which baby food is better

When choosing baby food for your baby, you should be very careful. Parents often make mistakes. Which baby food is best for your child is up to you. But you must take into account all the needs of the child's body and its reaction to a particular product. You should not completely and unconditionally trust commercials on TV, because the body of each crumb is individual and what suits one child may be at least different to the taste and also cause an allergic reaction or disorder. There may be other disorders of the internal organs.

Also, when choosing baby food, it is necessary to take into account the degree of processing of products that are part of the composition. If, before preservation or packaging, they were subjected to too much heat treatment, this led to the loss of all vitamins. If, on the contrary, the treatment was insufficient, then there is a risk of diseases with any infections. Therefore, you need to be very careful, giving preference to a certain type of product.

The next step is the need to choose which baby food is best suited by age criteria. Children up to a year are recommended to stay breast-fed, or to make this type of feeding a priority. But if this, for whatever reason is not possible, then it is necessary to choose a mixture for the child. First you need to pay attention to age criteria. If the package contains a two, then it is categorically not suitable for a two-month-old baby, because children before six months and after have different food needs.

Choosing what is the best infant formula for your baby, you must also consider the physical characteristics of the body, a possible tendency to allergies. Depending on these indicators, it is necessary to opt for a conventional mixture or for treatment. There are several types of therapeutic mixtures: for premature babies, with a violation of the digestive process, hypoallergenic and mixtures that are based on goat milk proteins.

In the second half of life, a more varied diet is required for the child. Do not forget that each new product must be introduced separately and gradually. What baby food is best during this period? An unequivocal answer to this question was not found, although one should not forget about breastfeeding. But there are nuances to keep in mind. Firstly, meat must be present in the children's diet. Thanks to this, the baby's body will be replenished with proteins, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. It is also necessary to pay special attention to the content of vitamin C in consumed foods, which will strengthen the baby's immunity.

Here are some basic rules when choosing baby food. First, do not forget to read the labels. Secondly, the ideal puree for the child is that puree, in which, apart from vegetables (fruits) and water, nothing else is included. Thirdly, the shorter the list of products indicated on the label, the higher the naturalness of this product. And the fourth rule - try to avoid foods that contain sugar in their composition.

With what baby food is best for your crumbs, you are familiar with. But not only foods can cause allergies in the baby. One of the strongest allergens for a child may be washing powder. And this must be taken into account. So which baby powder is better to choose? First of all, it should not cause allergies in the baby. Ideally, without violating the initial qualities of things, it is well to wash them without leaving spots. For washing children's things, it is strictly forbidden to use those powders that contain soda, zeolites and chemical bleaches. The percentage of phosphate should be from 15 to 30.

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