An ordinary scarf provides scope for the imagination of designers, and today a scarf tube has appeared at the peak of fashion. Most ladies have long acquired such an accessory and managed to appreciate its beauty and convenience. The size of the snood can vary, and this range is quite large, but it is important that its width is not excessive and allows the canvas to fit around the neck, chin and shoulders. The scarf collar is sewn of fleece, wool or can be knitted from cotton, wool or blended yarn. There are models with a seam and without it. Scarf-pipe will provide reliable protection from the cold in winter and in the off-season in women's or men's wardrobe.
For both women and men
Whatever the size of the snood, wearing it is both simple and comfortable. It does not have to be tied up, laid out evenly, align the ends. A looped scarf is simply thrown over the neck over the head, if necessary twice, and the folds are distributed. The accessory can serve as a hood and a wrap on the shoulders. The attractiveness and versatility of the scarf-clamp is that it can be turned in one movement into a completely new piece of clothing., (, , -), . -, , , , — . , . , . , , . , .
For lovers of style, a casual scarf pipe is indispensable. It will add zest and emphasize the features of the style. The size of the snood and its color are best chosen taking into account the features and color schemes of the outerwear available. Selected by the color and quality of the material for a sweater, mittens or leggings, the scarf tube will create a harmonious ensemble and will look very beautiful.The ability to wear this accessory with a fur coat, jacket or coat, fur vest, dress or pullover makes it universal and democratic. Long or shortened, wide or narrow, massive or openwork - scarf snood looks great in any performance, the sizes of which can be very diverse.
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