Hydrolyzate mix: composition, review of the best, application, reviews

If a child’s doctor is diagnosed with protein intolerance to cow’s milk, then treatment is usually based on a complete refusal to eat this product. In almost 90% of cases, by the age of two years, a full recovery occurs and all the symptoms completely disappear. In order for the child to continue to receive all the necessary components at this time, doctors prescribe a whey protein hydrolyzate mixture. The term, unfamiliar and complicated at first glance, means that cow's milk protein was partially or completely cleaved during the manufacture of the product. About what types of mixtures exist, what they consist of and when they are prescribed, we will consider in the article below.

best hydrolyzate mixture

The reason for the appointment of a special mixture

The first year of a child’s life is associated with numerous changes in his body. Due to the fact that many diseases, intolerance to certain products are caused by heredity, often allergic reactions occur because once in childhood, parents also suffered from this ailment. About 65% of children under the age of one year suffer from the manifestation of atopic dermatitis. Its occurrence is often associated with a hereditary predisposition to intolerance to cow protein. In this connection, pediatricians prescribe a special hydrolyzate mixture.

Leaving the problem in the form in which it manifests itself in the child threatens the development of allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma in him later. Medical statistics say that if both parents had atopic dermatitis in childhood with the same symptoms, then the probability of transmitting this disease to a child is about 60-80%. In the case when the causes of the appearance are different - 40-60%.

In order to start introducing into the child’s diet a mixture based on a full or partial protein hydrolyzate, consultation and collection of data on the results of the analyzes are necessary. Only as a result of an assessment of the full picture and a survey on the behavior and well-being of the baby, specialists can choose the right product. Do not exclude the need to use a special mixture for children who have certain physiological deviations. In this case, mixtures based on a complete hydrolyzate are prescribed for medicinal purposes, since the baby’s body cannot independently absorb or obtain the necessary components from the outside. Or there is also a product category that relates to medical and preventive. Its use as the main or additional nutrition allows you to prevent the development or complication of certain diseases.

Types of mixtures, composition

mixtures complete hydrolysates list

Mixtures are currently available for sale that consist of partially and fully hydrolyzed whey protein and skim milk. The former are used for mild intolerance, the latter for chronic and complex forms of the disease, as well as in cases where there is no positive effect as a result of partially hydrolyzed mixtures. It must be understood that the results from entering this kind in the baby’s menu of mixtures occur no earlier than a month after the start of taking this product. Therefore, before looking for reviews about the best hydrolyzate mixture, you need to consult with an observing physician or specialist.

The numerous components included in their composition are actually very important, since they bring the product closer to breast milk in its properties. Before abandoning this or that product, since it contains many unknown components, it is necessary to study their purpose.

In order to normalize and improve bowel function, stimulate the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria, prebiotics and probiotics are included in the hydrolyzate mixture. The former improves the barrier functions of the intestinal mucosa, which makes the body more stable before the spread of infection, food allergies, and dysbiosis. Thanks to prebiotics, the stool of the child is normalized, it becomes soft and uniform. It is worth noting such brands as Frisolak, Semper Bifidus, Nan 2 with bifidobacteria. When probiotics enter the baby's body, they continue to maintain their activity, healing and stimulating the microflora for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Among the popular products of this kind include "HIPP 2 Bio with Lactobacilli", "Nan" and "Agusha" fermented milk.

Since an allergic reaction can be triggered by various factors, it is necessary to identify the cause. Intolerance to cow protein or goat intolerance is found (much less often). Therefore, mixtures can also consist of completely digested whey protein (Alfare, Frisopep, Nutrilak Peptidi STC) or casein hydrolyzate (Frisopep AS, Nutramigen). Intolerance to soy or other proteins of animal or vegetable origin may also be an indication for taking a fully hydrolyzed protein.

Rules for the transition to a special mixture

mixture for children

For children who have a complex form of atopic dermatitis, complete hydrolysates are recommended. The list of mixtures that are most popular includes Frisopep AS, Nutramigen. They are not very popular with children who are reluctant to perceive a new product that tastes bitter. Therefore, very often mothers complain that during their first attempt to feed the baby with a mixture, he either refuses or spits it out. The reason for this specific taste is the protein split into amino acids. And this is quite normal if the mother notices a change in the color of the stool in the baby to light green. It is extremely important to let the child get used to this product and continue to give it as complementary foods or basic nutrition, only in this case we can talk about effectiveness.

There are grounds for prescribing a special mixture and they are determined based on sensitivity to the components of cow protein:

  • The absence of antibodies to cow protein is an indication for the use of a mixture of moderate hydrolysis (for example, hypoallergenic).
  • A moderate or low degree of hypersensitivity (for example, reaction class 1) is a mixture of a deep hydrolyzate.
  • High degree (2-3 reaction class) - highly hydrolyzed casein.

In order for the doctor to choose the right product, you must first pass the tests and get the results. Only then is it possible to obtain a reliable recommendation, which will have an evidence base. Many parents make the mistake of trusting advertisements or the advice of friends. It is recommended to refrain from such self-medication, since we are talking about an undeveloped and undeveloped children's body.

As soon as a stable remission is observed, the child can be gradually transferred to a therapeutic and prophylactic, then preventive, and, as a result, to an adapted fresh mixture for healthy children. You should consult with your doctor about the possibility of filling the deficiency of whole protein, especially with prolonged absence. This can adversely affect the development of the nervous system, in particular, its delay.


human mixture

When a mild form of food allergy occurs, both pediatricians and experienced mothers recommend a whey protein hydrolyzate mixture from the German manufacturer Humana. The optimal and effective period for use as artificial nutrition in newborns and infants up to 6 months of the first year of life. This product is also recommended for preventive purposes. It contains a rich vitamin complex, mineral salts, lactose, fish oil, taurine, trace elements and vegetable oils.

Products of this category by the manufacturer are claimed to be close in composition to the composition of breast milk. Due to the fact that the mixture contains vital amino acids, the baby's body can receive all the necessary nutrients. Gluten, sucrose and flavorings, GMOs, fructose, dyes, and preservatives are absent. This allows us to talk about the environmental friendliness of products manufactured under the brand name Humana.

If a child tolerates products containing lactose well, then this mixture is suitable for him due to its presence, as one of the easily digestible carbohydrates. They provide a sense of fullness and excellent absorption by the body. The abbreviation "HA" indicates that the product belongs to the category of hypoallergenic mixtures.


Based on a partial hydrolyzate, the Bellact mixture from Belarus has also proven itself on the positive side; pediatricians recommend it to children no older than 6 months old. The product contains vegetable oils, prebiotics (oligofructose and oligogalactose), eicopentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, a vitamin complex and mineral components.

The manufacturer offers several age categories that allow you to choose a product based on the age needs of the baby:

  • "Bellact 1+" is suitable for newborns and infants up to six months;
  • "Bellact 2+" is a protein hydrolyzate mixture up to a year;
  • "Bellact 3+", starting from the first year of life.

Parents in the practice of admission note a change in stool color, which is considered the norm and does not require cancellation of the mixture. This is because the protein undergoes deep cleavage. After some time, everything normalizes and subsequently does not cause discomfort in the child. Many parents say that the first two weeks are hardest when the child goes through the stage of adaptation to a new and not-so-tasty diet.

Hypoallergenic Nutrilon

nutrilon peptides

The product based on lactose, prebiotics, mineral components and vitamins, L-carnitine, trace elements and nucleotides includes a partial hydrolyzate of a mixture of whey proteins. Suitable for children from the first days of life. Indicated for use in babies who are at risk or have a pronounced allergic disease. The Dutch company Nutricia is engaged in the production of the product, which offers several types of goods: “Nutrilon GA 1 and 2”, “NAS GA 1 and 2”.

They have a balanced fatty, carbohydrate composition, which allows us to talk about its safety and effectiveness. This category of mixtures belongs to the treatment, that is, first of all, it helps to strengthen the immune system, make up for the deficiency of microelements and accustom the child’s body to milk protein intake.

"Nutrilon-Pepti SCT" is prescribed in the case when the child has a severe form of an allergic disease or the use of other types of mixtures as nutrition did not bring the desired result. In practice, parents note that a positive trend is observed already a month after the baby begins to take the product.

However, do not exclude that an allergic reaction may develop to this mixture. It is necessary to control the well-being of the baby. If the symptoms are persistent and do not disappear within a few days, you need to change it to another.


The list of complete hydrolyzate mixtures that are popular with parents also includes the Hipp brand. "Combiotic Hypoallergenic 1" is used as the main or additional nutrition in children from birth to six months. It contains probiotics and prebiotics, a complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements essential for the development of the child’s body. The product contains a completely digested protein, due to which it is possible to completely get rid of allergy symptoms.

Parents and pediatricians are advised to first introduce the mixture in a diluted form, since a specific taste can cause rejection in the child. As a rule, this manifests itself in spitting out of it or spitting up part of the mixture or refusal to use it. However, with due patience on the part of the parent and moderate perseverance, over time, the baby gets used to the mixture and eats it without whims.

At the stage of recovery or the onset of relapse, doctors recommend switching to a product with partial hydrolysis of HiPP HA Combiotic 2 protein. It is different in that it allows you to gradually accustom the child's body to the perception of ordinary milk-based products. Prebiotics stimulate the growth of probiotics, which are a natural helper in the fight against an allergic reaction.


The many years of experience that the company has gained in the field of baby food has allowed us to develop a special product for children who are allergic to cow's milk protein. The mixture is used as food even for those babies who were born into the world with a weight of less than 3 kg. “Frisopep” has a pleasant taste, which distinguishes it from other similar baby protein hydrolyzate mixtures. Therefore, many mothers leave positive feedback about taking this product, despite the fact that at the first meeting the child may not accept it right away. However, with prolonged use, as a source for therapeutic nutrition, it deserves high marks, as it is highly effective.

This is a product that includes lactose, vegetable oils, prebiotics and nucleotides, vitamins, mineral salts, whey protein hydrolyzate. The mixture is suitable for children from birth to 12 months. Many parents leave positive feedback about how quickly a positive effect occurs. Despite the bitter taste, with prolonged intake, the result is not long in coming. The product quickly cleanses the skin (redness and peeling subsides) after a couple of weeks of taking it as the main nutrition of the baby.

According to the annotation, “Frisopep” can be recommended for use as a mixture for feeding babies who have various disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of an allergic reaction to cow's milk protein. The nucleotides that make up the product, and a deep casein serum hydrolyzate, strengthen the baby's immunity.

There is a separate line of "Frisopep AS", which is based on fully hydrolyzed casein. Moreover, if the child does not observe positive dynamics from taking the usual mixture, it is recommended to try changing it specifically for the product with split casein. In practice, it was noted that in children who had a mild allergy, persistent remission ensued and, subsequently, repeated symptoms were not observed. As for the mild form of atopic dermatitis, intestinal disorders, both products are quite effective and are recommended as pediatricians.


Alfare nestle

The Nestle trademark offers small children suffering from allergies and intolerance to cow protein a special nutritional hydrolyzate mixture. Reviews about her are positive. Even in cases where the child has frequent diarrhea (acute or chronic) and indigestion. From a large list of mixtures with a complete protein hydrolyzate, this is distinguished by the fact that it can be prescribed as a prophylactic nutrition if it is necessary to restore damaged internal tissues.

In particular, before the need for surgery or acute malnutrition, after a bowel resection, doctors prescribe a mixture, for example, “ALFARE Nestle”. This also includes cases of biliary atresia after sepsis, burns, injuries, radiation or chemotherapy as a result of cancer treatment. Perhaps this is the best hydrolyzate mixture from a similar series of similar products. It contains 20% amino acids and 80% oligopeptides. Despite the fact that the mixture does not contain lactose, the manufacturer leaves an annotation about the possible presence of its traces in its product. Therefore, for those whose body, in addition to intolerance to cow protein, is also immune to this component, it should be given with caution to the baby.

The mixture is used based on the table of weight and age of the baby. Dilute the product with warm water in a clean bottle, then shake it until completely dissolved.


semilac hydrolyzate

Before choosing a special diet for an allergic child, it is necessary to consult with an observing pediatrician. He knows exactly how to switch to a hydrolyzate mixture, for example, recommend Similac Alimentum. This product is advertised as one of the most nutritionally effective for babies with bowel problems and immunity to cow protein.

If these facts are established and have a medical opinion, then the doctor will undoubtedly help to choose his alternative, in particular casein hydrolysates-mixtures. They allow you to save the baby from colic, which often occurs due to the use or digestion of products based on cow's milk.

A complete protein hydrolyzate allows you to cope with severe forms of allergies, as well as with a violation of intestinal absorption of nutrients. The absence of palm oil makes the product hypoallergenic, and the exclusion of lactose - reduces gas formation. The composition of the product includes, in addition to the vitamin complex, iron, choline, taurine, fatty omega-3 and 6 acids. They are responsible for the work of the brain, intelligence and vision.

Preparation of the mixture is not difficult, labeling for determining the dose per serving is applied to the front of the package. As a measuring container, you must use a special spoon, which is in the package.

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