Beethoven: Saint Bernard dog breed, one of the most popular in the world

It's no secret that after the release of the Beethoven comedy, the dog, which became its main character, gained unprecedented popularity. Since then, all St. Bernards have been called Beethoven, and for many it is not so much a dog nickname as a symbol of the breed.

beethoven dog breed

The huge four-legged hero of the film is so charming, kind, attached to children that those who wanted to get a dog did not have a shadow of doubt that this must certainly be Beethoven. The breed of the dog St. Bernard has been known to man since ancient times. It got its name thanks to a monk from the Swiss monastery of St. Bernard. History is silent about what exactly this breed was honored with this honor - either for the reliable protection of the monastery, or for another reason. The monks who lived there perfected this breed and several times “poured” fresh blood. Newfoundlands, Blandhounds, mastiffs and other breeds contributed to the appearance of the beautiful powerful animal that we know today.

What are St. Bernards?

This breed is divided into long-haired and short-haired animals. In the first case, dogs have a long straight coat, but on the head and ears it is short and smooth. Smooth-haired St. Bernard is covered with short and coarse hair. The color is usually white with reddish-brown spots all over the body. Sometimes such spots may be black. The growth of the animal averages eighty-five centimeters, weight within eighty-five kilograms.

dog breed beethoven

The nature and characteristics of the breed

So, we found out that the magnificent Beethoven dog breed is called St. Bernard. Many owners of such a dog will tell you that this is a true gentleman, generous and powerful. He is very attached to children, and they love adults immensely. He is devoted to the members of “his” family with all his heart.

The owners of this giant should know that St. Bernard is a thinking breed of dog. Therefore, Beethoven was loved by everyone after the film. Representatives of this breed learn everything during the game; they should not be “crushed”. If from the first days a puppy stays in the house, you will establish contact with him, then in the future, if necessary, without giving a second thought, he will give his life for you and your family members. This is the essence of the St. Bernards, often called Beethoven. The breed of the dog is silent. Their powerful and powerful voice can be heard in rare cases.

Conditions of detention

In content, this powerful dog is completely unpretentious. In winter, he can be outdoors for a long time - an excellent coat will protect the animal from frost and rain, in the summer he prefers to be in the shade. You should not limit St. Bernard on his territory to a chain, booths, etc. In captivity, he can become vicious, withdrawn and lose the charm for which people love him.

breed of dog from the movie Beethoven

Family dog

It is important to know that if you decide to buy the same pet as the hero of the movie “Beethoven”, the Saint Bernard dog breed is the right choice. This is a "family" dog. Her place is next to people. The dog will never show unreasonable aggression to a person, but if he feels a threat to his owners, he will become extremely dangerous for the offender. Despite the apparent phlegm, St. Bernard has a lightning reaction and tremendous physical strength.

Care for your pet

It must be remembered that St. Bernard in life is of the same impressive size as in the film "Beethoven." The breed of the dog suggests that very soon a powerful animal will grow out of a fluffy, charming “teddy bear”, which will require physical strength when walking, so a child or an elderly person will not be able to cope with it.

In addition, St. Bernard needs enhanced nutrition, which will require considerable financial costs. It is recommended to walk the animal at least three times a day, without forgetting about physical activity. Combing your pet is enough once or twice a week. We must not forget about training! You will have to go through its initial stages with your pet. Remember that the trainer-instructor will only help you build the right relationship with the animal, their further construction depends on you.

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