Quite often, many users, when any system failures occur, use the safe system boot mode, which is provided in Windows. But the trouble is: the sound is completely absent. Even trying to start the built-in Windows Sound service fails. Therefore, now the question will be considered on how to enable sound mode and soundcard driver support in safe mode.
Do I need sound in safe mode?
As you know, safe mode is not intended for everyday work, but for troubleshooting problems that arise in the system, if it is impossible to do this in the usual way in a fully functional OS. Accordingly, the sound in this case is not absolutely necessary, because after eliminating the malfunction or malfunction, the user still then restarts the system in normal mode.
, , , . , Skype, ( ) . , , . , .
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, Windows 7 , regedit «» (Win + R).
HKLM, - SOFRWARE, CurrentControlSet, Control, SafeBoot ( , , ). . , Minimal, – Network.
, , Windows. :
- AudioSRV.
- AudioEndPointBuilder.
- {4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
, . Service, - Sound, Video and Game Controllers. .
, . , , Minimal , Network, . , . , , .
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ZMax Safe Mode Sound, , . (Minimal Network), , «OK» . , REG-, .
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