Theatrical activity in the middle group is a useful hobby for any child. Each theatrical performance teaches him something, opens up something new about the world, about which the little one knows so little more.
The middle group is ideal for staging fairy tales. While in kindergarten or elementary school, children still do not know about all the vicissitudes and complexities of this world, and the fact that real life stories are not built on fairy-tale scenarios does not bother them.
Therefore, a lesson in theatrical activities in the middle group can benefit both children and the theater. Moreover, such an activity teaches children not only to “put on” the image of a character. She also instills the ability not to be afraid of the scene and without fear to look into the eyes of the audience. Despite their age, children are no less nervous than adult actors, worrying about the fate of their performance.
How are classes in the middle group?
Classes in theatrical activities in the middle group are usually held two to three times a week. Some of the time it takes to prepare the children, wait until the necessary seriousness appears in them. Children go to many classes to chat with each other, have fun, and discuss something new. The theater, on the other hand, teaches them that at some point it is time to stop and get down to business.
To become a good actor, you need a concentration that children do not have until a certain age. In a sense, such an activity teaches their discipline in the same way as sports sections.
But theatrical activities in the middle group should not exceed an hour for children from kindergarten, and a maximum of two - for primary school students. Otherwise, it will become tiring for the child.
The most popular topic for performances posed by the middle group are fairy tales. They are arranged for any reason: New Year, burning a scarecrow on Shrovetide, Children's Day and many others. The theatrical activity in the middle group according to fairy tales suggests that someone becomes Santa Claus, someone - the Snow Maiden. And someone takes on other roles.
The planning of theatrical activities in the middle group is consistent with the director, who will stage the story. This may be part of a larger presentation organized by an older group, or it may be a separate presentation for children only. Preparation for the holiday begins in advance. The script is written in a few months, even six months before the required date.
The organization of theatrical activities in the middle group is a laborious process that takes up the forces not only of children, but also of teacher-directors.
Where to get the script for a fairy tale?
Such activity along with the development of fine motor skills, walks and games in the air is considered a useful way to take the time of children. Among the circles in kindergartens there is, for example, theatrical activity in the middle group. Scenarios of fairy tales are found in various books or specialized publications.
In some cases, the director can independently come up with a fairy tale by including in it details that will cause interest among children and parents. Do not be afraid to experiment, because theatrical activity in the middle group is exactly the process with which you can improvise, change almost everything and find new solutions.
Of course, this is the director’s concern, but children can also help in writing or editing. Most often, they own interesting ideas that look spectacular on stage. Children look at the world from a different perspective, already inaccessible to an adult.
The planning of theatrical activities in the middle group also involves the active participation of children.
How to create a presentation?
In this case, the theatrical activity of the child becomes independent. He is waiting for not just a holiday, but an event that he can create himself, with his own hands. At such moments, children do not even wait for expensive gifts and the day when the holiday comes. Each lesson in theatrical activities in the middle group in a studio or circle they are in anticipation of an event that they create themselves, their talent.
After the script is ready, the roles are distributed. In most cases, choosing a script, the director knows who will get what roles. But his decision may become different over time if the composition of the group changes.
How to distribute roles among children?
The distribution of roles is based on the identity of each child. And, of course, it depends on gender. The rest is complete freedom.
If in doubt, the director can see how the children play certain roles. To do this, they are given the text of the script with the right words or a sketch exercise to see how the child copes with it.
In the theatrical activity, every little thing is important: the child’s movements, words, intonations, turns of the head - all this affects the choice of role, even if it is a small fairy tale for the holiday.
After the roles are selected, rehearsals begin.
How long does it take to prepare for a performance?
To set up a fairy tale, you need two months - this is the minimum period for the middle group.
The theatrical activity of children in the middle group is combined with other activities, so more often two to three times a week is not recommended. Children will begin to get tired, and in the end they will have to choose what is more important to them.
At rehearsals, children try on the roles assigned to them. First, each of their movements is accompanied by a reading of the script or amendments by the director, who can see a new idea or change the setting to make the presentation more effective. After two or three weeks, the children already know the text by heart, remember at what point in the performance they should go on stage, and where to be.
A couple of weeks later is the period of finalizing the performance, when all inaccuracies are cleared. Gradually, the performance becomes the way the audience sees it on stage.
The time for the performance is chosen in advance and is known in a few months. Such accuracy is necessary not only to distribute classes in theatrical activities in the middle group and rehearsals, but also to clearly organize the work of costume work.
Rehearsals take place in ordinary clothes for several reasons: children can stain the costume, ruin it, other actors may need clothes. But two weeks before the performance, the actors should already know what kind of costumes they put on.
What is the purpose of classes in the middle group?
In the theater, every actor, whether it is a child or an adult, watches his time and everything he needs. In a special room - a dressing room, which is used by all actors to change clothes during the performance, each actor has his own hanger, where his things are located, and nobody else’s.
No one but the parents controls the visit, and the child decides whether he needs a theatrical activity. The middle group sets the goal of the lessons as simple - the opportunity to teach the child to come to interesting lessons on his own.
Such measures teach children to monitor their behavior.
Is it possible to combine the middle and senior group?
Of course, joint classes with the senior group will be useful. If the theatrical activity is carried out in the house of culture, then there are elders - teenagers under 18 years of age who have been attending classes in the theater for a long time.
Performances staged with the participation of both young children and adolescents are becoming more interesting. And the middle group at this moment learns skill from the elders, realizing that more recently they too were the same.
Of course, conflicts can arise, and to understand them is the first task of the director. It may seem strange that some disagreements may appear in a small group of children's theater, but this is so. There will always be topics for debate. It is important not to let them grow into something more.
But the older group teaches such activity not to be conceited, but to help younger “colleagues” to understand the wisdom of theatrical art. Lesson on theatrical activities in the middle group with the involvement of the older one can be safely carried out in one room.
Theatrical performance by standards
Theatrical activities in the middle group on GEF suggest guidelines and values that the child will have. Among them: independence, initiative, activity, the ability to find a common language with peers and even adults, knowledge of many rules of the game, positivity, positive attitude towards the world, harmony with oneself, lack of high self-esteem, self-esteem, respect for oneself and others .
A child engaged in theatrical activities has imagination and imagination, as well as ingenuity, which will help him solve many problems.
What are the specifics of classes?
The development of theatrical activities in the middle group is encouraged, because thanks to such activities, children acquire important skills. Theatrical activity is preferable because it looks like a game, it can easily involve children in a joint activity with peers and adults, and prove themselves. This is one of the most affordable ways of creative activity, from which the child will enjoy and the necessary knowledge.
Thanks to federal state educational standards, pedagogical work can also be easily organized.
Kindergarten Theater
In some cases, when a theatrical activity in the middle group takes place in kindergarten, parents also take part in the event. They help with decorations or with costumes for their children.
Each lesson in kindergarten is like a game, teaching children something new. For example, to understand the emotional meaning of poems or small plays that are played out as sketches between two or three children. Often the teacher, playing the role of the director, discusses with children their impressions of the read works.
For the middle group of the kindergarten, poems, fairy tales, dramatization games on various topics and special studies are selected. For example, affectionately give your name or the name of a neighbor, give a friend an imaginary gift, enter the image of a literary hero you like.
Along with simpler exercises (memorizing and reading poetry, counting, role reading), this forms an idea of theatrical art in children. Visits to the puppet theater will also be useful, so that the child sees what an ordinary rag doll can be under the guidance of a puppeteer actor hidden from the eyes of the audience.
The development of theatrical activities in the middle group in kindergartens is encouraged, along with the creation of other forms of activity for children.
How to put a fairy tale in kindergarten?
The theatrical activity in the middle group according to fairy tales will force not only children to take part in the performance, but also parents and educators.
Parents are invited to “serious” roles involving an adult (Santa Claus or Snegurochka, another significant adult or even an elderly character). Or, kindergarten workers put on suits themselves.
Most parents want to see their children from the audience, so sometimes they refuse to take part in the performance.
Performances in kindergartens are held directly with the help of educators. You should not scold children for the fact that they forgot the text on the improvised stage. With someone, this necessarily happens at least once in a lifetime, and if you focus on this, the child will have complexes and the feeling that no one likes what he does.
To make the performance a pleasure for everyone, parents and relatives are invited to kindergarten. Theatrical activity (middle group) will be remembered by others for a long time.
What is the difference between open classes and ordinary?
Open classes are an initiative of educators. They come up with a huge number of interesting games that can attract the attention of children.
An open lesson of theatrical activity in the middle group is held on the street, attracting the attention of adults and children from other groups. There are games aimed at the development of children. Games can be both group and in pairs or several people.
The scenario of theatrical activity in the middle group at open lessons is selected in advance. This may be a performance designed for several groups of children.
Rehearsing the play on the street or in front of other children is also considered an open lesson, during which children and educators acting as a director may have new ideas about the plot, costumes or sets.
How do classes help children develop?
After some time, when the children are older, the lessons become more serious. A lesson in theatrical activities in the middle group teaches the child to act with imaginary objects, develops imagination, competent clear speech and the ability to show any event with facial expressions, gestures and intonation.
Gradually, classes are becoming more exciting for children, informative. The tasks of theatrical activities in the middle group are diverse. After several months of visiting the theater in kindergarten, the child becomes more emotional, relaxed, confident, and interesting for peers.
Theatrical activity in the middle group teaches children responsibility for their things, makes it possible to socialize with other children, who are also interested in the success of the performance, helps to make new friends, get an unforgettable opportunity to see the world from the stage.
Not many people have such a memory, and at the moment when the performance - the fruit of hours of rehearsal - comes to an end, the child understands that many of his peers will never recognize this feeling. And, perhaps, parents who are sitting right there in the hall.
The result of theatrical activity
Do not underestimate the importance of theatrical activity in the middle group, considering the theater to be something optional for the child or even harmful. Classes in a theater club will not only develop many good qualities in a child, but they will also be able to provide the necessary knowledge that cannot be obtained in sports classes or in other sections.
If in a kindergarten or elementary school there is an opportunity to attend a theater club, it is definitely worth paying attention to it.
You can go to one or several first classes with your child. If parents don’t like something in the work of the theater club, they can always pick up the child. This rarely happens, but it happens that theater workers are dishonest in relation to talented children, trying to impose their own beliefs on them, which contradict the parental point of view, and sometimes even common sense.
If the parents did not notice anything suspicious, the child can be safely left in the theater studio. And then listen to his joyful stories about the time spent usefully in the circle.
If for some specific reason, the parents believe that their child will not have an interest in theater, performances or acting, then it is better to pay attention to other circles that will capture the child’s attention and will be useful to him. However, do not give up the idea without even trying. Perhaps the child will not want to devote himself to acting, but it will be his own choice.
What should not be forgotten?
The main advice usually given to parents: do not put pressure on the child. If in a kindergarten it is still easy to get him to do something, to interest, then the older the child becomes, the faster he understands what he needs and what not.
Theatrical activity in the middle group captures and captivates a lot of children in kindergarten, performances take place quite often, then this can continue already at school, and, perhaps, will turn into a professional activity in the future.
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