"Enterosgel": dosage for cats, appointment, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Enterosgel is a medicine used for humans and animals. He earned his popularity due to effective help in cases of poisoning, intoxication and allergic manifestations. The principle of action of Enterosgel, dosage for cats and the use of medication will be discussed in this article.

Why do I need a drug

Cats need this medicine to cleanse their body of toxins.

Enterosgel: dosage

The drug is given in the following cases:

  • intestinal infections;
  • poisoning of various nature;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • allergic reactions to food or medicine;
  • acute and chronic intoxication;
  • the use of anthelmintic drugs;
  • diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.

Before therapy, it is better to consult a veterinarian who will establish the dosage of Enterosgel for the animal.

Operating principle

The main active ingredient of the drug is an organosilicon compound that acts as an enterosorbent. When the drug enters the gastrointestinal tract of cats, it begins to actively absorb exogenous and endogenous toxins, radionuclides, poisons, bacteria, salts of heavy metals. Decomposition products are excreted naturally twelve hours after administration.

How to give Enterosgel to a cat: dosage

In addition, Enterosgel binds an excess of metabolic products - urea, bilirubin, lipid complexes, cholesterol. Silicon, which is part of the drug, is not absorbed and does not participate in the biochemical processes of the body, it has the effect of fixing the stool.

A distinctive feature of the drug from activated charcoal is that it does not settle on the internal walls of organs, does not stain the stool, and does not cause dysbiosis. The latter is due to the fact that the medicine does not adversely affect beneficial symbiont bacteria. Doctors recognize the use of Enterosgel for animals as absolutely safe.

Causes of Digestive Disorders in Cats

The main disorders of the digestive tract of animals are vomiting and diarrhea. Despite endurance, the cat's body can not cope with some adverse factors.

Enterosgel cat with diarrhea: dosage

The causes of trouble may be as follows:

  1. Poisoning is a dangerous situation that can be fatal. Cats are curious by nature and neat. Being licked, they absorb harmful or poisonous substances that accidentally get on the wool. It can be medicines, household chemicals, domestic plants poisonous for cats, rat poison, fertilizers or poison for insects. How to give "Enterosgel" to the cat and the dosage will be determined by the attending veterinarian.
  2. Allergic manifestations. Allergies occur in cats due to individual intolerance of milk lactose to drugs or poor-quality vitamins and nutritional supplements.
  3. Infection with parasites. As a result of such intoxication, immunity decreases, internal organs are damaged, metabolism is impaired. In advanced cases, the toxins that secrete parasites poison the body.
  4. Digestive tract diseases. With such a violation, the body increases the content of purines, lipids and uric acid, which causes intoxication and diarrhea. The dosage of Enterosgel for a cat with diarrhea is set depending on the weight.
  5. Impaired kidney function. In renal failure, the organ cannot completely remove toxins; water-salt and acid-base homeostasis is disturbed, which leads to vomiting and diarrhea in the animal.
  6. Infections of various kinds.
  7. Stressful situations (visit to the doctor, a trip in transport).
  8. Improper nutrition (abrupt change in food, spoiled foods).

Symptoms of Disorders

If the first symptoms of a violation in the animal are noticed, urgent measures must be taken.

Enterosgel: application for animals

Signs that require an immediate response include:

  • vomiting
  • more frequent than usual stools;
  • fluid bowel movements;
  • red and black feces;
  • temperature rise;
  • flatulence;
  • poor appetite or its complete absence;
  • lethargic behavior;
  • dehydration.

When the first symptoms appear, the animal must be given Enterosgel (the dosage for cats is indicated in the instructions). If the medicine did not help (after a day the bowel movements still have a liquid consistency or an unusual color), an urgent consultation with a veterinarian is required.

Drug use

As a rule, in situations that do not require the intervention of a doctor, an hour later after the initial intake of the drug, the stool is normalized.

Enterosgel for animals: dosage

The dosage of Eterosgel for cats is half a teaspoon - for kittens, a whole spoon - for adult cats once a day, two hours before meals or two hours after it.

To remove toxins from the body, the medicine is given after anthelmintic drugs after four to five hours. This procedure is carried out a week before vaccination and once every three months (regardless of whether the animal walks on the street or eats raw fish and meat).

The medicine has no taste, but a little unpleasant. Therefore, in order to feed the medicine, it is diluted in a sufficient amount of water and carefully poured into the pet’s mouth with a syringe without a needle. To stimulate the swallowing reflex, you can stroke the animal through the neck. If the patient is calm, then the drug can be poured without diluting it with water. The syringe must be kept on the side so that the pet does not choke. After taking the drug, give the animal a drink of water.

During therapy with the drug, it is undesirable to feed the cat with wet food.

Retreatment should only be prescribed by a veterinarian.

The tool can be used for preventive purposes, in this case - half the dose twice a day for a week.

Side effects and contraindications

The instructions for taking the medicine indicate not only the dosage of Enterosgel for cats, but also describe situations in which the use of the drug is not recommended.

Among them:

  • the presence of peritonitis;
  • allergic manifestations to the components of the drug or their intolerance;
  • bowel obstruction or atony;
  • perforation of the intestinal wall.

Among the side effects, the following are noted:

  • nausea;
  • constipation.

No cases of drug overdose have been identified. Reception during pregnancy or lactation is not contraindicated.

The drug should be taken two hours after taking other medicines.

In order for the four-legged friend not to be in trouble, you must follow the rules of hygiene and proper nutrition. In any case, the first-aid kit in which Enterosgel is located should always be equipped in the house.

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