Despite the fact that the latest operating system from Microsoft Windows 10 seems to be free, it still needs to be activated. Otherwise, after some time, the system will display an activation message resembling a watermark, and some functions will become inaccessible (in particular, personalizing settings), and after every one and a half to two hours of operation, a spontaneous reboot will occur. But even if there are no such serious symptoms, the notification itself is clearly annoying. About how to remove the inscription "Activating Windows 10", then the conversation will go. There is nothing particularly complicated about this, however, all actions should be performed so that the OS is not compromised.
Windows 10 activation: how to remove the label legally?
. , . , .
, , , ( ) . , « 10». « Windows 10»? . , , , .
« Windows 10» ?
, regedit «» , - .
, « Windows 10» , . , . HKLM SOFTWARE ProtectionPlatform, Activation. Manual, , , , .
REG- AutoActivationOff.reg, , . , .
, , « Windows 10», .
, . . , , , , ( ).
. Universal Watermark Disabler WCP Watermark Editor, , . .
, (, ).
Re-Loader Activator KMSAuto Net. . « », , Windows.
: . ( ) . .
, , Microsoft Office .
In the end, the only unresolved issue is what exactly to use from all this. It seems that it is best to give preference to automatic activation utilities, since you can get rid of the inscription using other methods, but the full functionality of the system is not guaranteed, although disabling notification in the registry will not particularly affect the operation of OS tools.