5 reasons to give a hyperactive child to the pool

Hyperactive children require more attention, a priori spending energy several times stronger. They feel bad about their body and can not cope with the emotional background. Young parents give all their free time to such kids, while simultaneously occupying them with dancing, hockey, and martial arts. Moms and dads always have a question: so where is it more correct to give a hyperactive child?

We are for the pool. We have a reason. Here you have the five most compelling ones, and then decide for yourself.

Why exactly the pool?

Hyperactive children are often aggressive and uncontrollable. Swimming disciplines - this is facilitated by the organization of space. In the pool, the child is isolated and limited by the path, practically does not contact with other children, is fully focused on himself and on his own achievements.

Neurology, increased irritability, a shaky nervous system - all this can only exacerbate other sports. Especially martial arts, which by default bring up aggression and defensive reaction (now we are not talking about rare exceptions like wushu). Swimming is the most peaceful, calming sport charged to inner harmony.

Kindergarten pool

Physical activity reduces increased impulsiveness

Sports activities have a positive effect on the overall emotional state: the child learns concentration, concentration, self-confidence. According to experts, the peak of hyperactivity is observed in children aged 4-5 to 7-9 years. It is during this period that it is important to “catch” the mood of the child and ask him the correct vector. Doctors call the same age ideal for swimming (however, doctors do not recommend giving the baby to the pool before 5 years old).

Why is excessive impulsiveness dangerous? Permanently nervous state, problems with sleep, poor health, inability to set goals and achieve them, procrastination in adulthood. Swimming lessons are usually held according to the prescribed method: in such predictable lessons, hyperactive children are concentrated on specific exercises; work according to plan, focusing on a clear result and not being distracted by external factors; actively consume energy (the key to an established regime).

An experiment was conducted in Australia: almost 200 children aged 3 to 5 were asked to take tests for inventiveness and ingenuity. The best results were shown by the guys who were engaged in swimming. Obviously, finding the right solution and showing that same ingenuity is impossible if you cannot concentrate on a specific lesson. Namely this is what swimming teaches.

Child in the pool

Swimming brings discipline

Swimming is self-discipline. It is only about sports swimming, in thematic sections. Work on time and the result contributes to the correct mode, the ability to set goals and distribute time from a young age.

Pool discipline

Swimming activities contribute to emotional relaxation.

Hyperactive children are always too emotional and anxious, studies confirm. In the pool, classes are held under the guidance of professionals who motivate the child to throw out excess energy, as if "squeezing out" its physical. After the lessons, the student should have a feeling of the very pleasant tiredness that happens in adults after fitness.

Irritation and excessive emotionality are also removed by the water itself - ancient Greek philosophers appreciated its calming properties. If a hyperactive child is already playing sports, the pool will be especially useful in addition to other workouts. In addition, individual lessons lack the competitive interest that exists in dancing, football, and intellectual chess. Competitive spirit for hyperactive children is useless: it will only further upset the already complex emotional background.

Children in the kindergarten pool

Training in the pool tempers, and water helps control the body

Facts that will not be disputed by parents of neither hyperactive nor calm children. Immunity is strengthened by any sports activities. In the pool you can make a plan for year-round training. In addition, swimming classes keep the whole muscle system (legs, arms, back) in good shape, normalize blood circulation, even out posture and maintain the general condition of the body.

If the child often has ARVI, scoliosis or problems with the skeletal system have already been earned, pediatricians prescribe swimming classes. The pool warns of such health issues.

Control the body

What is important to know if you intend to give your child a swim?

Remember that classes should be held with a professional - hyperactive children often "rush into battle", ignore safety precautions and poorly coordinate movements. In this regard, especially the first lessons should always take place under the supervision of a coach or just a good swimmer.

For each correctly performed exercise, a hyperactive child should receive praise. Remember that emotional children react more sharply to failure and are more likely to expect praise than introverts, calm babies.

It is not worth giving the child immediately to the professional section. Unless you want to grow an athlete out of him. Normal activities in the pool of any educational institution will help reduce hyperactivity, normalize emotional tone, develop self-confidence and temper the body.

Today, almost all metropolitan kindergartens and many schools have swimming pools. Recently, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin in his personal blog made a statement that in those schools where they are not there, the situation will be corrected. New facilities will be designed by introducing a pool into the layout.

We recommend that before you decide to send the child to the pool, carefully read the reviews, monitor the regional educational institutions and pre-designate the baby the benefits that he will receive as a result of classes. As a result, psychologists advise that the child make a decision on his own.

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