How to tie a men's scarf? Each member of the stronger sex who wants to look elegant and stylish should master this art. The article discusses the options that are most popular these days.
How to tie a man's scarf: general recommendations
So what do you need to know? How to tie a men's scarf? To begin with, do not forget that this is not a tie. A scarf does not need to be tightened, this will only inconvenience its owner. To sacrifice your own comfort in the name of fashion trends is useless.
Variants of nodes should be chosen based on how long and wide the product has. Violating this rule, a man will look more stupid than elegant and stylish.
French knot
How to tie a man's scarf around his neck? For more than a decade, the French site has been popular. Its main advantage is versatility. The scarf tied in such a way organically fits both in the street style and in the business image. The French site also has another advantage, its ability to retain heat well.
We must not forget that not every model allows to realize this option. The scarf must be long. For short products it is better to choose a different solution.
How to tie a man's scarf, if preference is given to the French knot? The product must be folded in half, then thrown behind the neck, holding one end in each hand. Next, the folded ends must be inserted through the loop formed, tightened. The knot should not be too tight, the scarf should not cause discomfort to its owner.
Wrap once
How to tie a men's scarf quickly? If a person is in a hurry, he should stop at the simplest option. This solution can be used regardless of the length and width of the product. A scarf tied in this way is ideal for a cold winter. Cold air cannot harm a man, as there is no gap for his penetration.
How to do it? The scarf needs to be wrapped around the neck so that both ends remain dangling below.
Just throw
Of course, there are other simple options. For example, a man can simply throw a scarf around his neck without tying it. This option is optimal if the window is early autumn or late spring. The air temperature must certainly be positive.
What clothes will a scarf just wrap around a neck look good with? This decision is relevant when a man puts on a jacket. Also, he can be preferred when a person is wearing a sweater, cardigan.
As already mentioned, in this case you should not tie a scarf. It is enough to throw the product on the neck.
Ascot node
How to tie a man’s scarf to look democratic and stylish at the same time? The Ascot node will help the representative of the stronger sex to solve such a problem. As a rule, they do not drag him much. If it is cold outside, it is better to refuse this option. A scarf tied with an Ascot knot is unlikely to help its owner keep warm.
How to make this node a reality? You need to put a scarf on your shoulders, and then cross both ends of it. Further, the lower end is bent inward, the node is tightened. The product must not be allowed to “choke” a man. Ascot node is chosen by those representatives of the stronger sex who not only follow fashion, but also attach great importance to their own comfort. However, excessive freedom is also worth giving up. Ascot knot should not hang around the chest.
Art style
How to tie a man's scarf if its owner spins in bohemian circles. Many creative people wear this product, throwing one end behind their back and leaving the other in front. This option is not suitable for a cold winter. But it’s advisable for him to give preference, going to a creative meeting or a bohemian party.
How to tie a product? The scarf should be thrown over the shoulders, and then throw one end behind the back.
Double wrap
How to tie a man's scarf around his neck so as not to catch a cold in the cold season? Double wrap will be the best solution. This method will help a person survive any inclement weather, he will not be afraid of severe frosts and piercing winds.
We must not forget that not every scarf can be wrapped around the neck twice. The model must have sufficient length. The minimum allowable value is 150 cm.
What is a double wrap? The scarf should be thrown over the shoulders so that one end is at the level of the chest. The second end should be wrapped twice around the neck so that the product covers all exposed areas. We must not forget about the reliable fixation of the ends. They should be placed between the layers of the scarf.
How to tie a men's scarf, if we are talking about a product from silk? It must be remembered that not every method is suitable for such a model. This is primarily due to the fact that it is very slippery. For example, it is better to immediately abandon the attempt to realize the French knot, as it will not last long.
How to wear such a scarf? A man can tie it in one turn or give preference to double wraps. The first option is the easiest. It is necessary to wrap the neck with a scarf once, leave the edges free. One of them may be longer than the second, this solution looks very interesting.
Silk scarf is also suitable to bring to life a "false knot". How to do it? It is necessary to tie a loose knot at one end of the product, then throw it on the neck. Then you should stretch the remaining free edge into the created node. The height at which the “false knot” will be fixed, the scarf owner can choose, focusing on their own convenience.
Under the coat
Many men wear a scarf under their coats. Some people do this in order not to freeze in cool weather, others - for beauty. The choice of a node in this case directly depends on whether it is warm or cold outside.
If the weather outside is pleasing, but not upsetting, you can not tie a scarf under the coat at all. It is better to simply throw the product around the neck, so that the man will look stylish and elegant. If it is cold outside, you can stop at one of the nodes, which are listed below:
- double wrap;
- Ascot node;
- one revolution;
- french knot.
Original solution
How to tie a man's scarf in an original way? You can prefer a double wrap with a knot, which has become fashionable relatively recently. This method is characterized by simplicity and convenience.
The product must be wrapped around the neck, as in the usual double wrap. Then tie the edges to the front of the knot. The scarf will look neat on the neck, regardless of whether the man prefers to hide the edges under the clothes or leave them outside.