Diarrhea and vomiting in cats: causes, first aid, treatment options, drug reviews, veterinarian advice

Once upon a time there was a cat. A caressed family favorite. He liked to eat delicious food, sleep on his master's lap and purr loudly. Once the cat became ill. Vomiting and diarrhea began. The hosts were bewildered, not knowing what to do. Fortunately, the unpleasant process stopped on its own. This cat is incredibly lucky, because diarrhea and vomiting in cats are dangerous for their life.

What can cause trouble? How to help your pet? how to avoid a dangerous symptom? All answers in our article.


Yesterday, the pet frolic and caressed. And today does not get off the tray. What could have happened?

The causes of diarrhea and vomiting in a cat are different. Starting from poisoning and ending with heat stroke. We list them all:

  • Food poisoning.
  • Chemical poisoning.
  • Injury.
  • Heatstroke.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Viral diseases.

We will analyze each in detail.

Cat licks

Food poisoning

This is the most common cause of diarrhea and vomiting in cats. Poisoning provoke:

  • Poor dry feed.
  • Food from the table.
  • Foul, stale food.

If a cat eats economy-class food, do not be surprised at vomiting and diarrhea.

Are you used to treat your favorite pieces of the table? Feed the cat what is left of your meal? Forget this habit once and for all. A cat is not a person. Her stomach cannot digest what people eat without problems. Spicy and salty foods, sausages, sausages, smoked or fried foods, including fish, are not cat food. If you have already decided to feed your pet with "human" food, then cook porridge with meat or fish. Without salt and spices, of course.

Pet - a fan of digging in the trash? He could get some food out of there. It can hardly be called good after being in the bin.

Access to the trash should be prohibited. Keep your favorite from her. Then you don’t have to puzzle over the issue of the occurrence of diarrhea and vomiting in cats.

What to do?

How to be a master if his pet has been poisoned? As a rule, the symptoms of the disease disappear within a day. At first, the cat does not get off the tray and vomits. With vomiting, leftovers of food come out. Gradually, the signs are subsiding, and the disease state is decreasing.

If everything has passed in 24 hours, the owner should do this:

  1. Do not give the cat food during the day. Be sure to exclude dry food.
  2. The pet should have access to clean water. The body is dehydrated, it needs to replenish the water balance.
  3. It is believed that to calm the stomach fluffy give "Almagel" or "Phosphalugel." But before pouring medicine into your pet, consult your veterinarian.

Symptoms do not go away

The cat has diarrhea and vomiting. What should I do if the day has passed, but there is not even a hint of their cessation? Take your pet to the veterinary clinic immediately. Further treatment at home is not possible. It is necessary to find out the true cause of the unpleasant symptoms.

Chemical poisoning

When cats develop diarrhea and vomiting, the hosts are lost. This cannot be done, because in many cases it is necessary to act very quickly.

How to understand that a pet was poisoned by chemicals? Symptoms may include:

  • The state is sluggish.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • The eyes are cloudy.
  • Vomiting regular. The cat has diarrhea and vomiting with white foam.
  • Loss of balance may begin.

How to help purr? Urgently go with him to the veterinary clinic. Chemical poisoning is dangerous due to its high toxicity. The younger the cat, the less likely it is to survive. This is due to the rapid dehydration of the body.

Try to remember where the animal tasted chemistry. What could it be? Perhaps you washed the floor with a special tool, and your favorite decided to try this water? Perhaps you washed the cat with “human” shampoo or left tablets for the dishwasher in the access area? If you can remember and voice the veterinarian, what could have been the cause of the poisoning, it will be easier for everyone.

Unfortunately, often the owners of cats that go out into the street do not know what their pet has poisoned. On the street, he can eat a chemical that someone decided to poison the mice, since such a bait usually has a pleasant smell. Even a mouse that is fed up with poison and caught by your cat can cause poisoning. It is possible to save a pet in such situations if you urgently turn to professionals.

Worms in the body

If a cat has diarrhea and vomiting with blood, this is a sign of parasites in the body. Veterinarians recommend that all animals, including cats, once a quarter give anthelmintic. This applies to absolutely all pets, even those who sleep on master pillows and eat only expensive cat canned food.

What to do if a similar situation arose? Contact your veterinarian immediately. In this case, only he will help.

We do analyzes

Before answering the question of how to treat diarrhea and vomiting in a cat, it is necessary to establish the cause of this condition. The pet is taken to a veterinary clinic and undergo such tests:

  • The cat takes blood and feces.
  • They may take urine for analysis, but they may not.
  • A biopsy fence is required.
  • An x-ray is prescribed if a tumor is suspected.
  • Do an endoscopy.
  • An abdominal ultrasound is performed.

Only after this, the veterinarian prescribes the necessary treatment.

Vomiting only

Does your cat vomit without diarrhea? Consider what this may be related to.

Sometimes an animal develops starvation vomiting. Yellow foam comes out of the pet. Do not be alarmed. Such vomiting quickly stops.

Do not forget that cats are large neat. They regularly lick, putting themselves in order. For this reason, wool accumulates in their stomach. It gathers in lumps and leaves the body through vomiting. This is absolutely normal.

Such vomiting can last about an hour. But if the fur comes out and the animal continues to tear, this is an occasion to contact a veterinarian.

why does the cat have diarrhea and vomiting

Diarrhea only

We have identified possible reasons why a cat has diarrhea and vomiting.

What if the pet has only diarrhea? It is necessary to observe the condition of the animal. The pet constantly runs to the tray, but is it cheerful and cheerful? Remember, perhaps you gave her milk. Most cats have lactose intolerance (contrary to the belief that fluffy pets are good for milk). This product is only useful for kittens aged 1-3 months.

Another reason for diarrhea may be a sharp change in feed. Suppose they were always fed with dry food, but here they abruptly transferred to spiders. From this, cats can also break their stools.

In any case, diarrhea should stop in a day. If this does not happen, take the cat and go to the veterinary clinic.


There is another reason cats have diarrhea and vomiting. This is an injury. Let's say the animal received a strong blow. There was internal bleeding. Pet tears. Severe diarrhea occurs.

By the way, vomiting and diarrhea with blood in a cat is a sign of not only parasites. It is possible that the fluffy was injured. If the pet has a black bowel movement, it is one hundred percent internal bleeding. You can’t delay. It is urgent to provide the animal with professional help.

Cat vomiting and diarrhea with blood

How to avoid trouble

To prevent diarrhea and vomiting foam in the cat , the owners need to follow these simple rules:

  • Cat bowls should be kept clean. We always remember this.
  • If the pet is fed with natural food, but he has not finished eating a portion, we remove the remaining food in the refrigerator.
  • We change water regularly.
Cat drinks water

  • We limit the pet’s contact with stray cats. You can get viruses from them.
  • Once a quarter we give the animal worm tablets.
  • Do not forget about annual vaccinations. This applies to all animals, even those that never go out.


What are the treatments for diarrhea and vomiting in cats? A veterinarian should appoint them. The information provided is for informational purposes only:

  1. Phosphalugel. It was mentioned above. This tool relieves stomach irritation and binds all toxins, helping to remove them from the body.
  2. "Bifikol", "Probifor" and "Hilak Forte" contribute to the restoration of microflora in the intestines of the animal. The last drug is most relevant, because pets lick it with pleasure.
  3. Keep a good sorbent in your veterinary medicine cabinet.
  4. Activated carbon acts on the cat's digestive tract in the same way as in case of human poisoning.
  5. Chamomile tincture. Make a weak solution and dispense from a syringe without a needle.
  6. Help with diarrhea and vomiting in cats "Phthalazole".
  7. Sodium chloride is injected into the animal.

We repeat that it is advisable to use all of these drugs after diagnosis.

the cat has diarrhea and vomiting white

How to give medicine

Diarrhea and vomiting in cats cannot be predicted. The animal was active and cheerful, and now it looks like a rag. How to help your favorite pussies?

The types of drugs that a veterinarian can prescribe are discussed above. But there is no indication of the dosages there. Do not worry, here you will find information about the dosage of a particular medicine.

  • A solution of chamomile is given every three hours for 5 ml.
  • Half a tablet of activated carbon is diluted in water. They drink it right away.
  • Quarterly tablets "Phthalazole" knead. Bred in water. Every half hour, this solution is poured into the pet.
  • Adult animals inject 0.9% sodium chloride. 40 ml at a time.
  • "Phosphalugel" is given four times a day for half a teaspoon.

Recovery period

If vomiting and diarrhea in cats are associated with poisoning, then the recovery period will last about two weeks. It is important to follow these recommendations:

  1. Buy special food for cats who have problems with the digestive tract.
  2. In the first day after poisoning, the pet should not be fed.
  3. Be sure to drink fluff. Dehydration occurs very quickly. Water is used boiled or bottled.
  4. If the pet refuses to drink on its own, water is poured out of the syringe without a needle.
  5. All medications prescribed by a veterinarian must be given to a cat.
  6. If injections were prescribed (antibiotics, as a rule), then they should be set as prescribed by a specialist.
  7. During the recovery period, you must strictly monitor the pet's nutrition. There should not be any pieces from the table, cheap food and other "pickles" in the cat's menu. Only specialized feed.
  8. Dry food can be replaced with wet. It's about spiders. Only first check with your veterinarian, spider which company is better to buy.

How to give pills and prick a pet

Not always the owner knows how to conduct medical manipulations with the pet. We give brief recommendations:

  • If you need to give the cat a pill, dissolve the medicine in water. Drinking from a syringe is easier than making it swallow. However, some find it easier to give a whole pill. To do this, take the pet in your arms, open its mouth and put the pill on the tongue closer to its root. Close the mouth immediately and stroke down the throat from the base of the jaw down, this will provoke the swallowing movements of the animal. It must not be released immediately, otherwise it may spit out the pill. If the pet does not sit quietly in the arms, it can be wrapped in a plaid to deprive of mobility.

  • How to prick a cat? If we are talking about injections under the withers, then the animal is placed with its stomach on a hard surface. A table is an ideal option. With the left hand, hold the animal behind the back, and with the right hand introduce the needle under the withers. It is more convenient to put an injection together. One person holds a pet, and the other stabs.


  • Intramuscular injections are more difficult. Have to ask for help from household or neighbors. The cat needs to be held tight, because such injections are quite painful. The assistant holds the purr with both hands. It is best to hold the withers with your right hand, and grasp the body of the pet with your left. The owner makes an injection in the right thigh. It is not necessary to treat the skin before the injection.

What to do if prescribed droppers? At home, this is almost impossible to accomplish. Therefore, the owner of the animal will have to take him to a veterinary clinic.

Cat under a dropper


The cat is said to have nine lives. Some people are sure that she herself can cure herself. It's a lie. There are diseases and problems that only a professional doctor can solve. The owner of the pet should try to prevent diseases: give the cat quality food, vitamins, anthelmintic drugs. It is equally important to monitor the cleanliness of the animal's bowls. If the pet is sick, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

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