How to choose a filter for water purification to reliably protect your health

"How to choose a water filter?" - a very topical issue for our time. It's no secret that our health determines the quality of drinking water. Using it for cooking throughout the year, we quietly "eat" kilograms of salts of heavy metals, sand, chlorine and millions of all kinds of bacteria and germs. It is precisely because the systems of the treatment facilities cannot cope that universal seasonal infections of intestinal diseases occur.

how to choose a filter for water purification

Many consumers are well aware that urban wastewater treatment plants are simply not able to provide completely clean water - in most cases, the systems are outdated and the water pipes have long been rusted. Therefore, universal water purification systems in everyday life have become so popular and in demand today.

Thinking about how to choose a filter for water purification, many potential users first of all evaluate the main technical characteristics. These include:

  • reliability and quality of cleaning;

  • ease of use;

  • the cost of the filter and replacement parts.

The presented models can be the most diverse in appearance and have additional cleaning options, for example, the enrichment of filter elements with silver, a molecular structure system or ultraviolet sterilizers.

But still, how to choose a filter for water purification, optimal for the consumer and reliable in use?

water filter for apartment

Many people think that cartridge filters are more modern and reliable. They are installed directly on the water main and can have several stages of cleaning.

The existing cylindrical containers, each of which is equipped with its own set of filter elements, allow for phased cleaning. Thanks to them, you can use clean water without thinking about where it is purified and how.

To choose a filter for water purification based on reverse osmosis means to choose super-purified water. However, sometimes giving preference to such models is unreasonable both from the consumer and from the economic point of view. Opponents of using this purification technology claim that the water becomes "dead" and it is not recommended to eat it. In addition, such filters have a very tangible cost and additional costs for changing cartridges and removable components.

best water purification filter

Most consumers still prefer a jug - a filter for water purification. For an apartment this is a perfectly acceptable option. The choice of this model most often determines its cost. Thanks to the multilayer filter element, this model reduces the content of chlorine, metallic, organic and mineral impurities. However, few users understand that pathogens and microorganisms are actively growing in containers with already purified water. In addition, not knowing how much contaminated water comes from the water supply, no one can say for sure when it is time to change the filter. It is possible in a couple of days, although the manufacturer claims that the safe life of the treatment device is about three months.

Many consumers believe that the best filter for water purification must be costly, someone is quite happy with inexpensive appliances. However, only laboratory tests are able to confirm or refute their quality and reliability. Therefore, when wondering how to choose a filter for water purification, weigh the pros and cons by determining the most suitable option.

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