Sphynx cats with hair. Types of sphinx wool

Sphynx cats are not always completely hairless. Some animals are born with short hair, resembling velvet or plush in appearance. In most cases, the hair follicles weaken over time, and the villi fall out. However, in some animals, hair remains throughout life. It can cover the body in whole or in part. In the article we will consider in detail the features of sphynx cats with hair and their hairline varieties.

Varieties of sphinxes

Sphinxes were bred in 1966 in Canada. This breed originates from a kitten that was born completely bald. In the process of selection, a mutation was fixed, which leads to the absence of hair. So the breed - the Canadian sphinx was bred. It has existed for more than 50 years and is recognized by all felinological organizations.

About 25 years ago, breeds were bred in Russia:

  • Don Sphinx;
  • Peterbold (St. Petersburg Sphinx).

These animal species are recognized by the World Cat Federation. Currently, these breeds are in the process of formation.

The following types of wool sphinxes are available:

  • naked;
  • flock;
  • velours;
  • brush;
  • straight-haired.

Naked cats are considered the most valuable for breeding. They have completely no hair, and the skin is soft and warm to the touch. Such animals are called "plasticine" or "rubber." They have a fairly large body size. Naked sphinx kittens, as a rule, are born bald.

Naked sphinx

In the Don breed and peterbolds, all of the above types of hairline are found. They can be either bald or barely noticeable.

Canadian sphinxes are carriers of the baldness gene. However, this species of cats is never completely naked. They always have a small hairline.


Many owners note the friendly and light nature of the sphinxes with hair. Cats of this breed have the following advantages:

  • lack of aggression;
  • high intelligence;
  • learning ability;
  • good coping with other types of animals;
  • pickiness in food;
  • cleanliness.

In addition, sphinxes with hair are considered healing cats. They have increased heat transfer, and the surface of the hairline always remains hot. These animals can be used as a live heating pad. They are extremely affectionate and love to snuggle up to the human body.


Many people consider sphinxes to be hypoallergenic cats. However, hairy breeds can cause allergies. Especially often, a negative reaction occurs after contact with the Canadian and Don Sphynxes with hair. Cats of this breed sweat a lot and need frequent bathing. Their skin produces a protein that can trigger an allergy in humans.

Naked sphinxes are not characterized by feline independence. These animals like to be with their owner all the time. However, cats with hair are more self-sufficient. They are not always willing to sit on their hands and allow themselves to be stroked.

Sphynx cats with hair can be lazy. They are less active and playful than their bald congeners. These cats are often quite touchy. You can’t be too strict with them. Otherwise, the plush sphinx can refuse food for a long time and even get sick.


Newborn kittens may look bald. But upon closer examination, rare hairs no more than 2 mm long can be seen on the skin. Sphinx flock has wool, reminiscent of velvet in structure. It covers the entire body of the animal.

Don sphynx flock kittens

A short coat is preserved only in childhood and young age. As the animal grows older, the hairs gradually thin out, and then completely disappear. By about 2 years, cats become completely bald.


In velor cats, the hair looks longer and lush than in flock animals. Sphinx velor is born with a velvet hairline that is clearly visible to the touch. The length of the villi can reach up to 3 mm. In velor peterbolds, the hair on the paws, muzzle and tail is longer than in other parts of the body.

With age, the hair follicles die off. Velor Don Sphinxes completely lose their hair. In adulthood, these cats look completely bald. In adult peterbolds, residues of hair on the paws and head can remain.

Sphinx Velor


The name of this breed comes from the English word "brash", which means "brush" in translation. The hair of such cats is tough, dense and curly. It resembles the rare nap of an old brush.

Brush kittens are born fully or partially coated with hair. On the neck and head there may be areas without hairline. Over time, wool often falls out, but it can also remain forever. Weather conditions, vaccinations, and hormonal changes can affect baldness of the sphinx brush. This breed also has curly vibrissa (mustache).

This kind of cats is rarely allowed to participate in exhibitions. However, brush sphinxes are often acquired for breeding. They are bred with completely naked cats. In this case, hairless kittens are born. Two bald animals cannot be crossed, as they can give non-viable offspring. The dominant gene that causes baldness is very susceptible to mutations.

Peterbolds have a brushpoint wool coat. Kittens have a longer pile on the muzzle, legs and tail. These parts of the body are called points. Wool in these areas persists in adulthood. The remaining parts of the body are exposed as cats grow older or are covered with flock pile.

Kitten peterbold brush

Straight-haired cats

Right-handed sphinxes are covered with regular pile. They have a straight mustache. With age, the hair does not go away, the hair remains forever.

Right-haired cats are obtained by crossing sphinxes with Siamese and Oriental breeds. They lack the hairless gene. Despite the presence of hair, straight-haired animals are classified as sphinxes. Their appearance, character and habits are characteristic of this breed of cats. The villi on the body are considered the heritage of oriental cats.

Flat Coated Sphinx

Rough-haired animals are mainly found among Peterbalds, less commonly among Don Sphinxes. Sometimes kittens with hair are born in completely bald individuals. This is due to malfunctions in genetics.

This variety of sphinxes cannot take part in exhibitions. Right-haired kittens are rejected from breeding. Having a permanent hairline is considered a deviation from breed standards.

Canadian Sphinx

This cat breed is never completely naked. Kittens of the Canadian sphinx do not appear bald. Their hairline resembles suede. In adulthood, the hair remains on the nose, behind the ears, as well as on the legs and tail. It has the appearance of thin twisted villi. Canadian sphinxes have all of the above types of wool.

Canadian sphinx kitten


Should I buy a sphinx kitten covered in hair? It depends on the purpose of buying the animal. If you plan to participate in exhibitions, it is better to opt for hairless cat species. Animals with hair may be prevented from exposure. However, most breeds with hairline (except for straight-haired) can participate in breeding and give bald offspring. In addition, sphinxes with wool can be great pets. They are distinguished by the absence of aggression, friendliness and affection.

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