How to give birth prematurely? Interest in this issue arises in women who, by the ninth month, are already somewhat tired of their condition and all the accompanying features of their well-being, as well as those who are approaching the expected date of birth, and doctors begin to talk about stimulation. Preterm birth is not always a pathology, but you also need to very carefully stimulate labor during labor and only on the recommendation of a doctor.
Estimated Delivery Date
Which births are considered premature? In fact, giving birth earlier than the expected date of birth (DA) is not always dangerous. Doctors determine the age of birth control in several ways: the obstetric term of labor is calculated by the date of the last menstrual period, the fetal period is determined by the date of ovulation, and by the results of an ultrasound scan. The date of birth is determined after the first visit to the antenatal clinic.
To calculate the DA, you need to take three months from the first day of the last menstruation and add seven days. Get exactly 40 weeks. This is not the most accurate way. However, some women who know the exact date of conception and base their calculations on it, then are surprised to find that the monthly forecast turned out to be a more accurate forecast.
The gestational age and estimated date of birth are determined by the day of ovulation. This is the most favorable day for conception, so the report is kept from this date. But it is difficult to carry out calculations with an unstable menstrual cycle, late or early ovulation. In addition, in some cycles there may be two ovulations. This occurs with drug stimulation of the ovaries.
At the first visit to the women's consultation, the gynecologist will determine the size of the uterus, the height of the bottom of the uterus, the volume of the abdomen, and the size of the fetus. According to these data, the doctor will draw conclusions about the gestational age and determine the approximate date of birth.
The most accurate method for calculating PDR is by ultrasound. During the first trimester, embryos practically do not differ in size, but in the second and third differences in weight and height can be significant. Therefore, PDR in the later stages is more difficult to predict.
What week do they usually give birth?
It is generally accepted that pregnancy lasts forty weeks. In fact, each organism is individual, so childbirth can happen either earlier or a little later. A full-term child is considered to be born no earlier than 37 weeks and no later than 42. But most often, labor occurs at 39-40 weeks. More than 70% of children appear for a period during this period.
But focusing on standard terms is only conditional. Some babies at 39 weeks have difficulty adapting to new conditions and are premature due to health reasons, while others are even ready at 35 weeks to be born. So the child chooses when it is better for him to be born.
What affects the term of birth of a child
Only 4-5% of babies are born at exactly 40 weeks (± 2-3 days). Can I give birth prematurely? This happens in most cases. But sometimes the children linger. What generally affects the term of labor? Doctors say that this is the length of the menstrual cycle, especially the course of pregnancy, heredity and some other factors.
So, if two pregnant women have the same period, then the actual age of the fetus can still be different. In one woman, the length of the menstrual cycle is 35 days, and in the other - 24 days, then ovulation, respectively, occurred on day 21 in one and 10 in the second. The difference between the fruits will be eleven days, that is, more than a week, which is a significant period for the embryo. In both cases, they will consider the same date of birth, although for these women the difference of 11 days will be quite normal.
The course of pregnancy also greatly affects the date of birth. Cases are documented when during the Great Patriotic War the children remained in utero for a very long time, up to 11 months instead of the normal nine. The likelihood of giving birth prematurely increases if there are problems, for example, the placenta cannot cope with its functions, the pregnancy is multiple, the fetus is large, the mother is diagnosed with gestational diabetes, polyhydramnios. There are other reasons.
“Can I give birth prematurely?” - Women think, among the closest relatives of whom there were cases of premature birth. In this matter, a hereditary predisposition really plays a significant role. If a pregnant mother has babies born prematurely, it is highly likely that this woman will give birth earlier. So, the terms of a normal birth are not limited to a precisely calculated number.
Preterm birth: from which week
At the beginning of pregnancy, expectant mothers worry about a possible miscarriage, and later - about the premature birth of a baby. But even if the baby was born before 37 weeks, most likely, you should not worry much. Now doctors are successfully nursing children weighing one kilogram, and many survive even if the birth occurred before the 27-28th week.
But at this time, the child must be born in the hospital. Only in this way will he be able to get everything necessary for survival. From the 27th to the 28th week, the baby will be considered premature, but it has a good chance of survival. From the 24th to the 27th week, the baby appears with low body weight. The prognosis depends on the conditions of nursing, complications during pregnancy and childbirth.
Before the 24th, nursing a baby (especially in domestic medicine is very difficult), so the chances are very low.
How to give birth prematurely: advice from doctors
When the gestational age approaches 40 weeks, doctors begin to talk with the expectant mother about the artificial stimulation of childbirth. In a hospital, childbirth is stimulated by the introduction of pharmacological drugs, but there are many alternative methods that will help accelerate labor. So how to give birth prematurely? There are enough methods. Expectant mothers begin to be interested in them when "the time is tight."
Nipple massage
If necessary, give birth prematurely, the effectiveness of this method is confirmed by doctors. During breast stimulation, oxytocin is released. This is a hormone that provokes the onset of labor. It is he who is administered with artificial stimulation. It is necessary to massage each breast in turn. There should be several sessions per day, every fifteen minutes. Almost half of the expectant mothers were able to independently give birth in this way.
Physical activity
How to give birth ahead of schedule? Do sport! Of course, you shouldn’t download the press and jump, but staying in one place is a bad idea. In order to start the bouts faster, walking is recommended, but many women experiment with other loads. Expectant mothers go down and up the stairs, and some argue that their contractions began after mopping. In any case, feasible physical activity does not hurt. In addition, during them, the child will take the correct position.
What to do to give birth prematurely? Generic activity stimulates sex. This is due to hormones that are found in seminal fluid, and a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. Many women use this pleasant and useful method when overriding or if the expected date of birth is getting closer, but there is no hint of labor. But do not have sex if the water has already moved (an infection may get into it). And if placenta previa is diagnosed, you can not treat sex as a method of giving birth prematurely. Intimacy should lead to an orgasm of both partners in order to cause uterine contractions and oxytocin secretion.
Bowel function
How to give birth prematurely? The methods are not limited to stimulation of the nipples, intimacy and physical activity. Some mothers believe that the onset of labor was provoked by the active work of the intestines. Therefore, it is recommended to eat foods that weaken, that is, beets, kefir, dried fruits. Contraction of the intestine affects the uterus, which is located nearby, so that it also begins to contract.
Fresh pineapple
Those who gave birth prematurely leave reviews about pineapples as a way of stimulation. Exotic fruit should be consumed fresh and in large quantities. The stimulating effect is explained by bromelain, which is contained in pineapple. This method has been little studied, little known, so you should use it with caution. Be sure to make sure that there is no allergy to pineapples.
Castor oil
Castor oil has a laxative effect, so it causes contractions due to increased bowel function. In the reviews, women argue that to stimulate labor, it is enough to drink 150 ml of the drug. To improve palatability, castor is diluted with fruit juices. This method is effective, but before using you need to think carefully about the appropriateness of its use. In the later stages, castor oil will not bring any benefit, it can cause indigestion and vomiting, as well as dehydration of the body.
Raspberry leaves
Advice from doctors on how to give birth prematurely includes traditional medicine recipes. Raspberry leaves, for example, not only gently stimulate labor, but also prepare the body for childbirth, and also help the uterus recover faster. You need to start drinking the infusion in advance - from about 37 weeks. Reviews of women indicate that many of those who took the infusion actually gave birth on time or a little earlier.
Of course, one can argue about the reliability, because it is not known in which case nature took care of the birth of the baby, and in which the decoction of raspberry leaves helped.
Talking with a child and singing
Singing or talking with a child will help to solve the problem of how to give birth prematurely. This method is not confirmed by official medicine, although singing does cause internal tissue vibration and tension in the pelvic organs. It will help during childbirth. Singing can reduce pain from contractions.
Many women have colorful dreams during pregnancy. To give birth prematurely in a dream - this does not always mean that this will happen in life. Usually such a dream promises success in business, joy and prosperity, happiness in personal life and monetary profit. A pregnant woman can only have such a dream in connection with the desire to quickly see her newborn baby.
other methods
The following methods can be used only after consulting a doctor, and their effectiveness is proven only by reviews. It has a good effect on intestinal motility and causes uterine contractions to clear the enema. Fasting has helped some, but it’s important to remember that it is dangerous. A woman should be rested, and inadequate nutrition does not contribute to this. From other folk remedies, evening primrose oil is recommended. This is a natural substitute for certain hormones that prepares the birth canal for childbirth. There is a side effect: the use of oil can delay lactation. Spicy foods or washing floors with hands (squatting), washing windows, the idea that contractions have already begun, and meditation help some women to give birth.
How to give birth in a hospital
Stimulation is carried out after 40 weeks if there is evidence and only for childbirth through natural routes. Most often, the fetal bladder is opened, after which the production of a special hormone is activated, which is responsible for changes in the cervix and activation of labor. After opening the fetal bladder, a reflex contraction of the birth canal occurs.
If the contractions after this do not begin, then the introduction of special drugs that stimulate labor is prescribed. With weak labor, intravenous administration of oxytocin is allowed only six hours after the onset of labor. Contraindications are the presence of a scar on the uterus after CS or complicated births, pronounced signs of a fetal condition, multiple pregnancy, asthma, increased intraocular pressure, a narrow pelvis, an allergy in the mother, or amniotic fluid leakage.
Before stimulating childbirth, women need to get enough sleep to be ready and rested. A positive psychological attitude and physical preparation of the body for childbirth are important. This will help proper nutrition throughout pregnancy, treatment of chronic diseases in a timely manner, correction of disorders, intake of vitamins. Before stimulation, it is necessary to determine whether the gestational age is correctly set.
Features of the course of preterm birth
Preterm birth (from the 28th to the 37th week) can cause some problems, and the signs of prematurity in such children are determined immediately after birth.
Babies born prematurely usually weigh less than 2500 grams, grow less than 45 cm, have a lot of grease on their skin, their ears and nose cartilage are soft. In boys, the testes may not yet be lowered into the scrotum, and in girls, the clitoris and labia minora are not covered with large ones. The presence of one symptom does not indicate prematurity of the child. In addition, babies born prematurely are not always premature. As mentioned earlier, even at week 35, the baby can be ready for childbirth and can easily adapt to environmental conditions. It is individual.
Prognosis for the baby during preterm birth
Thinking about how to give birth ahead of time, you need to consider that in this case there are risks for the baby. Depending on the term, preterm birth is divided into three periods: at 22-27 weeks, at 28-30 weeks, at 34-37 weeks. With a fetal weight of 500 g to 1 kg (at the 22-27th week), premature birth is often caused by trauma in previous births, infection of the fetal bladder or its ruptures. In this group there are usually few primiparas.
With a fetal weight of 1000-1800 grams (at the 28-33th week), the baby is much easier to leave. Such children are considered to be premature, but not so long are specially registered in perinatal centers or hospitals in the community, like those who were born earlier. Primiparous in this category are about 30%. Delivery for a period of 34-37 weeks can be caused by a variety of reasons. In most cases, the lungs of the fetus (and other organs) are quite mature, so that children are rarely transferred to the intensive care unit. But constant care and careful monitoring are absolutely necessary in all cases (until the child’s condition stabilizes).
In general, why give birth prematurely? The reasons include the presence of malformations of the uterus, a large load on the uterus when bearing a child (multiple pregnancy, large fetus, polyhydramnios), placenta previa or detachment, premature rupture of the water membrane. The risk of giving birth to a baby earlier than the DA is increased if the woman previously artificially terminated the pregnancy or in the past there was a threat of premature birth.
Physical work, poor nutrition, and the psychological atmosphere at work or at home can provoke a premature onset of the birth process. A certain risk is pregnancy at a mature or too young age.
Legal issues and reviews
Many women are interested in the issue of payments and the length of maternity leave during preterm birth. So, if childbirth occurred earlier by 10 days, it turns out that the duration of antenatal leave was 60 days. In this case, the postpartum increases by the same 10 days, that is, it will not be 70, but 80 days. As for maternity, if she gave birth prematurely, payments are saved throughout the vacation. The allowance is calculated on average earnings or the size of the scholarship, if the expectant mother is still studying at the university.
So, there are several popular and official ways to cause childbirth if the process is delayed. But with any of the methods you need to be careful, because it is purely individual, and some means have contraindications. It is important to consult a doctor, because any actions of the mother affect not only her own health, but also a favorable prognosis for the child. If doctors are not in a hurry, it is better to wait for the baby to choose when it is better for him to be born. These mechanisms are regulated by nature. Women are still advised to be careful in trying to cause the birth process. Do not drink medications on your own, as they can cause not only labor. It is important to consider the course of the disease, the risks, so as not to harm yourself and the child.