juice, muscles, bones, and primarily the brain, to one degree or another, contain water. It would seem that 70% is a lot. However, the lack of even 2-3% of water in the body slows down the brain, impairs attention and memory, a person experiences extreme thirst. If the loss is about 8-10%, the consequences become even worse - the body slowly begins to collapse. A catastrophic dehydration and death of a person can cause a loss of 20%. Therefore, so that our body never experiences stress and works like a clock, it is very important to constantly maintain water balance.

pregnant drinks

Maintaining water balance in the body

The water balance, by analogy with a similar concept from accounting, should be equal to zero. That is, how much fluid has entered the body, so much should be released. To maintain balance, an adult should drink about 2.5 liters of fluid, it is good if more, but not less. It is clear that in hot weather the norm increases, since more liquid is released with sweat. However, it is important not to overdo it, because with an excess of fluid, the balance becomes positive, which will lead to blood thinning and stress on the kidneys. It’s best to keep a simple ratio: 40 grams of fluid per kilogram of weight. Having calculated the amount of fluid you need specifically, you can easily maintain the water balance in the body. It is very useful to take a habit of putting a carafe of water on the table every morning and striving to gradually empty it by evening. Thanks to the water balance in the body, the skin will be elastic, the metabolism will return to normal, muscle function will improve - your body will definitely say “thank you” to you.

During pregnancy, monitoring the water balance is especially careful. In a pregnant woman, the need for fluid increases sharply, primarily due to the fact that her weight is increasing. Yes, and the future baby needs enough water: milking to maintain its metabolism, regular update of amniotic fluid and additional blood supply to the placenta and umbilical cord. Can pregnant women have sparkling water? Yes, but it should be remembered that in no case should the water balance be disturbed. Excess fluid, as well as its lack, can lead to serious consequences and poor health of mom and baby.

water for pregnant

The benefits of mineral water

Probably every expectant mother asked herself the question of whether pregnant women can drink sweet soda water. We have already found out that sweet soda, containing all kinds of chemicals, is better to exclude from consumption by everyone. No use, only harm to the body. As for carbonated mineral water, this is a moot point. Many pregnant women drink mineral water in the first trimester, it helps to cope with the "charms" of toxicosis. However, if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should not abuse carbonated water, since gas bubbles irritate the intestines, causing various disorders that can lead to diarrhea or, conversely, constipation. And those vesicles that do not go down to the intestines will rise along the esophagus, causing heartburn. If you really want to treat yourself to a mineral water, just open the lid on the bottle in advance or pour it into a glass. In 10-15 minutes, the gas will go away, and the drunk mineral water will certainly not harm either you or the baby.

water with lime

Mineralka for pregnant women

It is best to drink non-carbonated mineral water or water of natural aeration during pregnancy. It contains various useful trace elements (sodium, potassium, magnesium), a deficiency of which is often observed in pregnant women. However, you should avoid those mineral waters in which sodium chloride is present, as it retains fluid in the body, thereby provoking the appearance of edema.

In general, it is wiser not to risk your health in vain and consult your gynecologist. So you will definitely protect yourself and the child.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have sparkling water: reviews

Women in position say they drink mineral water, but try not to abuse it. Some mineral water is advised by a gynecologist for toxicosis. You can add a couple drops of lemon juice to it. Can pregnant women drink sparkling water? Women recommend consulting a doctor before taking.

spasm in pregnant

Gynecologist's advice

When asked whether carbonated mineral water is possible for pregnant women, there is no definite answer. Nevertheless, all gynecologists agree that each woman needs to select mineral water individually, based on the composition of trace elements. Then it will not only not harm the mother and baby, but will also help make up for the deficiency of certain trace elements in the body.

Remember: you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for your unborn child, do not mindlessly indulge your whims. Therefore, the answer to the question is whether pregnant women can have carbonated water, which is purely personal, requiring consultation with their gynecologist. Have a good pregnancy!

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