Should I take Verapamil during pregnancy?

Medications of this kind, like Verapamil, are called β€œheart” drugs in the common people, although their effect is rather complex. Such drugs can not be taken on their own, without first consulting a doctor.

Any pregnant woman before you start taking this or that drug, be sure to think about its safety for the unborn child. This anxiety is fully justified, because uncontrolled intake of various medications during pregnancy can adversely affect not only your health, but also the condition of the fetus. It is wonderful when the future mother is in good health, and she does not need any medications in order to feel great. But, unfortunately, far from all pregnant women feel great. With any questions you are interested in, you can always contact your doctor-gynecologist for advice. In this article, the use of Verapamil and Ginipral preparations during pregnancy will be considered , since they are quite often found in prescription sheets.

Verapamil during pregnancy

The drug Verapamil during pregnancy is prescribed with the aim of affecting the cardiovascular system. It belongs to the group of calcium antagonists. In pregnant women, the volume of circulating blood in the body increases, in connection with this, the load on the heart increases. Often, expectant mothers have various heart rhythm disturbances. This is manifested by symptoms such as pressing pains in the heart, difficulty breathing, heart palpitations. Also, some women experience high blood pressure. Periodic hypertensive crises are also possible. Attacks of variant or combined angina and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are not ruled out. For the treatment of these diseases, as well as the relief of conditions that pose a direct threat to the life of the mother and child, Verapamil is used during pregnancy.

Sometimes, using Verapamil during pregnancy, this can be accompanied by conditions in which the tone of the uterus increases. Which often leads to the threat of miscarriage and miscarriage before the due date. During this period, a woman can feel pulling pains in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, vaginal discharge. Uterine tone can be observed both at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy. To relieve this condition, Ginipral is widely used. One of the undesirable accompanying actions is a significant increase in heart rate. This condition is undesirable neither to the mother nor to the fetus. In order to avoid this, the joint prescription of such drugs as Verapamil and Ginipral is also used. In pregnancy, this is the most commonly used combination of drugs.

Accept or not?

Whether or not Veramapil is needed, its use can be determined only by the appointment of your attending physician. The dosage is adjusted and selected individually, depending on the frequency and severity of the symptoms that arise. As for the effect of food on the intake of this drug, one important feature should be noted - a verapamil tablet is taken with food. The use of ginipral is carried out after half an hour.

Before the doctor prescribes you Verapamil during pregnancy, he must necessarily assess the degree of risk to the fetus and the possible threat that may arise if you refuse to take this drug. After weighing the pros and cons, he will make the best decision for you and the future baby. The experience of prescribing this drug to pregnant women is quite large. Verapamil is contraindicated during breastfeeding and in the first trimester of pregnancy. At the same time, studies studying the effect of Verapamil on the fetus have not yet been conducted, and it is difficult to assess any risks with absolute certainty.

Only a competent and knowledgeable specialist will be able, after conducting research, to answer whether you should take Verapamil or not. Trust your doctor

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