Heated electric sheet: reviews and selection tips

Sleep is a physiological process during which the body rests and restores its strength. Therefore, it is very important that it be strong and full. To this end, engineers developed an electric sheet. It provides coziness and comfort while relaxing.

What is a heated sheet?

This is a unique invention that allows you to quickly warm the bed, creating more comfortable conditions for sleeping. A heated sheet allows you to quickly warm up when the room temperature is low. It is an indispensable thing in the winter, when the heating is very weak or even turned off. Also, a heated sheet is great for a country house.

To date, electric sheets are considered the best solution in the fight against wet and cold beds at any time of the year.

heated sheet

Healing properties

In addition to creating comfortable sleeping conditions, a heated sheet has a therapeutic effect. So, the use of electric sheets helps to dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, relieves pain in muscles and joints. Also, the sheet affects the entire body, causing general relaxation. Because this invention is very often used to treat certain diseases. Especially the electric sheet is relevant for people suffering from osteochondrosis and rheumatism.

How does an electric sheet work?

The heated sheet is a sheet of calico or cotton fabric, in the fibers of which heating elements are embedded. As a rule, manufacturers of electric sheets use soft, soft-touch fabrics. Therefore, outwardly it is very similar to the usual. The only difference is the presence of small subtle details.

heated sheet

How to use it?

Typically, the electric sheet has 2-6 temperature conditions. Its heating occurs according to the user-defined mode. It is recommended to choose a sheet with the maximum number of temperature conditions.

The electric sheet is equipped with a special temperature monitoring system. This function eliminates the possibility of overheating, which is very important during sleep. Therefore, a heated sheet is safe to use in a crib.

The product has an automatic shutdown system, due to which the heating stops after some time. Different models may have different auto-shutdown times.

beurer heated sheet

The benefits of electric sheets

An electric heated sheet has many advantages:

  • safety: during use of the sheet, electric shocks, fire and various electromagnetic influences are excluded;
  • moisture resistance;
  • environmental friendliness of materials: manufacturers use natural fabrics and non-toxic parts;
  • the presence of several temperature conditions;
  • the ability to retain heat for a long time even after turning off the heating function;
  • the presence of a timer, after which the sheet continues to warm at low power;
  • economical energy consumption ;
  • the ability to clean and wash;
  • the presence of a test program that blocks the operation of the product in case of a malfunction;
  • self-timer with auto-off function, limiting the high temperature;
  • the presence of two fuses.

A double heated sheet can have two independent control panels for spouses.

double heated bed sheet

Additional functions

Some manufacturers produce electric sheets with additional features. For example, a temperature sensor is equipped with a backlight. This makes monitoring nighttime temperatures easier. Additional features include quick heating. This feature is very relevant in winter, when you need to quickly get a warm sheet.

Also, in the market of household goods, you can find models that allow you to heat individual zones. For example, the area of ​​the legs, etc. But when choosing a multifunctional sheet, it should be borne in mind that it costs more.

How to care for electric sheets?

The heated sheet can be washed by hand at a water temperature of no higher than +30 º. Machine wash is also allowed, but only in manual mode with a small number of revolutions during the spin cycle. But there are models for which only dry cleaning can be used.

To prevent breakage, you must carefully examine the product tag before washing. The manufacturer always indicates recommended cleaning and grooming methods.

If the electric sheet can be machine washed, the controller should be removed from the product. And only then can it be loaded into the washing machine.

Very often, a heated sheet is used during use. This is very practical and allows you to keep the product clean longer.

As a rule, when buying a sheet, instructions for use are included. In it, the manufacturer indicates the rules of operation of the product. If the user follows the instructions, the electric sheet will last much longer.

heated sheets reviews

When should you not use electric sheets?

There are situations in which you cannot use a heated sheet:

  1. Wet bed. You can turn on the electric sheet only in conditions of complete dryness.
  2. In some diseases, accompanied by an increase in body temperature of the patient.
  3. During pregnancy: overheating of a woman is very dangerous and can cause premature birth.

It is also not always possible to use electric sheets for children. In this case, it is better to consult with specialists.

heated electric sheet

How to choose a heated sheet?

At first glance, all the electric sheets on the market are the same. But in reality they are different from each other. Therefore, at the time of purchase, you should study different models well and choose the most suitable one.

Firstly, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. It is better to buy a sheet of a well-known brand, which guarantees high quality and compliance with safety standards.

Secondly, you need to determine the type of product. So, on sale there are single and double electric sheets, which differ in size, heating time, material and type of heating element. Manufacturers took into account the requirements of customers. They designed family double electric sheets. In addition, each spouse has his own remote control and can choose the most suitable temperature for his zone.

Sheets of various sizes are available for sale. Therefore, before buying, it is recommended to measure the bed. It should be borne in mind that for most manufacturers, the heating area is less than the physical dimensions of the product by 15-25%.

When buying a sheet, it is very important to pay attention to the type of heating element. The user security depends on this parameter. Manufacturers use ordinary wire in double sheets, double safe, triple safe and carbon. It is recommended to buy sheets with double and triple safety wires. The fact is that they turn off when overheating and thus the possibility of fire is excluded.

An important selection criterion is the heating time. Most models heat up no faster than 30-40 minutes. The buyer of such a sheet will always need to turn on the heating for a long time before bedtime. However, there are more expensive models on sale that heat up in just two minutes.

As for materials, there is also a great choice for the buyer. Manufacturers offer sheets from natural fabrics: cotton, calico. For less demanding users, electric sheets are made from semi-synthetic fabrics. In this matter, the buyer should be guided by their own preferences.

how to choose a heated sheet

Customer reviews

Recently, there has been a rapid increase in demand for heated sheets. User reviews are mostly positive. Buyers note the comfort and convenience of this wonderful invention. As for specific models, buyers are more inclined to expensive models of a well-known manufacturer. And those who chose the budget model of Chinese production, could not use the product for a long time, which many broke almost during the first application. In order not to pay twice, experts recommend buying an expensive and reliable electric sheet, which will last for more than one year. According to users, the most high-quality and safe sheet is a heated Beurer sheet.

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