If the dog has constipation: what to do?

constipation in a dog what to do

Almost each of us has our own pet, whom we cherish and cherish. The state of their health excites us as much as our own. And sometimes even more. After all, dogs are smart, but dumb animals, and they canโ€™t tell us about their ailments. One of the common troubles is dog constipation. What to do in such cases? How to help your faithful friend?

Causes of constipation

In normal condition, your dog should relieve the need 1-2 times a day. If you notice that this does not happen, then it is worth taking a closer look at the animal. The catastrophe usually does not bring dire consequences. What to do in such cases, any veterinarian or experienced dog breeder will explain to you. But it would be nice to think about the causes of the phenomenon. What triggered a violation of bowel movements? The following factors may contribute to this:

  1. Eating problems. Your favorite sweet buns are a treat for you, but not for your pet at all. All these sweets, smoked meats and other delicacies can easily cause constipation in a dog. What to do in this case? For the future, simply do not give them to her. A quite useful product can also provoke this ailment. For example, natural meat. This applies to cases where you prefer to feed the dog only to them. Food should be balanced. Therefore, it is better to look at ready-made feeds that take into account all the needs of your friend.
  2. A large number of bones. Many of us believe that the dog just needs to bite the bones. Meanwhile, the bones cause bowel obstruction. And the birds are completely dangerous.
    dog constipation symptoms

    They break down into sharp fragments and can pierce internal organs. It is better to buy bones from veins for your pets.
  3. Lack of water. No other liquid goodies (broths or milk) can replace water. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the dog always has fresh water.
  4. Binge eating. Of course, the well-fed sides look very pretty, but will your pet have a happy face? After all, systematic overfeeding leads not only to constipation, but also to obesity.
  5. Inactivity. This is especially true for retired dogs. They need to move, because this is the only way to increase intestinal tone.
  6. Foreign object in the stomach. If your dog is not averse to borrowing a cellophane bag with forgotten meat or a rag from a torn rubber ball sometimes without demand, this can also lead to constipation. Here you canโ€™t do without a veterinarian.

Constipation in a dog: symptoms

How do you know if your dog is not okay? In fact, you will understand everything by its appearance, but there are other signs:

  1. Bloating. This is due to the accumulation of gases. Even at a distance, you can hear intrauterine rumbling.
  2. Poor appetite. When your dog suffers from bowel obstruction, he refuses food.
    dog constipation how to treat

  3. Lethargy and weakness. The dog does not want to play, go for a walk. All this indicates one thing - she is unwell.

Dog constipation: how to treat?

As Exupery said, we are responsible for those we tamed. Therefore, if you see that something is wrong with your pet, it should be treated. No need to think that everything will go away by itself. Will not pass. And if it does, then it will be an imaginary recovery, which then will still make itself felt.

So, you are faced with a problem - constipation in a dog. What to do?

  • You can introduce a soap solution or glycerol solution into the anus. Oil also helps. Use a syringe for this. Fluids should be no more than 1-2 tablespoons.
  • In food during this period, you must add up to 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, milk and prunes. Several berries should be chopped and sprinkled in porridge. The amount of prune depends on the weight of the animal.
  • What to give a dog from constipation with medication? Anuzol candles help well. Lactulose preparations (for example, "Lactusan" or "Dufalac") soften feces.
  • Effectively relieve pain novocaine blockade, drugs "Baralgin" or "No-Shpa".
    what to give the dog from constipation

  • If there are no contraindications, then your pet can be given an enema.

Laxative for animals

In general, there are several types of laxatives for dogs:

  • You can use plant varieties (buckthorn bark).
  • Of the salt, magnesium or sodium sulfate helps.
  • From synthetic it is possible to advise "Bisacodyl" or "Purgen".
  • All types of oil are related to oil: castor, vaseline, sunflower and others.

Prevention of constipation in a dog

What to do so that once constipation arises, never repeats again, and your dog is cheerful and healthy?

  1. Keep track of your pet's nutrition. A very good remedy for the prevention of constipation is pumpkin. For a small dog weighing up to 11 kg, 1 spoon per day will be enough. But if the weight of your dog is more than 20 kg, then you will need 3 spoons.
  2. Walk the dogs more often. She should not just walk intelligently next to you, but run, jump, then constipation will disappear without a trace.
  3. Pay attention to hygiene. A tangled coat, especially the one on the back, needs to be cut from time to time, and the dog should be bathed constantly.

Following these simple recommendations, you will raise a healthy and happy dog.

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