How to translate Photoshop into Russian? Tips & Tricks

It often happens that the installed software or any other software supports only English. This is probably a huge problem for those who do not know a foreign language. Some simply uncomfortable working in an environment where all the explanations and settings are provided in a non-native language.

The problem of Russification arose a very long time ago, and various teams of localizers are fighting for the right to introduce their translation into the product. It turns out that the entire list of programs is divided into three groups:

  • Translated by the developer
  • translated by the localizer;
  • not translated at all.

Some users are faced with the fact that they don’t know how to translate Photoshop CS5 into Russian. This is especially true for those who installed the English version initially.

Wallpaper "Photoshop"

How to translate Photoshop into Russian

There may be many difficult situations, but the solution to this problem is simple and linear, with the exception of some events. So, when the user entered the English version, the first thing to do is change the language to your native one. Although some do the opposite - they change Russian into English, since it is very convenient to learn how to work in a program in the developer language.

Changing the language in the program

Fortunately, the latest versions of Adobe Photoshop support the language change function - Russian is present in the language library. The user can translate Photoshop into either Russian or any other language by following the instructions below:

  1. In the second tab Edit we find the category Preferences, which is located at the very bottom of the list. In it, select the Interface item.
  2. A window pops up showing the interface panel settings. We need to select the second line in the list called Text and find the UI Language item on the screen, in which we need to set the value to Russian.
  3. Click on the OK button and after the operation is completed, exit the graphical environment of "Photoshop".
  4. Now restart the program again. After the boot screen, the entire interface should change to a Russian-language layout.
Language Locations

Crack for Adobe Photoshop

If the user is faced with such a problem that there is no native language in the drop-down list, then it is necessary to download the crack from localizers directly. Removing a language may be due to the fact that it was simply cut out from the installation file or damaged. In any case, the user does not hurt to resort to installing the language through crack. On the Internet there are a lot of different crack for different versions, so first of all you need to concentrate your search on the version of "Photoshop" installed on your computer.

Install crack

Before translating "Photoshop" into Russian, you need to determine the type of crack. The user's choice may fall on any option, but it should be borne in mind that the landmark, in addition to the version, should lie on the date of updating the assembly with the crack program. So, here's the order to download and install crack in Adobe Photoshop:

Logo "Photoshop"

  1. Based on the above priorities, we find the desired assembly with the Russian language.
  2. Download the archive, which houses a large liver of folders and subfolders.
  3. Before translating Photoshop into Russian, you need to unzip and move the contents to the root folder of the Photoshop program. But before that, you need to delete the entire contents of the localization folder. This folder is located on the system drive of the computer (C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Adobe Photoshop \ Locales).
  4. If you wish, you can unpack and copy only the Russian language. This will allow not to load the program performance once again.
  5. After copying, we start the program, if you deleted all the languages ​​before, then your interface will become Russian, if this did not happen, then you should repeat the actions that the user performed during the usual change of language. The only difference will be the fact that in the “Text” item the drop-down list will contain a minimum of working languages.

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