Despite the abundance and accessibility of a wide variety of mobile devices, some people still do not know what a PDA is, even if they have a smartphone or other mobile device.
The abbreviation PDA stands for "Pocket PC". In fact, the device performs the functions of a regular stationary computer or laptop, plus everything is really a personal computer, which can often not be said about its "older" relatives. PDA differs from them not only in size, but also in power. Also, you will not be able to disassemble it freely, which is much easier to do with a regular desktop computer.? , , , , , . , .
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However, knowing what a PDA is, you won’t be able to discount it, because a PDA spends less energy because it does not need to constantly search for a network, which significantly reduces energy consumption. It follows that the handhelds last without charge much longer than communicators, especially with the Android system.So, a handheld personal computer has many functions. The main ones are listed below:
1. A device for reading books.
2. The typewriter. Of course, the handheld is small in size, but some of them have a qwerty-keyboard, which is very convenient.
3. The music player.
4. The Internet.
5. Organizer.
6. There are plenty of games for PDAs, so if you need to kill time, then you will be presented with a lot of interesting toys.
These are the most basic functions of the handheld, which are usually used, but there are plenty of standard programs like a calculator and others. Also, do not forget that the PDA will not replace your desktop computer if you are engaged, for example, in 3D-graphics or want to go through a new game, exacting to system and hardware requirements.
If you are the owner of this device, then you can find everything for PDAs on specialized sites: utilities, games, and much more. It should be noted that you will not suffer from a lack of programs designed specifically for handhelds.In large cities, there are even specialized stores that sell spare parts for PDAs. If this is not in your city, it doesn’t matter. After all, you can order them in online stores, of which there are many now.
The main advantage of handheld personal computers is their mobility and long battery life, which cannot be said about most smartphones. On the other hand, do not forget that the little assistant will not replace you with a desktop computer that has more functions and more power than a PDA.