How to cut hair quickly and efficiently in Photoshop

Sooner or later, each user mastering the work in a graphical editor begins to be interested in how to cut hair in Photoshop. We will deal with the most effective ways to cut objects with complex contours.

Highlight complex objects in Photoshop

Clarify the edge

In general, to be precise, the problem is not how to cut hair in Photoshop (this is elementary), but how to select them with maximum detail and accuracy. Superiority here, perhaps, belongs to the tool "Refine the edge."

This outstanding function (Refine Edge) has added to the arsenal of Photoshop tools since CS5 and has been added to the upper right of the tool settings panel.

How to cut hair in photoshop

" " , . , , " CS6".

, , " ". , " ", .

how to cut hair in photoshop

, " " (View mode), . " " (Marching Ants), "" (Overlay), " " (On Black), " " (On White), "-" (Black & White), " " (On Layers) " " (Reveal Layer). - , , , "" , "-".

(Edge Detection) . " " (Smart Radius), ( ) . .

"" (Radius) , ( ) . .

(Adjust Edge). "" (Smooth) , . (Feather) , , "" (Contrast) " " (Shift Edge) .

, , . .

- ( ), " " (Refine radius tool) , , . , , . , " " ().

" " (Output To) , "" (Selection), "-" (Layer Mask), " " (New Layer), " -" (New Layer with Layer Mask), " " (New Document) " -" (New Document with Layer Mask). , , , , "" , , , "", OK.

, Delete, , " " (Decontaminate Color). (), , , . "" , , . "" (Amount) , "".

, - , "" , . , , . , "" (Channels) .

, , , , , .

how to cut hair in photoshop

, , , , , () . /, "" "", " " (Channel Mixer).

, Channel Mixer , , "".

How to cut hair in photoshop

, (Ctrl + A) "" " " (Shift + Ctrl + C). "" - ( ).

(Ctrl + A) , (Ctrl + V) ( ), (Ctrl + D) , " > ", "". , , , , .

, Ctrl, - ( ), "", " " , , Delete, .

, , " " "".

, "" , , , "" (Extract) "" (Filter). ( -) .

cut hair in photoshop cs6

( ), , Edge Highlighter ( ). (Brush Size), "" , . , , . (Eraser Tool), / / (Ctrl +/-) (Ctrl + Z).

Smart Highlighting ( ), , , "".

"" , , . (Fill Tool) "" , , , . , OK .

( ) Quick selection tool ( ), . , , , . , , , " ", " ".

, "" . , , , .

"", , , , "" (Pen Tool), "" (Smudge Tool) ( ). , , , .

( > " "), (Ctrl + J), , , , "", , .

"", , - " ".

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