Today we will deal with the question of how to convert JPG to PDF. In addition to the most convenient methods for carrying out this operation, the article will present some information that describes each of these formats separately. After all, as a rule, people don’t even know why such an opportunity is needed. Next, you will learn how to convert the JPG file to PDF.
You should start with the description of the JPG files. This format is indicated in some sources as JPEG in PDF. JGP is one of the most popular types of image files. Most cameras and other devices take pictures in this format. Most of the images that are distributed on the Internet are JPG. But now I will not delve into the reasons for such a stir around this format. Just know that he is popular. Files with the extension .pdf are also very famous. Due to its unique characteristic, namely, cross-platform. That is, PDF files are equally displayed on devices running different operating systems. Need to change image formatoccurs when editing ready-made documents in order to add new information. Or perhaps a new PDF file is created where you want to place the JPEG image. Regardless of the purpose, you can convert JPG to PDF using several methods, which we will discuss later.
( ) , Adobe Photoshop. JPG PDF. « …». PDF, , : example.pdf. , , . , . .
- . JPG PDF. . . : JPG, PDF. .
, , JPG PDF - . . . , 10 . «JPEG to PDF». , - .