Medical termination of pregnancy

Medical abortion is an abortion with the help of special medications. According to statistics, every year around the world thousands of women interrupt the development and growth of the fetus. Each woman has its own reasons for this. However, experts argue that just medication termination of pregnancy causes minimal harm to health.

This technology was developed relatively recently. Today it is an alternative to ordinary abortion. Surgical intervention in this case is not required. Unfortunately, when a woman chooses the medication method of abortion, it is impossible to say with complete certainty that everything will go away without complications, injuries, and so on. Of course, the body tolerates such an abortion much easier, since this technique is considered more sparing and much better tolerated from the point of view of psychology.

Medical termination of pregnancy is effective only in the early stages. For example, if a woman is in a position of no more than six to seven weeks, this value is ninety-eight percent. It is worth noting that sometimes negative results are also observed. However, the number of such situations depends, first of all, on the individual characteristics of a particular woman, the state of health of her body, and much more. In this case, the pregnancy continues, the fetal egg cannot be expelled completely, inflammation begins and bleeding opens. The situation is not pleasant. In this case, mandatory surgical intervention will be required.

Abortion is considered safe. This operation requires constant monitoring by a specialist patient. The shorter the gestation period, the higher the tolerance of this abortion to the fair sex.

How is drug termination of pregnancy? First, a woman must undergo all the necessary examinations. Based on the data obtained, the specialist makes a decision on whether this method of abortion is suitable specifically for his patient. If this decision is positive, the doctor prescribes the day of the procedure. A drug for abortion can be presented in tablets or in a solution that is administered intravenously to a woman. For several hours, the patient is under the supervision of her doctor. Such an abortion is not a one-time procedure. A woman uses the drug several times. After the procedure is completed, after two weeks the patient undergoes an ultrasound examination again. If the operation is successful, she will not need any further treatment.

As for such situations when the pregnancy still continues some time after the abortion, here, as mentioned above, surgical intervention is required. Sometimes expectant mothers change their mind to terminate a pregnancy after they have used a special drug and the fetus has not been completely expelled from the body. In this situation, the specialist must necessarily warn the woman that the probability of any pathologies in the baby is high. It is for this reason that it is necessary to complete what has begun.

Pain sensations, depending on the emotional mood of the person and the so-called threshold of sensitivity, vary greatly. Some patients endure the procedure persistently, others require the help of analgesics. In addition to all this, after medical abortion, bleeding lasts up to three weeks. Then it is replaced by a menstrual cycle, the discharge in which is even more plentiful. Do not be scared. This behavior of the female body is the norm. In any case, termination of pregnancy of this type can lead to various diseases and the onset of many harmful consequences for the woman's body and health.

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