It's no secret that nursing mothers think about how to eat properly, as this or that product can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. Therefore, the choice of products should be taken seriously. Blueberries ripen in the middle of summer, but this berry can be harvested almost until the end of autumn. It has an incredible aroma and unique taste. The nutritional and healing properties of blueberries were discovered in ancient times, and its berries and leaves have been used since ancient times to treat many diseases. Surely everyone knows that blueberries improve vision.
So young mothers who have heard about this shrub, are wondering if it is possible to eat blueberries when breastfeeding. Let's dwell on this in more detail and try to figure it out.
general information
Women who carry the fetus or breastfeed should closely monitor their diet. Some products are prohibited for use, while others, on the contrary, are recommended. Is blueberry allowed while breastfeeding? This berry is very beneficial for human health. It helps a lot with indigestion, improves blood circulation in the eyes, stimulates brain activity, improves the functioning of the genitourinary system and much more.
The chemical composition of blueberries
Answering the question of whether blueberries can be breastfed, the chemical composition of this berry cannot be ignored.
It contains the following beneficial substances:
- macronutrients: calcium, chlorine, potassium, sodium;
- trace elements: iron, manganese, zinc, copper;
- Vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system;
- vitamins A, B, E, K;
- citric, hydroxypropionic, butanedioic, ethanedioic and malic acids;
- flavonoids.
In addition to the above, blueberries are a good source of fiber, therefore, after eating this berry, a person will remain full for a long period of time.
Studies have shown that people who eat blueberries are much less likely to encounter heart and eye diseases and cancerous tumors. This is due to the high content of anthocyanin in the berry. And thanks to oxycoumarin, which is contained in the berry in a rather large amount, the blood circulation in a person improves.
Blueberries in the diet of a nursing mother
So, is it possible to blueberries with breastfeeding? If in moderation, then everything is possible, and blueberries are no exception. Doctors do not forbid women who are breastfeeding babies to eat blueberries, but it is important here not to abuse this berry too much. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to predict how the baby's body will respond to blueberries.
Despite the fact that blueberries are a diet berry that almost never causes allergic reactions, nevertheless, newborns may have individual intolerance, which most often manifests itself in the form of an allergy. Therefore, young mothers should be very careful with their diet.
General tips and tricks for eating blueberries
To avoid undesirable consequences when eating blueberries, young mothers should adhere to the following tips:
- Blueberries during breastfeeding in the first days after the birth of the baby is a prohibited product that you can start to eat no earlier than three months after birth.
- When introducing blueberries into the daily diet, it is recommended that you eat the berry in the morning for the first time, so that mom has time to watch the baby.
- It is not recommended to immediately begin to eat plenty of blueberries. First eat a few berries, and if everything goes well, you can gradually increase the dose a little.
- If blueberries with breastfeeding at 3 months will lead to undesirable manifestations in the baby, for example, an allergic reaction, then it is better to remove it from the diet, and instead cook compote from this berry.
If you follow these simple recommendations, then eating blueberries for lactation will not lead to anything bad.
While breastfeeding, it is recommended that a young mother exclude blueberries from her diet if she or the baby has idiosyncrasy, an allergic reaction occurs, or the baby develops constipation. Also, blueberries are under the strictest ban with increased acidity of the stomach and hemostasis. And, as mentioned earlier, blueberries when breastfeeding at 1 month are not recommended for use.
In what form is it better to eat?
If a mother or a child has an allergy after eating blueberries, then you can try to eat the berry frozen. This will significantly reduce the effect of blueberries on the body. From frozen berries, you can cook compote or make jam. It is worth noting that compotes can be given in a small amount to babies who have reached the age of seven months. As practice shows, the baby's body perceives them normally.
Can bilberries be breastfed in any other way? It is allowed for nursing mothers and babies to use various desserts made from this berry. The simplest cooking recipe is that the cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve, and blueberries are twisted in a blender or through a meat grinder, after which both ingredients are mixed.
Blueberries can also be twisted with other fruits, for example, a banana will be an excellent option, which helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system. Berries can be added to yogurt or melted ice cream. The result is not only a very healthy, but also incredibly delicious dessert.
Blueberry Harvest
If the child’s body reacted normally to the fact that the mother eats blueberries, then the berry must be stocked up for the future. Freezing is best for this, especially if you have a No Frost freezer. Harvested blueberries are picked, washed thoroughly and dried, after which they are packed in bags and sent to the freezer.
In winter, when many people have vitamin deficiency, blueberries will be an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. From frozen berries, not only tasty and healthy stewed fruit is obtained, but also incredibly mouth-watering and fragrant pastries. Also, blueberries can be added to various cereals, such a treat will certainly appeal to the baby.
So, we answered the question of whether it is possible to blueberries with breastfeeding. But do not forget about the beneficial properties of the leaves of this shrub, stocking up with which will also not be amiss. The leaves break off from the branches, dry and are laid out on glass jars, which are tightly closed. In this way, they can be stored for quite some time. The leaves are great for making teas and medicinal decoctions, which will be very useful in treating colds.