Cat Lichen: Symptoms and Treatment

Pets can develop skin infections that are transmitted to humans. One of these pathologies is lichen in cats. Symptoms may indicate different forms of its manifestation, the risks of complications and dangers to those around them. The disease requires an integrated approach. Only in this case can the treatment time be shortened and the possibility of transmission of the infection to other animals and the breeder to be reduced.

Cat deprive

Forms of focal lesion

In very different ways, lichen in cats can manifest itself. Symptoms help identify a form of infectious lesion and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Lichen is a skin infectious disease that causes fungus dermatophytes. An animal can become infected by direct contact with another sick pet or through household items. The danger of the disease is that it can be transmitted to humans.

There are many forms of focal skin lesions that are caused by various pathogens. In this case, the clinical picture may be different and the degree of infectivity is also different.

Ringworm - Symptoms

Ringworm in cats: symptoms

This form of the disease is the most common. Trichophyton fungi cause it. Microorganisms are very tenacious and retain their pathogenic properties for a long time, even when released into the environment. It is this type of lichen that is most dangerous in terms of transmission to humans. Often children suffer from this form of the disease. They have not yet gained immunity, so when they pet an infected animal, they immediately attack a small organism.

Ringworm in cats is considered quite dangerous for humans. Symptoms and treatment depend on the localization of the focal lesion and the neglect of the process. The following symptoms will help you recognize the problem:

  1. Rounded bald patches begin to appear on the cat's hair. They can be in an isolated case, but with an conniving attitude to the animal, they quickly spread throughout the body.
  2. Permanent itching appears at the site of the lesion. The cat scratches and licks bald patches, thereby contributing to the spread of infection throughout the body.
  3. The skin becomes inflamed, small scales appear on it. In the process of combing, they fly apart over long distances and are a source of infection for humans and other animals.

Pityriasis versicolor may also be contagious to humans. It is caused by microorganisms, but only the doctor can determine the exact form of the lesion by conducting a comprehensive examination.

Ringworm in cats - symptoms

Infectious forms of lichen

An animal may develop a skin infection that is not harmful to humans. So, in case of failures in the pet's immune system, lichen planus may appear. Its distinctive features are the appearance of bald patches, where the skin is inflamed and has a strong red tint.

Fungi often cause pink cat lichen. Symptoms are similar to a ringworm, but only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis. This form is not dangerous to humans, but other pets are at risk.

To skin pathologies that do not pose a threat to people include weeping lichen. It is often called eczema, and it is an allergic manifestation. Treatment in this case is aimed at eliminating the cause and external symptoms.

Treatment principles

In very different ways, lichen in cats can manifest itself. Symptoms and treatment may be different. Complete cure is possible only with the exact formulation of the form of focal lesion and the appointment of effective complex therapy.

Veterinarians recommend, at the first suspicion of lichen, immediately seek an examination. Only in the conditions of the clinic can you establish its form in order to properly prescribe treatment.

In order to notice the problem in time and take the necessary measures, it is recommended to conduct regular preventive examinations by a specialist.

Cat versicolor

Clinical picture

Before starting treatment for depriving, it is necessary to establish its shape. Each type of skin infection has its own manifestations and is caused by different fungi.

If the breeder regularly inspects his pet, then the first signs of pathology can be seen before the manifestation of severe symptoms. Lichen affects the hair follicles, so the hair falls out and bald patches appear. Any cat owner should be alert for sudden hair loss in a local area of ​​the body. The most likely places are the head, neck and limbs.

Foci affected by fungi become unattractive, scales appear on them, the skin turns red and inflamed. It is worth considering that any form of lichen appears very quickly. A receding hairline appears on the skin, which can be pinkish, red or gray. In this case, the focus is very itchy and the cat constantly scratches this place.

Manifestations of ringworm

Ringworm in cats has pronounced symptoms. The form of the disease is the most common and difficult to treat. It is characterized by the appearance of oval bald patches, where the skin peels and flakes form. When combing, the focus may bleed. In this case, the skin is damaged, a secondary infection can join and there is a big risk of a significant spread of the disease.

If treatment is not started in time, then the bald foci become lumpy, the contours are pronounced. The skin is inflamed and red.

Diagnostic measures

An unpleasant and dangerous disease is lichen in cats. Symptoms will help the vet identify its shape. But just a visual inspection is not enough. The doctor must conduct a set of various diagnostic measures to accurately identify the type of fungus.

After the initial examination, the veterinarian can use the Wood lamp. Under its influence, fungal colonies acquire a bright green fluorescent glow. However, the method is not always informative, because several types of non-pathogenic microorganisms can also respond to radiation.

Only a veterinarian can bring a lichen into effect. But sometimes even a specialist prescribes a lot of drugs, because the complete destruction of fungi causes difficulties. In order for the selected treatment to be successful, it is necessary to accurately diagnose. Modern diagnostic methods suggest their use in combination.

The most informative is microscopic inoculation and further examination. It is important to identify the pathogen fungus and differentiate it from allergens, pyoderma and dermatitis.

Treatment methods

In different ways, cat lichen appears. Symptoms in cats can help your doctor determine its shape and prescribe treatment. But the procedures will depend on many factors, including:

  • the intensity of the inflammatory process;
  • stage of infection;
  • general condition of the animal.

In therapeutic therapy, various drugs that differ in shape and effect can be used.

Local therapy

Not only in the case of contact with street animals, lichen can occur in domestic cats. Symptoms in well-groomed pets are less pronounced, but help should be provided immediately. A four-legged friend can become infected if fungi are found on street shoes, which are quite tenacious. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not allow your pet into the corridor.

If it was still not possible to save the cat, then the veterinarian will recommend local treatment, which is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Before applying external funds, it is necessary to carefully trim the hairline around the focus. You can use an electric razor. In this case, cut hairs are recommended to be burned to completely destroy the pathogens of the fungus.

For processing, specialized shampoos, ointments and creams are used. Directly, the lesion site must be treated with a 10% salicylic alcohol solution. You can also use:

  • 5% monochloride iodine;
  • 4% chlorhexidine solution.

Of course, it is difficult for an ordinary breeder to navigate a wide variety of anti-lichen drugs. If it is not possible to contact a veterinarian, then you can use the most common and effective ones, such as:

  • Sanoderm;
  • Thiabendazole
  • "Fungin";
  • Miconazole
  • Nizoral.


There are special preparations that not only protect the animal from infection, but also help in healing. For this, veterinarians often use:

  • Microderm;
  • "Wackderm F";
  • "Polivak TM".

If drugs are administered at the very beginning of the disease, then their effect is at a high level. In this case, the symptoms disappear after 2-3 weeks.

In order for vaccination to have the desired effect, it is necessary to adhere to a certain scheme. It is picked up by the doctor, but the most common is the frequency - three times in 10-14 days.

Use of pills and potions

If vaccination was carried out late, and local therapy did not bring the desired effect, then it is recommended to attach oral drugs. Also, tablets are needed in case of extensive skin lesions and damage to the claws of the animal.

The specialist prescribes antifungal drugs without fail. They not only inhibit the infectious process, but also contribute to the speedy regeneration of the skin. Most commonly used:

  • "Itraconazole";
  • "Griseovulfine";
  • "Terbafin."

However, it is worth considering that the drugs have many contraindications and often cause side effects. Therefore, the reception is carried out only under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Possible complications

Multiple complications can cause lichen in cats. Symptoms (the photo clearly confirms this) can be very pronounced, the skin becomes very inflamed, so the cat will scratch it. As a result, purulent foci arise, which require the appointment of antimicrobial agents.

Deprive - Symptoms

It is important to use therapeutic therapy in combination. The healing process necessarily includes vitamins and immunomodulators.

Danger to humans

With a greater degree of probability, a person may have lichen from a cat. Symptoms are not always characteristic, but spots with clear boundaries appear on the skin. Dermatologists are involved in the treatment, but a smear is first taken to establish pathogenic microflora.

Infection often comes from kittens. Spores enter the skin of a person and under adverse conditions begin to multiply. If immunity is reduced, then a ringworm develops in a person from a cat. Symptoms can be confused with an allergic reaction. At the site of the lesion, a scaly stain appears, where clearly defined edges are observed. The focus is itchy and red. Children and often sick adults are most susceptible to infection.

Lichen is a source of infection

Symptoms of cat feline in humans

Quite often, a person has lichen from a cat. Symptoms and treatment are always identical. However, at the first suspicion of a disease, you should consult a dermatologist. The fact is that lichen can be confused with allergic and other dermatological problems.

Often, foci of lichen attack the skin of the face, scalp, buttocks, palms and inguinal region. After infection, about 10-14 days usually pass before the first symptoms. The clinical picture may be as follows:

  1. Red, flaky spots on the skin that may have a clearly defined rim.
  2. The size of the focus can be from 5 mm to 7 cm.
  3. After a few days, a network of small bubbles appears around the spots.
  4. Hair on the affected area breaks off.
  5. The skin itches and peels.
  6. If treatment is not started in time, then foci of suppuration may appear.
  7. If lichen attacked the head, then bald patches form at the site of the lesion.

If the first symptoms are detected, contacting a doctor is mandatory. It should be remembered that cat lichen can be transmitted from person to person.

Deprive a person

Necessary treatment

With correctly prescribed complex therapy, the symptoms disappear within two weeks. Mostly they use antifungal ointments and special shampoos, if the scalp is affected. In this case, it is recommended to cut the hair around the outbreak to prevent the further spread of infection.

Commonly prescribed drugs are:

  • Sulfuric ointment;
  • "Clotrimazole";
  • Terbinafine;
  • Exoderyl
  • Lamisil.

It should be understood that lichen is a rather dangerous disease and difficult to treat. Therefore, dermatologists recommend not self-medicating, but immediately seek qualified help.

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