Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a disease of our time.

One of the most common pathologies of our time is chronic fatigue syndrome, the first and main symptom of which is general, pronounced, unmotivated weakness that does not pass after a long rest, leading a person out of an active life for a long time. First, in 1860, a variety of symptoms and ailments were combined into a single syndrome of “neurasthenia”. In 1988, American scientists identified chronic fatigue syndrome as an independent disease. The reason for this was a sudden sharp increase in the number of patients who complained of constant fatigue. In addition, fatigue was accompanied by a number of psychological and somatic symptoms. Outbreaks were observed in the states of Nevada (1984), Florida (1956) and California (1934), and they were not limited to any socio-demographic or geographical groups.

For a long time, the interpretation of the name of this disease was exclusively debatable in nature, and it was called differently: post-viral asthenia syndrome or immune dysfunction, myological encephalomyelitis. It is customary to highlight the main signs of chronic fatigue:

  1. Exhausting weakness that occurs suddenly.
  2. Progressive prolonged fatigue that does not disappear even after sleep or rest.
  3. Decreased performance.
  4. The absence of any diseases and obvious causes that can provoke fatigue.

Small signs of chronic fatigue are also distinguished:

  1. Long-term progressive fatigue, especially pronounced after any previously easily tolerated physical exertion.
  2. Low temperature fever and headache.
  3. Soreness in the lymph nodes.
  4. Pain in individual muscles, migratory joint pain, muscle weakness.
  5. Sleep disorder in the form of insomnia or drowsiness.
  6. Neuropsychiatric disorders: forgetfulness, disorders of the organs of vision, irritability, indecision, decreased ability to concentrate and mental activity.

These symptoms appear gradually, in most cases everything starts with a condition resembling a common cold - the temperature rises, a sore throat is felt, lymph nodes increase, a headache occurs. Then in the next few days, and sometimes hours, muscle weakness, soreness of some muscles, joint pain, and fatigue join in .

It is believed that people aged 26-45 years are most susceptible to this disease, especially women, although both a teenager and a child of kindergarten age can get sick. The duration of the disease is different, some patients recover enough within a few months, while others require several years. Quite often, chronic fatigue syndrome is cyclical in nature, when periods of exacerbation of the disease alternate with periods of remission.

If you often feel inexplicable fatigue that does not pass after rest, along with which you observe a number of other signs of this disease, do not start self-treatment in any case. Contact a neurologist, immunologist, or neuropsychiatrist who will tell you how to treat chronic fatigue. There is no single effective and quick-acting remedy for this ailment, and there are no exact reasons for its occurrence. The treatment of such an insidious disease of our time as chronic fatigue syndrome should be a set of measures, including: normalization of physical activity and rest, vitamin therapy, active methods of normalizing the emotional and psychological background, daily two-hour walks. In addition, a course of physiotherapy exercises, autogenic training and massage will be required. Oxygen cocktails, bathtubs and a circular shower have a fairly high efficiency . The use of acupuncture will help normalize the circulation of vital energy, reduce pain, restore normal functioning of internal organs.

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