When does toxicosis begin during pregnancy and how is it manifested?

Most women begin to suspect that they are pregnant due to delayed menstruation and / or toxicosis. A test and a visit to a gynecologist confirm or dispel these conjectures.

Women who are planning a birth are usually interested in when toxicosis begins during pregnancy and how it manifests itself. Since this is not a very pleasant phenomenon, 80% of expectant mothers face.

It is not yet known for certain why some people have no toxicosis at all, and in some cases its manifestations are so strong that hospitalization is required. It can even cause a miscarriage.

Therefore, when toxicosis begins during pregnancy, you should consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist, especially if it causes serious concern. It is necessary to tell the doctor in detail about your condition and continue to follow all the recommendations.

Then, when toxicosis occurs during pregnancy, a woman feels the following:

  • sensitivity to odors;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • nausea
  • food intolerance;
  • irritability;
  • depression and poor health ;
  • increased salivation.

Doctors believe that a psychological factor plays a role in the development and exacerbation of this condition. A woman who finds out about her pregnancy experiences not only joy, but also fear and anxiety. Especially if conception was not planned. At the same time, specific substances are produced in the body that significantly affect the metabolism.

Another factor is serious changes in the hormonal background, and they occur daily until 12-16 weeks. The body simply does not have time to get used to them. In the same period, the formation of the placenta, which protects the mother’s blood from the ingestion of the embryo’s vital products, ends. As a rule, it was by this time that the woman’s condition was normal.

But in fact, when toxicosis in pregnant women begins and goes away, it is determined by individual characteristics. It is believed that the presence of chronic diseases, especially the stomach and intestines, is of considerable importance. In addition, the severity and duration of this condition is influenced by physical and mental fatigue. Therefore, you need to relax, walk, forget about bad habits, avoid stress, worries, experience more positive emotions, eat right and enjoy the expectation of your baby.

Early toxicosis begins after the fourth week. Everything that has already been said relates specifically to him. This condition is not the norm and in severe form it can harm the mother and the child, but late toxicosis is much worse.

Doctors also call it gestosis. For the mother, it is almost not noticeable, so determining when toxicosis begins during pregnancy in the later stages is not easy. However, the fetus does not receive the right amount of substances and oxygen. Late toxicosis can begin at 34-36 weeks, and in severe cases already from 20. It is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • protein in the urine ;
  • swelling
  • increase in pressure;
  • big weight gain.

Gestosis should be recognized as early as possible and treatment should begin. In the most severe cases, doctors recommend giving birth regardless of duration. Therefore, it is important to visit a gynecologist, since, as a rule, only he can diagnose this condition with regular monitoring.

Thus, when toxicosis begins during pregnancy, and also ends and how difficult it is, it is determined by individual characteristics. Worse when it occurs in the later stages. Early toxicosis can begin from 4 weeks and ends by 12, its severe forms require hospitalization. Gestosis often occurs in the last trimester and poses a serious threat to the fetus and woman.

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