Modern conditions suggest certain difficulties in organizing leisure activities for children and adolescents. So, the time that is free from school, adolescents have the right to use at their own discretion. Children of this age with the desire to participate in activities that do not always have a positive effect on their moral and physical development.
Realities of modern life
Can such problems be prevented in a timely manner? How to organize the upbringing of preschool children? What role do preschool teachers play in shaping the personality of babies? How to draw
thanks to the teacher from the parents for the celebration, during which children receive new skills? These issues deserve a detailed study. For example, a text of gratitude to the teacher from the parents can be composed independently.
For the formation of the horizons of children, the expansion of their artistic, spiritual values, a full-fledged preschool education is important. If earlier the development of preschool children of 3-6 years old was spontaneous, each preschool educational institution used its own methods, development programs, now there is the Federal State Educational Standard, which spells out all the skills and abilities that children of this age should possess by the time they leave the walls of the preschool . In order to fully comply with the recommendations of the standard, programs are being developed in which children's matinees occupy a special place.
Numerous holidays that are held in kindergarten have certain signs: participation in them is voluntary, independent. Holidays are held in preschool institutions, taking into account the individual characteristics of children. When developing a scenario, educators use an emotionally-shaped basis, children receive a lot of positive emotions, so thanks to the educator from the parents for the holiday are an integral part of their joint desire for the success of personality formation. Children's holidays in preschool institutions fully meet all the needs of the formation of socially important personality traits.
The role of educators in organizing holidays
Teachers who work in the educational system help preschoolers to improve themselves and develop comprehensively. For such an important and difficult work, gratitude is needed from the teacher from the parents, it can be expressed both in written and in oral form. A teacher working in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard is obliged to organize the activities of pupils so that during various holidays children have the opportunity to develop as much as possible. Recently, gratitude to the teacher from parents in verse is a common phenomenon, a symbol of recognition of the pedagogical abilities of an employee of a preschool institution.
Features of the organization of a children's holiday
The creative process begins with the "director's intention", which determines the staged decision, the essence of the future holiday, its atmosphere, as well as the form of the meeting. The significance of the children's holiday directly depends on its future content, the specifics of the organization, the nuances of holding. The teacher is required to possess theoretical knowledge about the features of preschool age, the individual interests of the developing personality of the baby. Also, the teacher must determine the organization of the festival, matinee, evening, performance, concert, theatrical performance.
Children's holiday is an “alloy” of music, poetry, choreography, slides, plastics, movie clips, the use of which is influenced by the director’s intention. The script, written by the teacher, involves the use of expressive means, mise-en-scenes, therefore, it deserves to declare thanks to the teacher from the parents. Particularly difficult for educators is the installation between themselves of different episodes of the full script of the children's holiday, so that it is spectacular, dynamic, emotionally-figurative. Any gratitude to the teacher from the parents for organizing the holiday is a recognition of their professional skills.
Revitalization of preschool children
The main methods of activating preschoolers:
- theatricalization;
- game materials;
- artistic images.
Among the main activities of adolescents, gaming activities should be mentioned . Game and celebration are interconnected. Spectacular forms of leisure for preschoolers help to formulate adequate self-esteem in children.
Psychologists call entertainment an important form of creative activity of preschoolers, and during the game, children can play different roles: performer, organizer, spectator. Among the main holidays that are characteristic of kindergartens, we can mention: "March 8", "New Year", "February 23", "Graduation". Any holiday implies gratitude to the educator from the parents, the forms of its expression can be different: a bouquet of flowers, a greeting card, a gift certificate and other pleasant things.
Organization of the holiday on March 8 in a preschool
International Women's Day is a holiday that cannot be left without attention by the educators of the DOW. It is associated with the advent of spring. Children, together with their carers, prepare original handmade gifts for mothers. For example, from ribbons, pieces of fabric, they make small crafts, complement them with bright applications from color cardboard.
Of course, in such a holiday it is impossible to do without a matinee. The scenario of the holiday come up with educators together with a creative group consisting of parents. For example, you can learn the dance “And I love the sun” with children, in which there are no complex dance movements, that is, all children can cope with the dance. Parents can also be involved in the process by showing them dance moves. Also during the matinee, organized for mothers, you can play the game "Sweep, cook, swing", supplementing it with musical accompaniment. The game involves the use of simple movements that are performed with gradual acceleration. This is a great option to cheer up all the observers of the holiday, including the participants themselves and numerous spectators. The acceleration option is of particular interest to preschool children of the older group. The plot of this game is based on a women's holiday, as well as on signs of spring: sun, warmth, spring. Also during the holiday, you can use the element of competition by entering tokens with the sun in the script. Such tokens can become the basis for a comic spring auction, during which "rest on the Canaries" (photograph with a view of the Canary Islands), "happiness" (drawings of children) are played out. Such a festive matinee will create a positive mood among parents, guests, preschoolers. Kids taking part in games activate their memory, speed, attention.
Thanks to the teacher from the parents for the celebration of March 8 is expressed in a bouquet of flowers, a greeting card. After all, the “guardians” in the DOW are mostly women, so March 8 is their holiday.
Organization February 23 in kindergarten
Defender of the Fatherland Day is an important event that kindergarten teachers do not disregard. In order for preschoolers to understand the importance of this event, they make greeting cards for their dads, grandfathers, and special holiday mornings are also held. The main goal is to create a sense of pride in their men - defenders of the Fatherland. With the help of festive events held in kindergarten on February 23, kids develop their motor activity, enrich their vocabulary with military terms, and develop musical ear. In preparation for the holiday, a sense of collectivism is formed, the group rallies, the kids respect the Russian army.
Educators hold special talks about the army, learn poems with their children. Together with their parents, preschoolers make out exhibitions: “My dad served”, “Our dads”.
The script for the holiday by February 23 is written by the teacher, attracting the mothers of their pupils. During the event, the kids read poetry to their fathers and grandfathers, and a game is held in which children and parents take part, girls and mothers act as the jury.
How to organize graduation in kindergarten
The organization of the
graduation party
in kindergarten is a serious event. Just a couple of years ago, the kids came here, and now it's time to say goodbye to the place that has become a second home for preschoolers. Graduation in kindergarten is an outlandish event for children, they are on the verge of a new school life. This moment for kids is also impressive because they take an active part in the selection of attire, hairstyles, shoes for this celebration. Girls dream of boasting a beautiful ball gown, an unusual hairstyle. In preparation for such a holiday, thanks are expressed to the teacher from the parents at the graduation in verse or in prose. Children themselves tell poems to their teachers, prepare dance compositions, musical numbers.
Features of graduation in DOU
Among the sad moments associated with the graduation evening in kindergarten, one should mention parting with friends, beloved lockers, educators, toys. Is it possible to make sadness a holiday? Carers and parents must work a miracle by turning graduation and farewell to the garden into a fabulous performance.
Preparation for the graduation party should be organized, phased, creative. First, a creative council is convened, which includes a head of the kindergarten, teachers, parents. This creative group thinks over the options for decorating the hall, chooses the script for the prom, and distributes the responsibilities among the activist organizers.
To decorate the hall in the kindergarten for graduation, you can use garlands of balloons, as well as crafts made by the pupils themselves. The outfit of the hall is influenced by the variant of the script chosen for the graduation.
Examples of decorating the hall for graduation in a preschool educational institution
The hall can be arranged in the form of a train from the popular children's song “Blue Carriage”. Each trailer may contain photos of preschoolers, poems about all the kids. The employees of the garden will become car drivers, so thanks to the teacher from the parents at the graduation, photos can be issued on the main train carriage. Then the graduation party itself will become an unforgettable journey, during which the kids, together with their mothers and fathers, will be able to visit the "fairy-tale countries" of their preschool life, to remember bright moments. If it is difficult to independently express gratitude to the educator from the parents, the sample can be searched on the honor board or in the corner for information where such beautifully designed papers are already available.
Children are the flowers of our life
In preparation for the graduation party, you can decorate the hall by planting “flowers”, the petals of which will be photographs of graduates. To complement this picture you need photos of educators, which are presented in the form of watering cans.
Gratitude to the teacher from the parents at the graduation is formalized in the form of an original flowerbed. For the base of paper flowers, ordinary wallpapers purchased at a construction supermarket are suitable. In addition, you can make applications in the form of flowers in the classes on art, along with kids, armed with scissors, cardboard, glue.
Treasure Island
Preschoolers love unusual adventures, so you can decorate the hall for graduation in kindergarten with chests, scattered with coins, outlines of trees. The main value of such a "treasure island" will be the "Graduate Diploma", hidden in one chest. During an adventure trip through the treasure island, kids must find their “crusts”. In order to get to this mysterious island, children board a “real” ship, the outline of which is made of cardboard, instead of portholes, photographs of pupils are glued. Teachers will become youngs on the ship; the head of the kindergarten in the captain’s cap will take the helm seat. The hall can be decorated with colorful balloons, posters "Congratulations", "Goodbye, kindergarten." You can organize an exhibition of works by preschoolers so that parents can get acquainted with the creative achievements of children.
The highlight of the graduation in the DOW
Whatever the idea for organizing a graduation party in kindergarten, it is important to remember that such an event is “historical” for kids, so parents and carers should make sure that the holiday becomes an unforgettable event for future first graders.
To express gratitude to the teacher from the parents at the graduation, the song can be redone to the motive of some popular melody. Some active parents turn into wizard clowns during the prom or invite gay gnomes. Is there a need to arrange a banquet at the graduation evening in the garden? For children, he is definitely not needed, they want to jump, play, run, and not sit at the table. No need to oversaturate the event with long speeches of adults, it is better to express gratitude to the teacher from the parents in verse. The time saved on “speeches” would be more correctly spent on presenting souvenirs to the heroes of the occasion, as well as on active games. As a gift, you can consider special sets designed for first graders. At the same time, there should be gratitude to the educator from the parents, a sample of which can be seen in the neighboring group.
After graduation from kindergarten, children fall into “adult life”, begin to go to school, and work on obtaining knowledge. They will no longer have such a carefree childhood, as in the walls of a preschool educational institution, and therefore, their favorite teacher, girlfriends and friends, photographs, videos will forever remain in children's memory. Such a memorable event in the baby’s life happens once, you need to make sure that the child’s memories are fabulous and bright.
Poems of gratitude to parents from teachers can also sound. To decorate the holiday, you can invite animators, circus artists, magicians, do soap bubbles for preschoolers. Mostly graduators in kindergartens spend the educators themselves. Parents who respect their mentors try to free teachers from this hard work and invite people who specialize in children's parties to graduation.
The "sharp corners" of the prom in the garden
Among the features of the prom in kindergarten it should be noted “smoothing of sharp corners”, avoiding conflicts between children. Not all parents are satisfied with the work of the teachers, it seems to them that their children are not given due attention, therefore, during the graduation, they allow offensive language addressed to the teachers and other employees of the preschool educational institution. So that conflicts do not spoil the children’s holiday, think over options for “resolving” such situations in advance.
Graduation party at the preschool educational institution involves a lot of worries, troubles, nervousness, disputes. These problems are well known to those educators and active parents who take part in his organization. Therefore, do not forget about gratitude to the teacher from the parents at the graduation, parents can come up with a sample on their own. The most “painful” issue when organizing the prom is considered a discussion of gifts for future first graders.
In preparation for the prom, you will have to collect money for gifts to kindergarten employees. All issues related to souvenirs to a music worker, teachers, nannies, of course, are decided by parents, without involving a teacher. Basically, thanks to the teacher from the parents in prose are prescribed in a postcard and supplemented by a gift certificate. As a reward, kids can be presented not only kits for first graders, but also cars, dolls, soft toys, so that they become a reminder to the child about this event. Among the “useful” gifts for prom at the kindergarten you can also consider a school bag. If the parents could not agree on an option, each baby will receive his own gift, which, according to his parents, will be a reminder of the years spent in the garden.
To summarize
No matter how wonderful a children's party the teachers, music staff, kindergarten choreographers organize, in any case, parents should help them. On the most important of them, thanks should be declared to the teacher from the parents at the graduation in prose or in verse. Only coordinated actions of all participants in the educational process: parents, educators, medical workers, physical education instructors, psychologists, speech therapists are able to give the desired result - to prepare the child for the next stage of his life. No conflict situations that arise in the process of working with children should lead the main actors away from the goal, so in each situation it’s worth trying to find the right peaceful solution without quarrels and scandals.