Agriculture has always been one of the most important sectors of the economy of our country. Today, rural life and rural labor are not in fashion. Living in the village is boring, so young people who have come of age tend to leave it as soon as possible. From ancient times, it is known that rural life is hard and bleak, and agricultural labor is poorly paid. However, one cannot fail to admit that without agriculture, life in our country is impossible, despite the fact that Russia has long been considered an agrarian country. The village today is the main supplier to the country's food markets of high-quality food products: meat, milk, flour, vegetables. Every person who is engaged in some kind of labor celebrates his professional holiday once a year. Agrarians also have it.
Agricultural Worker Day is celebrated annually on October 14 and is considered a professional holiday for workers in farms and fields, specialists in farms and agricultural enterprises, rural intelligentsia and agricultural scientists. As a rule, all those people belong to rural workers, thanks to whom our tables always have fresh vegetables, high-quality dairy products and warm bread.
The Day of the Agricultural Worker, established by decree of the President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, received official recognition in 1999. Perhaps the work of an agricultural worker is one of the most ancient and significant. Even in ancient times, agriculture replaced the gathering, as people realized that it is much more convenient to grow vegetables in one place allotted for these purposes than to leave for long days from your own home to find food.
Agricultural Worker Day is an important holiday for a country like Russia. Huge territories of agricultural fields and half of the world's black soil reserves create the conditions for our country to continue to be the strongest agrarian power in the world. Today , Russia is fully capable of providing itself with food without resorting to food imports. Despite the fact that modern farmers no longer work, holding a hoe and a shovel in their hands, their work is still very difficult and requires physical effort. From year to year they have to deal with crop failure, drought, pests, etc. Regardless of the fact that some regions of Russia are not at all suitable for the cultivation of agricultural crops and grazing, Agriculture Day is celebrated, as a rule, in all corners of our homeland. Today, the state provides support not only to farms and collective farms, but also to private farms that have sufficient resources to maintain a high standard of living for the population of their country, as well as to provide them with quality food.
By the way, congratulations on the Day of the agricultural worker are usually received not only by workers in farms and fields, but also by residents of villages and villages engaged in other fields of work, livestock farmers, fishermen, hunters and even summer residents. Perhaps October 14th is precisely the day when you should call your relatives living in villages and villages and say thanks to them. In many regions of the country, a good tradition of celebrating the Day of the Agricultural Worker has been the holding of celebrations, the celebration of the best workers in the agro-industrial complex, and the delivery of certificates to distinguished specialists. Often, guests of the holiday are representatives of local authorities, with whom ordinary people can chat “live” and ask questions that concern him.
Today, Agricultural Worker Day is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in neighboring states: Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan. As a rule, farmers are honored there a little later - on the third Sunday of November.