Thinning shears - for professionals

For the hairdresser, scissors are one of the main tools. Currently, manufacturers produce a variety of models, but choosing a quality tool for hairdressers is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

Tool selection:

1. Material

The classic version of the scissors is made of carbon steel (the higher the carbon content, the better the tool can be hardened). On the packaging you can see the HRC sign, which indicates the level of hardness, which varies from 58 to 62 on the Rockwell scale. If the level is above 62, then such scissors should not be purchased, since they will be fragile. The tool may also have an additional chrome or titanium coating, which is hypoallergenic and resistant to wear.

2. Blade sharpening

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Thinning scissors


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Professional scissors for hairdressers


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Currently, there are a huge number of manufacturers of tools for hairdressers. But Japanese scissors are especially popular, especially in England, Scandinavia, Russia, since this country has strict quality requirements due to the hair structure of the local residents (they are hard and thick). Scissors made in Japan are interesting for their design, have a serial number and manufacturer data. If the inscription "Japanese steel" is on the packaging of the instrument, it means that they were made in another country, but using the specified steel.

Tool for hairdressers

7. Cost

, , , . 150 . ( , ) . .


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- Once every 6 months, consult with a specialist who will help you monitor the health of the scissors.

Have a good choice!

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