Today, probably, there is no such woman who does not want to become a mother. Pregnancy is one of the most enjoyable moments in life. The third week of gestation is the final one for the process of sperm movement. As a rule, at this time the woman still does not understand that a new life has arisen in her, since the first symptoms may not appear immediately. It is worth knowing that from this time the fetus becomes an integral part of the mother's body, interacting with it as a whole. But what is meant by this? After all, being in the womb, he himself is a living organism, perceiving and aware of information from the world around him. To make it clearer, let's take a closer look at what happens to the fetus at 3 weeks of gestation.
General information: the beginning of a new life
Each trimester of bearing a baby is truly unique, because both mother and her unborn baby are constantly undergoing various changes. The fetus at 3 weeks of pregnancy is successfully fixed on the wall of the uterus and begins to develop. It is this period that is considered the final stage of conception. After the fertilized egg enters the woman’s reproductive organ, and it closes. The zygote at 21 days has a very small size, not more than two millimeters, and in its shape it resembles a ball.
The third week is considered one of the most important, as the expectant mother begins to feel a connection with the child and feel all the changes occurring in her body. Perestroika is global in nature, as a result of which the girl’s well-being is greatly deteriorating. Her hormonal background is completely changing, causing severe intoxication. According to experts, changes occur in the functioning of approximately 75% of internal organs and systems.
A few words about the well-being of a woman
Let's dwell on this in more detail. So, the fetus is fixed on the wall of the uterus at 3 weeks, and a new life begins to arise under the girl’s heart. Despite the fact that there are still no visual signs of pregnancy, nevertheless, this simply cannot go unnoticed. According to her well-being, a woman can determine that her dream of motherhood will soon come true. Especially changes will be noticeable when the menstrual cycle fails. If menstruation has not occurred in accordance with the expected period, then this is the very first and most obvious sign of pregnancy. In the early stages of gestation, there is still no toxicosis or mood swings, however, a large amount of chorionic gonadotropin is produced inside the uterus. If you pass a general blood test, then an increased content of this hormone can show pregnancy, while standard tests in about half the cases give a false negative result. But the best indicator is the body itself. He can tell about a successful conception with the following symptoms:
- creamy vaginal discharge of white color;
- fatigue;
- swelling caused by fluid retention;
- decreased or increased appetite;
- change in taste preferences;
- violation of the digestive system;
- nausea;
- frequent urination.
If you notice these changes in yourself, then you can go to the hospital for an ultrasound scan, which will not only confirm the fact of pregnancy, but also see a photo of the fetus at 3 weeks with your own eyes. This research method is very informative, and allows you to determine how the development of the baby is proceeding, as well as identify various anomalies and pathologies in the early stages.
It is worth noting that in addition to worsening well-being, a woman can also experience various emotional changes. Among the main ones, doctors distinguish the following:
- increased anxiety;
- unpredictable mood swings;
- feeling of anxiety;
- irritability.
Emotional instability is quite natural. Its reason is hormonal restructuring, caused by the onset of rapid growth and development of the fetus. 3 weeks is exactly the period when maternal instinct wakes up in women. Therefore, it is not surprising that her behavioral factors are changing.
External signs of pregnancy
What should you pay attention to first of all? The size of the fetus at 3 weeks of gestation is very small, so the mom’s tummy is still not growing. But there are a number of external signs that accompany the bearing of the fetus, even in the early stages. As women giving birth, among the most common, the following can be distinguished:
- skin rash;
- pulling sensations in the lower abdomen;
- menstrual failure;
- breast enlargement and sensitivity.
In some cases, it is also possible to increase body temperature to 37 degrees. This is quite normal, since the body suppresses the activity of the immune system so that the fetus is not rejected. Therefore, do not panic and start drinking any medications.
What happens to the baby in the womb?
As a rule, expectant mothers begin to get acquainted with this aspect even before conception. What changes are observed in the woman’s body are understandable, but how does the fetus develop at 2-3 weeks of pregnancy and what happens to it at all? After intercourse, sperm are sent through the fallopian tube to the egg. As a rule, fertilization occurs within 6-8 hours. If conception was successful, then immediately after it the body begins to actively rebuild, creating favorable conditions for the development of the baby. Due to a change in the hormonal background, the tone of the uterus increases and the protective functions of the body are suppressed.
It is worth noting that the fetus at 2-3 weeks is a zygote consisting of a set of 46 female and male chromosomes that are continuously divided. It is at this time that the formation of a new person takes place: his genetic code is laid, gender and character, personal qualities and appearance are formed. Gradually, the zygote moves along the folic tube into the uterus, where the child will grow and develop until the moment he is born.
Fixation of the zygote on the wall of the uterus
So what do you need to know about this? At 3 weeks of gestation, the fetus is implanted inside the woman’s reproductive organ. This is a very important process, on which the further course of gestation depends. But what is he like? In simple terms, a fertilized egg simply burrows into the soft tissues of the inner surface of the uterus. In this case, a woman may experience pain in the lower abdominal cavity, and discharge with an admixture of blood is often observed. Discomfort is caused by continuous cell division and the formation of new blood vessels, which will become the basis for the placenta, and the umbilical cord will form from the surface cells. The whole process lasts about 40 hours. During this time, the zygote is completely fixed inside the uterus, after which the fetus begins its development. Once the amniotic fluid is formed, pregnancy will begin to proceed normally and effectively.
So what is it for? Ultrasound of the fetus at 3 weeks is mandatory, because it allows not only to confirm pregnancy with 100% accuracy, but also to see the fetal body, as well as evaluate its condition. If the baby will have any developmental abnormalities, then the study will show them and allow doctors to take the necessary measures in a timely manner. The main indications for ultrasound are:
- determination of the presence of an ectopic pregnancy;
- detection of intrauterine bleeding;
- the need to confirm successful conception with questionable test results;
- when using additional reproductive technologies.
During the procedure, a special device protected by a condom is inserted through the vagina of the woman, eliminating the possibility of introducing any infections. In order for the results to be as accurate and informative as possible, the expectant mother must first go to the toilet. In addition, before visiting a doctor, you should refrain from consuming any products that stimulate gas formation in the intestine. This is due to the fact that air suppresses ultrasonic waves, which greatly reduces the quality of the picture.
What can be seen in the picture?
What does the fetus look like at 3 weeks? At this time, during an ultrasound, it is possible to discern only a fertilized egg. On the screen of the device, it has the form of a circle or oval about two millimeters in diameter. Despite the fact that there is no clear outline of the fetus, nevertheless, such information is very valuable, since it indicates the start of the process. A heartbeat at 21 days of gestation will not be visible. Near the embryo is a yolk sac. It contains progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy. If its size is smaller or higher than normal or it is completely absent, then this indicates the presence of a future mother of any pathologies. In addition, the risk of miscarriage is significantly increased.
Ultrasound examination is also very important, because if the fetus is 3 weeks old, the photo from the examination can be a good addition to the family album, located outside the uterus, then a great threat to the health and life of the mother is created. In this case, surgery may be required. However, at this time, the results of the examination may be inaccurate, so it is recommended to go through it again after about 3 weeks.
Possible problems
This aspect should be given special attention. To determine which fetus at 3 weeks of gestation is important because it does not always develop normally. According to doctors, various problems can develop as a result of various factors and individual characteristics of a woman’s body. The most common are the following:
- ectopic pregnancy;
- cessation of fetal development;
- inflammatory processes;
- miscarriage.
The first two problems are the most serious, since there is a high risk of involuntary abortion. In addition, if no action is taken in time, then a woman may develop serious complications.
When the fetus is 3 weeks from conception, the expectant mother is able to experience chronic inflammatory processes. The reasons for this may be quite a lot, but in most cases, sexually transmitted diseases are to blame. When carrying a child, they are especially dangerous, but if you go to the hospital in time and start treatment, you can completely recover without any harm to the baby. But the main danger of STDs is that in women, they often proceed secretly without any symptoms. Therefore, most expectant mothers learn about the problem after they develop various complications. In addition, adhesions and some gynecological diseases can be behind the inflammation. Therefore, it is very important to take pregnancy planning seriously and regularly visit a specialist. Due to inflammation of the uterine wall, the fetus at 3 weeks may not be fixed on it, and this is fraught with an ectopic pregnancy.
Another serious deviation in the first trimester is a halt to the development of the baby. This problem has not been fully studied, but most scientists and doctors agree that the reason for everything is the presence of genetic defects in women. In addition, pregnancy fading can develop due to improper lifestyle, bad habits, infectious diseases or pathologies in the development of the fetus at 3-4 weeks. To avoid all this, the expectant mother must constantly monitor her health, and when the first symptoms occur, you should immediately contact a qualified specialist.
With an ectopic pregnancy, further bearing of the fetus is impossible. The only way out is abortion. Fortunately, today in medicine there are many methods for its implementation, so in most cases it is possible to avoid surgical intervention.
Features of behavior and nutrition during pregnancy
Let's dwell on this aspect in more detail. As already mentioned earlier in this article, the fetus at 3 weeks is fixed on the wall of the uterus and begins to actively grow and develop. To do this, he needs vitamins, minerals and nutrients that the embryo receives from the mother's body. In order for a pregnancy to pass normally, a woman must take care of herself, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat well. Particular attention should be paid to the latter.
Many women think that if they eat more, they will do better for themselves and their unborn child. However, such an opinion is far from the truth. You need to monitor not the portion size, but the quality of the food. Allowed to eat during the first trimester of low-fat types of meat, various cereals, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. But from confectionery, fast food and flour will have to be completely abandoned. When planning a menu, doctors advise starting with foods rich in protein, since this component acts as a building material for the baby. Essential foods include red fish, spinach and cauliflower. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, necessary not only for the fetus, but also for the mother.
If you play sports, then for a while it is better to forget about it. Even if the fetal period is 3 weeks, excessive stress can be harmful. Yes, and it will be difficult for mom herself, because bearing a child and without exercise is very exhausting. It is better to try to walk more in the fresh air and sleep well. If sport is an important component of your life, then you need to consult a doctor and coordinate with him the permissible training programs.
General tips and tricks
Already for 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus needs maternal care and care. Therefore, the expectant mother must radically change her usual lifestyle. To ensure the development of the embryo is normal, doctors advise to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Reception of vitamin complexes. They will allow you to replenish the body's supply of missing nutrients. But the drugs must be agreed with the doctor.
- Give up tobacco and alcohol completely.
- Avoid stressful situations and emotional overload. This is due to the fact that any feelings and sensations are carried by pregnant women more strongly, so they get tired faster.
- Do not lift weights or do complex homework.
- Wear special shoes to reduce stress on shoes and reduce swelling.
All these tips are very easy to follow, but they will make it so that pregnancy will bring more joy, and also in a day you will become less tired and will feel better.
Perhaps the third week of pregnancy can be considered the most important. It is during this period that the fertilized egg is attached to the uterine wall, as well as the birth of a new life and the formation of the physical and psychological characteristics of the future person. Therefore, a woman should not forget for a second that she is already practically a mother. Indeed, from this moment she is responsible not only for herself, but also for her baby.