Masked lovebirds: how to determine the gender?

Masked lovebirds are small parrots that have a bright and cheerful color, for which they are loved by fans of birds. These cute birds got their name because of their incredible emotional affection for their partner. Such couples can often be seen sitting next to the perch.

mask lovebirds

Common species

Most often in captivity contain the following species:

  • pink cheeks;
  • masked;
  • Fisher.

These are domesticated birds. They feel great in captivity. There are other types of lovebirds, but they rarely get to fans - they can be bred only in large enclosures, which are not available to everyone.

Appearance and dimensions

The masked lovebird was first described in 1887 by an ornithologist from Germany Anton Reichenov. In Europe, these birds appeared only in 1927. The average size of representatives of this species is 14.5 cm, although individuals up to 16 cm are occasionally found. Masked lovebirds live in captivity for about 12 years. The weight of the bird does not exceed 55 grams.

Males and females are visually very similar. Although, usually the females are a bit smaller and have a smaller, rounded head in shape. In more detail we will talk about how they can be distinguished below. The natural color of these birds is the green body and wings, a brown-black mask on the head, a yellow โ€œcollarโ€ and eyes framed by a wide white ring. The beak is usually red.

masked lovebird parrot

However, to date, breeders have managed to bring out a huge number of colors that distinguish masked lovebirds from their counterparts. Photos of these birds can often be seen on the pages of publications for novice bird lovers. So, violet, blue, albino, cobalt and others appeared.

Blue masked lovebirds are especially popular with bird lovers. Their body is painted blue and the mask on their heads is black. The color of the chicks is always more faded, in contrast to adults.

mask lovebird photo

Masked lovebird: how to determine the gender?

It should be recognized that the task is not easy even for experienced connoisseurs of bird beauty: after all, males and females practically do not differ in appearance. However, there are some nuances due to which you can cope with this task.

The easiest way is to go with the acquired pet to the veterinary laboratory, where the necessary tests will be performed to determine the sex. But, firstly, this is an expensive procedure, and secondly, not everyone has the opportunity - such laboratories are not available in all cities.

It is much easier to pay attention to the pairs that have already formed masked lovebirds. But what if you canโ€™t get two birds at once?

  1. Compare the sizes of the parrots - the females are slightly smaller than the males. True, sometimes this difference is subtle.
  2. Pay attention to the shape of the bird's head. In the male, it is more elongated and flat, with a flattened nape. The female has a higher skull resembling a dome. However, the head of each creature, as a rule, is an individual feature, it is also not worth relying only on this indicator.
  3. Bright and large, saturated color, the beak is characteristic of males.
  4. Experienced ornithologists can easily determine the sex of these birds from their hips. In the male, the distance between them is 0.5 cm, and in the female - 1 cm.
  5. Not too young a female, who already had several broods, sits on the pole, legs spread wide. The male holds on to the pole, leaning forward slightly.
  6. Females show character and are not given into the hands of even their master, who has been living for years.

mask lovebirds

Habits and character

Masked lovebirds, unlike their wavy counterparts, who can be content with loneliness, if the owner devotes a lot of time to them, must live in pairs or in small flocks. They are poorly trained: the most capable and talented of them can hardly master a maximum of ten words.

Lovebirds are not too willing to go into their arms, and taming them to such communication is quite difficult. Truly tame this parrot can be raised from a chick, artificially fed.

Family bonds

There is an opinion that masked lovebirds choose a mate once in their life, and after the death of their partner, they die. It is rather a beautiful romantic legend. The lovebird left without a pair can very well adapt to the new conditions, and if the bird is still young, then it can easily accept a new partner. Lovebirds die in pairs only due to natural causes: violations in the conditions of detention, infection, age. Therefore, if one of your pets died, his partner should be shown to the veterinarian to rule out the disease.

blue masked lovebirds


If you decide to buy lovebirds, you should make sure that they are transported from the store to a permanent equipped cage. If you liked the wooden cage and you think that it fits better into the interior - leave this venture. Despite their very small size, masked lovebirds have very strong beaks. In any case, it is not difficult for them to cut through the wooden rods.

A wooden cage is more difficult to care for - a tree instantly absorbs liquid and odors, which can be difficult to get rid of. The best option is a metal cage with rods measuring 80 x 40 x 60 for a pair. If you want to have more birds, then, accordingly, the size of the home for them should be larger. If these cute birds are limited in their movements due to lack of free space, they become fat, heavier, their metabolism may be impaired, which will entail serious health problems for your pet.

mask lovebird how to determine gender

Do not forget about cups for water and food, a cup with clean river sand, which is necessary for normal digestion. Sometimes parrots have to bathe, for this they use special bathtubs that are installed right in the cage.


Lovebirds come from sunny Africa. They are accustomed to long daylight hours, constant heat and a sufficient amount of ultraviolet rays. To create a comfortable environment, you should purchase two table lamps. One of them can be ordinary - it gives enough light, besides, you can warm yourself under it. The second is ultraviolet, which is included periodically in winter or during molting.


In modern city apartments, as well as in many private houses, the air is too dry, especially in the heating season. Therefore, before acquiring a pair of lovebirds, you will have to buy what you had planned for a long time, but constantly delayed its acquisition, an air humidifier.

Arrange your pets in the apartment real jungle. It is not difficult to do this: put pots with curly flowers near the cage, place lamps - you will see how the interior and the general atmosphere of your room will be transformed.


The natural food for lovebirds is the fruits and grains of plants. Having bought birds, you should begin to feed them with canary seed. For them, this is a real delicacy. Then gradually you can begin to introduce new foods into the diet. The nutrition of the parrots should be balanced and selected in accordance with the condition of the bird, its age and physiological needs.

mask lovebirds

Today, many owners prefer to use dry food for their pets, which are abundantly presented in pet stores. These birds eat very little - just two spoons per day for one individual is quite enough. In grain mixtures, you can add:

  • grated carrots and beets;
  • bell pepper, cucumber;
  • Tomatoes
  • your pets will be grateful to you for apples, rose hips, cranberries, grapes, black currants.

It is better to refuse candied fruits or salted vegetables.

The mask lovebird, whose photo we posted in this article, is a very sweet creature. With their cheerful disposition, bright unusual colors, several of these birds are able to revive the house and give you many exciting and enjoyable minutes spent watching their life.

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