According to statistics throughout our lives, each of us eats about 50 tons of food. This list includes vegetables, and bread, and meat products, and even canned goods and sweets - all that the modern food industry supplies us with. And since caring for our daily bread is one of the basic human needs, this part of the national economy is very important all over the world.
Important Notice
And specialists with professional knowledge on how to properly manufacture, store, combine food, as well as developing new technologies for their processing and production, are highly rated on the labor market. And including in our country. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the calendar of professional holidays in Russia there is a food industry day .
history of the holiday
Let's talk a little about this celebration. The Day of the food truck arose under the Soviet Union. Like many others, it was officially approved by a Decree of the Presidium in 1966. Then the food industry in the USSR only began to gain momentum and develop at a high speed.
This profession has become prestigious and in demand, and achievements in this field were known around the world and were demonstrated at international exhibitions of the national economy. Therefore, a large number of people flocked to this industry, and specialized higher and secondary specialized educational institutions arose in almost every major city in the country.
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Due to professional qualities and a high level of knowledge and skills among specialists in this industry, each of us has on our table a variety and abundance of various food products. A large number of new products that appear every year on the shelves of food stores is also their merit. And adaptation, introduction to the menu of catering of dishes of other nations - are also carried out by the workers of the food industry. Their work brings diversity and abundance to our lives.And another newfangled function of these people is the development and compliance with food safety standards. This requirement of the world community is caused by the latest developments in the field of genetic engineering and the chemical industry in the field of fertilizers.Conclusion
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