Today we will talk about how important massage and gymnastics are for a child (4 months). Komarovsky E.O. - a recognized pediatrician in the country, the author of his own television project, whose videos are very popular with parents, he believes that creating an environment suitable for such procedures at home and mastering the necessary skills for any adult.
What is their benefit?
With regular exercises, the heart and blood vessels become stronger, the respiratory and circulatory systems begin to function better, motor skills develop, and the natural regulation of the processes of inhibition and excitation of the brain occurs.
Dr. Komarovsky recommends dealing with babies from two months. But in our article we will talk about children 3-4-5 months of age. Why? A child from 3 months becomes more active. The amount of awake time increases, and for gymnastic classes you can choose convenient intervals when the baby is full, calm and in a good mood. There is even finger gymnastics for children 4 months old!
We are growing
Starting from 3 months already holding the baby’s head confidently, it should often be laid on the stomach to strengthen the cervical, spinal and other muscles. At 4 months, the child masters the support with his hands and holds on outstretched arms. For the development of muscles and ligaments of the hands, it is very useful to teach him to clap his hands, as well as hit the pen on even objects.
At about the same age, the first words appear, smiles and the movements of the legs and arms are activated. From the same age - about 4 months - the baby begins to be actively interested in toys, he grabs everything and tries to hold it with his hands, thanks to which the joints and muscles are strengthened. It is up to the parents to develop such interest and ensure the selection of useful and proper rattles.
From 3-4 months of age, the muscle tone of the legs and arms normalizes in babies (the phenomena of hypertonicity come to naught). Now you can do passive types of exercises to strengthen the flexor muscles. Gymnastics of children 3-4 months begins with the most simple of them. Passive exercises are most often carried out in the form of shaking (vibration), the procedures need to be supplemented with massage techniques (rubbing).
Where to start?
What is massage and gymnastics for a 4 month old baby? Starting with stroking, gently massage the surface of the baby's body with the pads of your fingers, which are bent at the same time. The massage also ends with stroking, so that the nervous system calms down, and the muscles relax. Over time, the effects of massage become more intense. In addition, from this age it is proposed to master the first gymnastic apparatus. Most often, this is a large and bright inflatable ball.
Gymnastics for children of 4 months is supplemented with water procedures in the form of baths at room temperature. The first swimming skills can be instilled in a child at that age. The duration of classes gradually increases from 15 to 20-25 minutes. It is clear that all of the above applies to cases where the child is healthy and responds positively to gymnastic exercises. If this is not so, you need to consult a pediatrician.
Children's massage: basic techniques
Let's start with a foot massage. The baby lying on his back is massaged by stroking and rubbing in a circle. You need to move from heels to hips and do 3-4 (no more) movements in one approach. Stroking is done before grinding and after them, completing the exercises.
How to do ring grinding? Gently grabbing the baby’s leg with the fingers of both hands, we make a circular motion with the hands on the outside of the lower leg. Having reached about 3 turns to the level of the knee, we begin to rub the thigh muscles. The knees themselves are never rubbed! The procedure is repeated about 6 times, the result should be a slight reddening of the skin.
We train the legs
Other useful exercises that include gymnastics for children 4 months old include the so-called sliding steps. It is also applied to a child lying on his back, aimed at strengthening the muscles of children's legs. Exercise carefully without abrupt movements to avoid the risk of injury. The adult takes the shin of the baby with his hands, while the masseur's thumbs are placed on its outer side, and all the rest on the inside. The baby's leg is straightened and shaken slightly, then bent again. At the same time, the heels of the baby should not come off the surface of the table (the heel glides along it smoothly).
The procedure is repeated alternately with the left and right legs 4 times. Such gymnastics is not suitable for 4-month-old children who have hypertonicity of the flexor muscles , instead of which you can use the exercise described below (in the form of reflex walk).
Performing this exercise, the baby "stands." In fact, you hold it by the armpits vertically, facing you, the soles of children's legs slightly touch a hard surface. In this position, the reflex is triggered, and the baby begins to move his legs - "walk". You can engage in reflex walking with a child starting from a month and a half.
Massage the feet
Another useful exercise is foot massage. It is applied to a baby lying on his back and consists in stroking, rubbing and shaking. Thrice stroking the feet of the child, continue rubbing their outer and inner parts. At the same time, you need to move from heels to fingers.
After completing the rubbing of the foot, you can start striking. To do this, several times (from 8 to 10) on the soles of children's legs are easily hit with the index finger (its back surface), while the direction of massage is preserved. Finally, the legs should be ironed again.
Gymnastics for children 4-5 months old includes a leg extension-flexion procedure that is excellent for developing and strengthening leg muscles. When performing it, we use its reflex flexion when pressing from the side of the sole to the place of the base of the fingers. Forcing the baby to bend and unbend the foot several times, carefully rub its outer edge to straighten. The procedure is repeated about 4 times.
Go to the handles
Massage children's hands hold in the same position (laying the child on his back). The adult gives his thumb to the child, which he reflexively clamps into a fist. It is necessary to hold the children's brush and make a few strokes in the direction of the shoulders, then the ring grinding that is already familiar to us. As for the legs, the exercise ends with three stroking.
Ring rubbing of hands is carried out by active movements in a circle. For 4-6 revolutions, the fingers of the massage person reach the elbow and then the shoulder. About 5 repetitions are recommended, resulting in a slight reddening of the skin.
The next exercise, which gymnastics offers for 4 months old children, is to cross children's arms on the chest. The kid still lies on the back, his arms are crossed. An adult gives the child his thumbs in his hands and helps to clench his fists. The other fingers of the masseur easily hold the hands of children’s hands, which with a slight shake are parted on the sides and again crossed. At the same time, the position of the baby’s handles relative to each other should be constantly changed: left at the top, right at the bottom, then vice versa. The procedure is repeated about 6 times.
Very useful exercises in the form of turns on the tummy. They should be dealt with several times a day. The baby lying on the back is held with the right hand by the legs in the lower part of the lower leg. Having given the index finger in the palm of the baby, holding the wrist with the left hand, carefully turn the torso to the right barrel. The kid takes the initiative and makes an independent turn to the left with his head and upper body.
At the moment of reaching the position on the right side of the child, his left handle is slightly held forward and pulled forward, due to which there is a reflex flip to the position on the tummy. The baby’s arms are now located under the chest. Turning on the tummy in the opposite direction (rolling through the left side) is done exactly the same. Gymnastics of children of 4-6 months, as a rule, does not already contain such exercises, since by this age the kids are well able to roll over themselves.
Other exercises
We proceed to the next exercise - now the baby has to raise his shoulders and head, lying on his back. As before, putting the thumbs in the children's hands and holding the hands of both hands with the others, gently pull the baby, achieving an easy raising of the head and shoulders. You can not plant a child! About three easy lifts are recommended.
A massage of the baby’s tummy is considered to be very beneficial. Its main techniques are stroking various types (circular, oncoming or oblique muscles). Each of them is desirable to repeat about 4 times. Then the tummy can begin to slightly rub, first in a circular motion between the navel and ribs (with one hand). Then, with both hands, rub the rectus muscles of the baby’s tummy. The movements are quite active and are made in a certain rhythm. As a result, the baby's skin acquires a light pink hue. The massage ends with a soothing stroking.
Massage the back
Do not forget to massage the back of the child. This consists in smooth stroking the back and buttocks, produced with both hands. Up you lead the outside of each palm, and down - the inside. The number of repetitions is also equal to four.
Having finished stroking, we begin to rub the children's back. In this case, circular movements with straight lines alternate. Rubbing is done as a shift of the skin on the back up and down with the fingers of an adult. Another type of rubbing the child's back is in a spiral. They make it with two hands: left - counterclockwise, right - on it. Hands periodically change places.
We turn to breast massage
Similarly, breast massage is carried out by ordinary and circular stroking and vibration. The last procedure is done with extremely careful light pressure on the baby’s chest from the middle to the sides. Stroking the baby along the intercostal spaces with your fingertips.
It helps to strengthen the joints and muscles of children's hands the so-called exercise "boxer", which is lunges with hands. Having already taken the child’s handles as previously described, we bend and unbend them one by one. At the same time, the baby's shoulders are slightly raised, but from the side it seems like he is boxing. For each hand, 6 repetitions are carried out, while sharp movements under the ban in order to avoid injury.
Gymnastics for children 4 months on fitball
Exercise on the ball gives an excellent effect, which, as a rule, is very popular with the child. At the same time, the vestibular apparatus is training well, and the muscles of the arms and legs are effectively relaxed. They must be performed no earlier than half an hour after a meal. The ball should be brightly colored, warm or at room temperature. This shell is required to cause the child only positive emotions.
Gymnastics for children of 4 months on the ball begins with the fact that the baby is carefully placed on the fitball tummy, spreading his knees. Then the child is gently rocked on the ball from side to side, as well as in a circle. Be sure to hold it firmly by the back, beware of falling.
Gymnastics for children 4 months with dysplasia
Hip dysplasia in infants is relatively common. It is found either in the hospital, or when examined by an orthopedic surgeon, and is a congenital subluxation of the hip joint. With a mild degree, its joint functions are not impaired.
Dysplasia can take one of three forms - from light to heavy, in which the normal ratio of the joint bag and femoral head is disturbed. Symptoms of dysplasia are difficulties when breeding in the direction of children's legs, clicks in the hip joints, asymmetry of the folds, different lengths of the legs.
Having noticed something like this, parents must consult with an orthopedist. With a timely diagnosis in the first year of life, an adjustment in the formation of the hip joint is possible, which occurs after birth. Having identified dysplasia and having prescribed a course of treatment, the doctor will definitely recommend you special gymnastics.
Features of action for dysplasia
The exercises begin with a special massage. The legs should be rubbed from the lower leg to the thigh easily and very carefully. Then we massage the children's foot and gently rotate it in different directions.
It is necessary to grind the baby each of the fingers to unclench them, use the same reflexes or draw an eight on the sole.
Having rubbed the legs, we proceed to kneading them. In spiral movements we move from the foot to the lower leg, pressing hard enough.
Gymnastics for children 4-5 months with dysplasia consists in the following techniques:
1. One leg is kept on the surface, the other is pressed against the tummy, alternating alternately.
2. Extend the leg in the knee joint and take it to the side. Subsequently, you can do the same thing immediately with two legs. In this case, pay attention to how the baby reacts. If he does not like the exercise (causes discomfort), we stop it.
3. Holding the heels of the child’s hands, slowly turn them in a circle.
4. A good effect can be achieved by the following simple exercise. Pull the baby foot towards the face, touch it with the nose. Starting with 5-6 sets, increase them daily by 1.
And now more difficult
You can go to another, more complex set of exercises after a few weeks. It is preceded by a similar massage, now carried out on the stomach. The exercise consists in trying to bend the children's legs in the hip joints as much as possible with the knees pulled to opposite elbows.
Another exercise - we part the legs apart, then, holding the pelvis in a position pressed to the surface, touch the priests with their heels. In this position, we delay for 5-6 seconds.