Causes and signs of rabies

The quality of medical services over the past century has been growing rapidly. Many dangerous diseases were completely defeated. But viruses remained, the treatment of which is impossible or fraught with great risk. These include rabies. It affects both animals and humans. The disease becomes fatal from the first days. Therapy can reduce the suffering of the patient, but the percentage of recovery is very small. This applies to those cases in which the virus did not have time to begin to destroy the central nervous system. That is, if the serum was started immediately after the bite.

signs of rabies in a person after a bite

Mass vaccination

Speaking about rabies, we often recall about our smaller brothers. And this is correct, since the carriers of the disease are animals. Which also suffer and die. And not only dogs. Sometimes people turn to village veterinary services, saying that all the dogs in the village were healthy and suddenly several dozen fell ill at once. The reason usually becomes a sick fox or raccoon dog, which came to the village from the forest.

Therefore, it is extremely important to vaccinate all animals. No wonder today there are special services that often volunteer to collect stray animals, give them vaccinations, sterilize them, and then release them back. Being fed by tenants, it is quite capable of living its life in the courtyard of the house without any danger. Domestic dogs, guard dogs at specialized facilities - all of them must be vaccinated every year and have a special passport. Those who know the signs of rabies and have seen the development of this disease will say that they will never leave the animal without protection.

general characteristics

Rabies is dangerous for all mammals. In the case of dogs and other pets, we do preventive vaccinations and can be calm. Even if our pet meets a sick animal on the street, it will not get sick and will not infect us. Compulsory vaccinations are not given to a person. They are left for an emergency. A person who complains of a dog bite automatically receives a referral to the treatment room for appropriate vaccination. At the same time, doctors will not wait until signs of rabies appear, because it is too dangerous.

So what is rabies? This is an ailment with an acute course and a serious defeat of the central nervous system. When the first signs of rabies appeared, there was no hope of salvation.

signs of rabies in dogs


The causative agent is very resistant to low temperatures. In the cold, he only canned, but does not lose his ability to live. Moreover, it is rather difficult to destroy by chemical exposure. That is, disinfection will be practically ineffective.

In decaying material, the virus is capable of life for two weeks. This suggests its amazing vitality. Sunlight and heat are also not harmful. When boiling, it dies quite quickly, and at 70 degrees it only loses activity. Therefore, an increase in body temperature, often up to 42 degrees, is an emergency measure of an organism that tries to escape, but it is not effective.

Infection pathways

Like the signs of rabies, everyone must know the transmission route in order to imagine where the threat might come from. Since pets must be vaccinated without fail, the most common threat is yard and street cats and dogs. In nature, these are raccoons and foxes, wolves. Any biological fluid of an infected animal is a source of infection.

To penetrate the body, the virus must find any microcrack on the mucous membranes. Once in the mouth, nose or eyes, he will certainly find his way into the bloodstream, where he will begin his reproduction. An unvaccinated animal always has a risk of infection. That is why the signs of rabies in dogs should be well known to every owner. There is a risk of infection, even if the animal does not walk on the street and uses only the tray. The source of infection can be rodents.

signs of rabies in dogs symptoms

How quickly symptoms appear

Most ailment is common among stray dogs. But this does not mean that your pet is not in danger. The biggest danger is that the signs of rabies in dogs may not manifest themselves for a long time. Of course, a lot depends on the immunity of the animal, but in some cases the virus remains hidden in the blood for quite a long time. The reproduction of pathogens in the blood lasts up to three months, and for the first six weeks you will not even suspect that the animal is sick.

Even clinical tests can not always help out. The first 5 days, the virus cannot be detected in the saliva of the animal. Therefore, the pet needs to be protected from contacts with any stray animals, even if they are not at all like patients.

Early stage

Now we want to analyze in detail the symptoms and signs of rabies in dogs. In the early stages it is quite difficult to understand that you are dealing with this particular virus. Fear of light and people may come across such a thought. The animal slams into the darkest corner and whines when trying to get it out of there. In fact, with many pathologies and painful symptoms, the dog is looking for the darkest corner. But at the same time she will be glad if the owner joins her, strokes and caresses. Due to human fear, the virus is most often diagnosed.

Within 2-10 days, other changes will occur that should make it clear what is happening with your pet. The first signs of rabies in a dog include severe weakness. Often diarrhea develops, the animal refuses food. Another indicative symptom is a violation of the swallowing reflex. The animal is clearly painful to swallow. The dog takes a tidbit in his mouth, but then spits out unable to swallow.

Development speed

The first signs of rabies in a dog are observed for several weeks. Sometimes the owner thinks that the disease recedes. But this is an imaginary improvement, it will soon become much worse. Clinical signs of infection usually become apparent 3-8 weeks after a bite. During this time, the animal can have time to chat with dozens of others, as well as with the whole family.

Symptoms depend on the density of nerve endings at the site of the bite. The closer it is to the head, the faster the disease can develop. Indicative is the depth of the lesion. Therefore, if you or your pet has a deep bite in the neck, face or face, applied to other animals, then you need to seek help and introduce a special serum.

signs of rabies in cats

Different forms of the disease

It is generally accepted that only dogs are susceptible to the disease of all domestic inhabitants. But this is not true. Signs of rabies in cats can be observed after they have eaten a sick mouse. Therefore, it is very important to vaccinate all domestic animals.

In addition to all of the above, there are different forms. Therefore, the diagnosis can be very complicated. Consultation with a competent doctor is necessary, because it is quite easy to confuse the onset of rabies with any other viral illness. If the doctor doubts, he will connect laboratory diagnostics. But at home it is completely impossible.

Aggressive or violent form

The first signs of rabies in dogs are presented by many in this way. Breaking from a leash, barking animal at all, dripping saliva. This is not always the case. But the aggressive form is quite common. In this case, the symptoms will progress as follows:

  • Dogs shy away from people, often clogging in dark corners.
  • They usually refuse food, but eagerly throw themselves at completely inedible objects.
  • Aggression and anxiety are replaced by affection and endless licking of the owner’s hands, but after a few minutes the dog can again begin to bark.
  • A sign of rabies after a bite may be that the dog constantly nibbles the affected area. The bandages do not help, she still gets to the wound.

But the most indicative symptom is a throat muscle spasm. The dog can not only eat, he is not able to lap up water. His voice is gradually lost, the animal quickly weakens. Death occurs at the moment when the virus finally affects the respiratory center or heart muscle.

first signs of dog rabies

Paralytic form

This is another form of the disease that you need to be able to diagnose. After a bite, signs of rabies may develop within 3-5 weeks. But very little time will pass before the death of the animal. Therefore, the sooner the doctor understands what he is dealing with, the greater the chances of protecting your family members and other pets.

What is the complexity of the diagnosis? The dog is sick very quietly, so it does not cause suspicion of its owner. Usually she becomes very affectionate, wants to constantly be with you, faithfully licks her hands and face. So she can transmit the virus to her master.

The disease becomes apparent after 3-5 days. At this time, tongue prolapse occurs and all other symptoms rapidly develop. There are not so many signs of rabies, so even an inexperienced owner should guess:

  • The tongue falls out of the mouth, the dog cannot swallow.
  • Saliva is allocated with a plentiful hat.
  • Paralysis and death. Doctors prescribe special drugs so that it is not too painful.

Atypical form

It is very rare in pets. In this case, it is diagnosed extremely difficult. It is characterized by the fact that the animal begins vomiting and diarrhea. The disease proceeds so that it is very easy to confuse it with gastritis or colitis. That is why it is very difficult to diagnose a disease.

There are three more forms of disease disease. It is recurrent, depressive and abortive. But they are found only in isolated cases, so today we will not talk about them.

Diagnosis of the disease

The first signs of rabies can be expected for quite some time. Moreover, they can be very similar to other serious ailments. This may be the nervous form of the plague, meningitis and encephalomyelitis. A preliminary diagnosis can be made based on the symptoms and situation in the area where the dog was infected.

The diagnosis must be confirmed by reliable data. Such provides immunofluorescence method.

Is there a cure

Unfortunately, in most cases it is not possible. Usually the animal is kept in a hospital for up to 10 days. The vet is watching him closely. In those rare cases when the symptoms of the disease decline, we can say about the wrong diagnosis. Or the serum was started immediately after the bite. In most cases, animals are euthanized. This is more humane than looking at their torment, because with the onset of symptoms, there is no longer any chance of healing. This once again suggests that it is extremely important to instill your pets.

If the dog bit you

It can happen just outside. A dog infected with a virus can break loose and run away until the owner has understood what is happening to it. Usually an animal in this state does not growl or bark, but bites without warning. If this happened to you, especially if the animal had white foam on its face, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

What you can do yourself:

  • Do not stop the blood, let it drain a little. Of course, if large vessels are not damaged.
  • Rinse the wound well with laundry soap, then treat with peroxide or brilliant green.
  • Take the full course of vaccination prescribed by your doctor.
    dog rabies first signs

Signs of rabies in humans

If timely assistance was not provided, then the virus can begin its victorious march through the body. The incubation period can take from two weeks to three years. The term is sufficient to forget what happened and not associate the symptoms with a dog bite.

While there is an incubation period, a person may experience weakness, his body temperature rises slightly. Long headaches, sore throats and runny nose can torment. But these are just harbingers that are easily confused with the common cold or flu.

Stages of the disease

Let's look at the signs of rabies now. After a dog bite, a certain amount of time must pass before you begin to notice them. It is customary to distinguish several stages, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • Initial. It lasts only a few days. Usually a rather severe, aching pain appears in the bite area. In this case, the wound can already be delayed, so the sensations cause bewilderment. The temperature rises to 37 degrees, irritability appears. There is a headache, sometimes vomiting. Sleep is disturbed and there is no appetite.
  • Stage of arousal. Usually lasts 2-3 days. Sensitivity of the nervous system increases, which affects the whole body, without exception. The patient cannot quench his thirst, because there is a spasm of the swallowing muscles and respiratory system. With the slightest stimulus, a person experiences severe bouts of seizures. It can be lights and sounds.
  • Stage paralysis. It usually lasts no more than 12 hours. The temperature in this case rises to 42 degrees, convulsions intensify. A lethal outcome is inevitable because the respiratory center and heart are blocked.


There are currently several vaccines. Their difference lies in the fact that one of them forms active immunity for a year. The second forms passive immunity, because it contains ready-made antibodies. One or another vaccine is chosen depending on the bite, its location and size. It is necessary to take into account how much time has passed since the moment of the bite.

signs of rabies after a bite

Instead of a conclusion

Rabies is a serious illness that is best prevented. Signs of rabies in a person after a bite may not begin to develop immediately, but in almost 100 percent of cases they will lead to death. Therefore, it is necessary to vaccinate all domestic animals. Whenever possible, take part in charity events during which homeless animals are vaccinated. This reduces the risk of outbreaks. If you have been attacked, then immediately consult a doctor. Of course, a course of preventive vaccinations is not the best, but not comparable to the disease.

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